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Posts posted by (XBOX)DoomsdayopsDMZ

  1. chibitonka you aren't offering anything of actual substance. i have been ignoring pretty much you only. i have actually been taking plenty of responses into account why i brought up nightwave because someone made a very good point with that i overlooked and i am on a more options stance really now especially cause i hate trading would rather do bounties. just ignoring yours :).

  2. And i will add if nightwave or some other event was kept as a constant (correct me if nightwave is limited time) never leaving thing and gave slots as rewards. i wouldn't mind that to, you have to work for it but in a different way one which could be more fun to you. sounds awesome.

  3. they have more than enough money and ways to monetize to let you just keep whatever you build give,unlimited slots. i take the time out of my day to gather why should i have to pick and choose. you don't have to keep everything no but if you like a lot of things weapons whatever i don't understand why it's okay to have to again farm to go and get platinum from trading or wherever then pay to slot what you just spent all that time working for. just let us have fun with the massive arsenal.

    it is a fair concern and wouldn't slide in most other games. you can't give players tons of toys and at the same time put a plat barrier there. regardless of economy. 

    if they just can't part with them make slots buyable with credits. beats paying for something so tiny that in ANY case of games should be a given included especially when said game also has cosmetics along with a ever growing equipment list. regardless of f2p status. 

  4. i have been a huge fan for a long time. accounts on 2 platforms. that being said the thing this game needs to get rid of and i have seen the same sentiment enough with others is slots.

    this game has countless warframes thst keep coming and countless weapons that keep adding plus tons of cosmetics etc. yet you expect us to pay for the privilege to collect frames and weapons. i myself have gotten to a point where i can't finish some weapons or frames i would like to try out because my slots are already filled with my favorite stuff. there is enough cool stuff people would rather spend their money on. how can you play around with such a diverse arsenal when you keep getting asked to get slots :(.

    if fans feel the same say so and digital extremes you have a good rep for listening to fans so please see this.

    this tenno thanks you

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