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Posts posted by StarwindNightwind

  1. There is no problem if you're use to using Right Bumper for melee attacks, But I changed mine to a button and now we can't set it.  The key bindings are the only thing that have both options.  No Controller options, save for quick melee, if you clear off your Right bumper from being anything else it will go back to the default Melee button.  Sorry but Right bumper is not a good button to be constantly hitting for combos.

  2. The problem lies in there being no Option for controllers to map the Melee main attack button.  You were probably like me, switched RBumper for b button on xbox controller and when the hot fix updated, .. nothing, unless of course you were using a gun in main, your quick attacks still worked, but not the main melee.  I'm posting wherever I see this problem and hope they get it fixxed quickly, my poor Right Bumper can't take this pain of comboing.  (btw, you can make it work if you just clear your Right bumper off, it'll default back to it's old spot there)

  3. There is no option on the controller for Melee main attacks and if you press E on the keyboard it works, Thing is we are using controllers and I would like to bind my B key to Melee attack while melee is main weapon.  Please look into this for we who use controllers are at a disadantage, unless we have to mess with the Config file, which I'm about to see about, or see if anyone else has a work around.  So please keep posting here if you're having this problem so they know it's a problem.


    All we want is the ability to remap what buttons uses melee attack while main is melee.  I  rather not use right bumper for melee attacks as those bumper keys are fragile enough and spamming combos is going to break those buttons faster.  I use right bumper for crouching so I can slide and use B for melee attacks.  When this update hit I was like why I'm not swinging, I saw the problem and hope you can at least add it to the options in our controller remaps.  Thanks in advance

  4. I'd like to be able to type at the end of every mission to tell everyone Great game, well play good job or what not, but you can't do that on other missions and this problem here, I think there's another flaw with the defense all together, like if you're indecisive, and you don't select, it kicks you out with no rewards even though you finished the wave with your group.  Either way, your belittling his concerns if you ask me by saying "play this way and it won't happen." But sometimes you go through 5 waves so fast you're not likely to keep count in the corner of the screen, especially if you're sniping and the hud that you normally see isn't always clear to read.  I can't wait for the new Hud maybe that'll fix a few things with tracking but perhaps there needs to be a little attention here to adjust how the chat side should really work in correlation with the game,  Maybe chat needs to be a separate program all together running in the game, and you can just pull the window wherever you want and it main focuses the chat window so it doesn't interrupt the game play.

  5. Been doing alot of Captures with my friends every day or so, trying to get Ember Prime to drop.  We managed to secure the main blue print and the Helmet.  No matter how many times we do the run for capture 2 or 3 we can't get any more parts to drop because well lets face it, you have to capture 2 ppl, but only one reward? 


    I suggest you either offer 2 rewards per effort since you have to get 2 captives, or Move half the loot to Survival Derelict so it's worth doing.  Capture is too saturated and not offering a reward worth the effort.  I'm not enjoying it one bit, and sure a Prime should be harder to obtain, but looking back, Mag came easy, Frost prime came easy.  Ember is just being so elusive.  I accepted that for a while, but after a week or 2 of doing it with my friends to get another piece to drop...


    Main Blue Print dropped from Defense Derelict.  We got lucky on a capture 1 to get the helmet ,but we did well over 20+ capture 3's and at least 10 + 2's and not getting anything but forma blue prints or paris or whatever bp and nothing for ember dropping. 


    Survival could use more Loot that would make it worth while doing.  And has more room to drop more then one reward.  Capture is too limited to it's reward and the effort belittles itself.  I'm sure I'm not the only one griping but can you please do something, multiple drops like you do the boss fight with 2 bosses in Phobes, so why not 2 drops here in capture with multiple captures. 


    Well that's my rant.  Hope to see something change here one day.  Captures are super annoying

  6. Why should I be bothered to unequip this particular card on several frames, one at a time trying to remember which frames has it equip.. Why don't DE offer a "unequip from all frames" when fusinioning?  If that's the solution make it easy on us to take it off the frames and remind us to re-add them when we're done or something.  I am getting lagged with this trying to up vitality, serrations, hornet strikes the cards that you use across the board on multiple frames I'm sure or multiple weapons you love to use.   IF it exceeds a particular warframe's limit, ask us to confirm removing so we can continue adding to that card.  Worst  case scenario if we change frames, we'll just slap another card lower rank on there to replace it later if we have it.  This lag issue is nonsense, and hurting gameplay,  "Remove the card, it'll speed up then" Eh, yeah .. no.  I shouldn't have to remove it if it's not needed. 

  7. Using and using and killing is 2 different things, Try formaing your nova and loki and see who you can get to 30 the fastest.  I bet you nova wins. 


    I also know that i'm repeating what they're already aware of when it came to that boss fight though, it was really stupid so I'm just voicing my concern, I mean we still beat it, but it was $&*&*#(%& how we had to use the gameplay we had available to us.  It wasn't stable gameplay or fun.  challenge is nice but seeing nerf balls hitting your mobs... not so fun seeing 3's and 1's.


    And the disconnecting issues was just stating it.  I'm aware they're always trying to fix it, but this happens when we know who has the best connection, my friend who invites us, who has higher upload speed then I do.  usually it's just us 2 or our third friend who's actually on the same network as my first friend. 


    Just allow me to vent my concerns without trying to belittle my arguments with "well you should try this" I am not going to try something that's going to urk me even more and reward me even less.  So I'm hoping to hear back from DE about changes that will make these aspects of the game fun instead of forcing us into certain damage types otherwise you're SOL.


    Also another issue, Our reads aren't saving when we load a new card onto our frames or weapons.  Randomly I'll adjust, apply and exit.  Then enter a game and the changes were reverted.  Lag spike?  Bad read on network to notice I made the changes? I don't know but that's causing me to go into places with the wrong weapon set up in the first place!

  8. First off my most recent discovery with the Leveling system is good for anyone that can kill mobs with a warframe ability... unless you're LOKI.  I was leveling loki and looked at all 4 abilities and not one of them can kill an enemy so that means he can't get bonus xp for warframe at all.  Warframes like Ember, Volt or Mag can AOE kill with warframe abilities giving them a lead in xp and damage.  Tactical Warframes lose in the xp gain and therefore can't compete to lvl 30 as fast as other frames. 


    Next discovery, Dual boss fight in Phobos.  Slashing damage went WAY down the fall off line.  The bosses were level 41 and I get that they're resistant to a point with slash but to make it only pop 3 per swing.  The only way we were able to complete the fight at all without aborting was using Charge attacks.  Vor is hard to keep up with while charging a weapon. Just saying.


    Melee weapons still vanishing from Valkyr when switching between hysteria with Galatine and Lectra (from what I ran with so far so probably other weapons as well.)


    Also having alot of problems maintaining connections with host when in the past we had no problems what so ever.  Like me and my friend would start a game, and as we're about to load, instant Host Migration and we get separated.  Happens even more so when we have our third friend join our group and splits us from the host.


    I'm sure many others have probably touched over these already, but I'm reposting our concerns from our group.  Thanks for a wonderful game, and hope for one Loki can get better exp gain.  well any utility frame.

  9. Faction: Ancient Tenno weaponry from ages long lost.

    Fully upgraded from ancient mechanics to accommodate a Tenno's need in the field.

    Bladed fans also known as Gunsens were used as concealable weapons in Feudal Japan. There has been use of this weapons from characters from Mortal Kombat, Kitara.

    I basically made this one, granite I can't draw but I would really love a double bladed fan version just to put on my Trinity so she can do the Fan Dance of Doom. Grip is basically held at the bottom, it could be almost like how hand to hand weapons are held, but the wrist can adjust the angle of the swipes. Basic swings could be slash attacks from left to right. Leaping attack could lead into Downward Slash attack, basically this thing can work almost as fluid as a sword and even have more fluid motion from one attack to the next, chaining quick succession attacks into one fluid motion. Could strain the stamina while actively fluid to give it purpose use and max duration of sorts of how long you can keep the fluid motion rolling. Charge attack could be Tenno crouching low and preparing to spring forth on their prey, slash and dash from left to right as they go. Rolling out at the end and possibly going into fluid motion swings by continuous melee attacking. I hope you consider the idea over the concept art. Arty ppl make me jelly <3


  10. Only thing that Nekros really needs is Animation interupted.  Ability to cast his stuff without being stuck to the animation lock down.  Mobile casting desecration maybe? quick pause and a "boo" for terrify and quickly back to the action instead of ranting like a lunatic stuck in place waiting for the spell to go off.  As for his ult, I can see maybe a 1-2 sec delay holding in place, but the current lock can have him killed before he can call his army . 


    "Got me surrounded do you? well let me call your old buddies back from the dead.... -waiting while casting.... duh der duh....- And wala... oh crap I'm dead... at least you got company now... where's that Rhino to pick me up at... oh clear across the map.  ...0/4 revives. Well get to extraction for me, was good while it lasted."


    ok that's a bad punt and all, but you get the idea, his animation locks him in place way too long.  Out of all the Frames I played I haven't seen one so affected by his animation like Nekros.  Nekros needs to be more mobile while casting like Nova AMD or volt's shock and mag's pull.  It's hard to stay alive if you can't do what you do most of the time to do so.. .that's MOVE or DODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    k that's all nekros really needs,

  11. Playing with a controller on pc, I find executing combo like abilities hard to pull off with the animation delay  keeping you from selecting the next ability to use. 

    Instance for this is Valkyr's abilities.  I usually pop Hysteria, then try to toggle to Either paralyze or Warcry depending if I got a group near me or not.  I have to literally stand still after I pop the ult, then arrow left or right to select the next power, waiting for animation delay.  I'd like to be able to at least move the selector to a new ability and be ready to pop the next one without waiting for the animation to give us the chance to move the cursor.


    If I played on keyboard, I could easily spam 1-4 till they kick in, no need to select it like I do on controller, however, I enjoy this game with a controller.  So please, it'd be nice to switch the selections in between casts so we can ready our combos even if we are hit with animation delay.  It's the selecting the next ability that is causing me hang ups.  I think it would be idea to look at.  Thanks if you take this into consideration.

  12. I play with 2 other members, and we been doing the survial towers and would like to do survial 3 but from what I understand drops in Eris System.  Assistance unlocking that survival would be greatly appreciated. Need someone who has access to help clear a run to open up access.  Otherwise we're about 15 or so missions away, and haven't had time to focus and would really like to get our Prime Mags in the oven.


    SOS Tenno, Help us jump space :3

  13. Yup, that's the point right there, you're using up most of the slots to increase Utility of your warframe, be it  speed stamina regen energy or shields and what not.  Some things are just mandatory.  I admit I'm not fully through the system, been working with 2 other buddies on skype, doing missions runs and starting to do voids and I have leveled a few warframes already to 30, did some repoloraizing, and re-leveling.  Now comes the issues of ressitances taking up more mod places.  I basically said all that to state I'm not fully aware how much harder things are gonig to get, but if those who are further along can say "it would be nice to have some extra slots for added resistance, or utitlity even." then maybe the devs would look into it. 


    Still loving the game play. Thanks in advance devs if you do any of this ^^

  14. Due to the complexities you added with the 11.0 addition, I have come to realize, we really need more Mod slots.  But some might flame and think I want an easy game.  Not that at all, I think we need Resistant mods and extra room to add more to the frame's defense.   I am getting swamped by those infested Chargers in the operation at times and they eat my shields and then eat me way too fast compared to the older damage.  I keep wishing i Had a way to resist that damage so I don't take too much damage while pinned in by a dog pile of Chargers. 


    Also with the expansion of damage spread across the weapons in different proportions, it's becoming necessary to make more weapons to have at the ready to use for particular missions.  To balance this issue for Free players, that Inventory slot needs more slots.  I spend platinum so don't think I don't want to support and put up 12 plat for more slots.  Just suggesting that the dramatic change needs dramatic balances on both sides of the fences. 


    I had a thought for my previous point.  We have an Aura slot.  We could possibly make a Resistance slot?  Granite though I'd greatly like to have at least another roll of mods to add instead and just add them normally, but I'll take what I can get with some balance in mind. 


    Having some resistance to actually stand up to some of these mobs and some extra room to build an armory for weapon switching would seem like a welcome to this game. 


    Dojo idea since I'm ranting, I'm guessing due to how some of the Dojo features function, there might be a plan for a dojo vault to store resources? Equipment? various other things to use between dojo members?


    Or perhaps we can get Personal Lockers inside the Dojo to store excess weapons that we just don't use but wouldn't want to sell cause of the trouble it took to get it together or someone who's sentimental like me keeping key weapons I earned the hard way :3


    I'm still having fun and look forward to more additions and adjustment to improve the game.  Platinum seems a bit over priced btw, 50% off seems more of a reasonable price range imo.  Ok /rant end

  15. Past couple missions I ran in Jupiter be it a normal capture mission on the nodes or the new operation, I have been suspended in mid air and unable to use abilities (would of used teleport to try to get down using my ash frame.) I don't know how the bug activates but seems to block me from using abilities so maybe it thinks I'm still Bladestorming? (ability that allows ash to teleport and backstab enemies pretty much clearing the field) Hope this gets fixed and sorry if someone else posted elsewhere about this, just wanted to make sure it's noted at least from my concerns. Keep up the great developments and hope we get these bugs taken care of.

    Thanks in advance

  16. I made the whip for my main account, which is usually using an Ash Frame.  Currently I'm not getting any direct strikes on mobs while invisible.  No crits are landing and when it does land they're like whiff damage, but half the time the attacks aren't even landing like being invis is causing the whip to not hit the box right on the mobs.


    Also had a capture mission just bug, couldn't collect the fallen target in a confined area (inside air vent tunnels.)

  17. One of the fun features I had with the Paris when I bought the Stealth pack was the fact that I could deck the halls with lots of grineer.  corpus or infestation.  I was really in a christmassy spirit.  But this update took away 50% of the fun I have with this sniper bow.   I can no longer make the mobs flail into a wall and hang.  The main feature was to pierce mobs into the wall.  In it's description (meaning without mods  it has this feature) Arrow capable of impaling enemies into the wall.


    I would like to see this fixed or all my fun with Paris is now gone ;_;  I was even going to make a christmas card of my decorations as I gathered screen shots.


    At any rate, any fix to this will be much appreciated.

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