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Posts posted by Caoin

  1. So I took my fully imprinted vasca kavat that I made using the vasca starter kit out onto the plains and it got infected. I now can't un-infect it because I have no imprints left and the curative doesn't work on it... I feel like vascas shouldn't be able to be infected regardless... but I'd like to be able to cure it at least.

  2. I'd like to add a few of my thoughts to this as well.

    In addition to the issue with the textures where the head and body meet, the body and tails have a similar issue, though not quite as jarringly obvious. I've also seen a couple of screenshots where it appears that the main portion of the body has a "ticked" pattern, where you get a mixture of two of the colors in a sort of speckled look. It isn't a problem when you've got the same colors going on, but some of the color mixtures just don't look that great. Example:



    In regards to Morning's comment on the plastic look of the texture, I can only assume that based on the image of the winning entry, the skin is supposed to make the kavat look like it has longer hair, to match the long hair of the cat in the winning entry. I have to echo Morning's question and ask if it is possible to instead perhaps make them look furry by giving them fur similar to the kubrows? As it is now, the kavat doesn't actually look like it's more furry and long-haired, because the fur looks like it's all just slicked into a solid plastic piece.

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  3. I'm having this same issue. I logged out around 6 or 7 this morning and when I logged back in, I had this as a recovered weekly NW objective. Immediately tried to slot a free ayatan I had and it failed to count it for the NW object. After looking around for other people who had the issue, several people said that you needed to wait until daily rollover, as well as trying to logout and log back in. I waited for rollover, logged out, logged back in and just now tried to slot another one and it also failed to count it for the NW objective. That is 2 that it has failed to count toward the objective.

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