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Posts posted by willthiswork

  1. 15 hours ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

    There seems to be a bug where sometimes the game will use the wrong mod config/no mods at all with arch-guns in that mission. (I’ve heard others complaining about somewhere along the lines of that.) Try equipping the same mods in all configs. If it still doesn’t do anything verify your caches in the launcher and try again.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they broke the game again.

    I figured it out. It was Resolute Focus. Simply removing the mod returned my damage to it's previous amount. Thanks for the info!

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I did double check those things, but everything was in order. I can take the same weapon with the same loadout and do tens of thousands of points of damage to just about everything EXCEPT bad guys in part 4 of the Profit-Taker Orb missions. It must be a bug. An infuriating bug.

  3. Yesterday, my dad and I took down the Profit-Taker Orb a few times. Between my rank 22 Velocitus and his stream of curse words while trying to get the arch-gun deployer to work, we didn't have too much trouble. Today, I decided to do some PT missions on public and all of a sudden my now rank 30 Velocitus doesn't do much of anything. I crit one of the PT Orb's legs for all of 32 damage. Even against the regular corpus in the PT take down mission, my Velocitus did almost nothing. I took it to a random mission on Europa to see if it was broken there, but it was just as devastating as it was yesterday. It even works in Orb Vallis outside of the PT Orb mission. Any idea why? The only things I've changed since yesterday was adding Magma Chamber and Resolute Focus. 

  4. Yesterday, my dad and I took down the Profit-Taker Orb a few times. Between my rank 22 Velocitus and his stream of curse words while trying to get the arch-gun deployer to work, we didn't have too much trouble. Today, I decided to do some PT missions on public and all of a sudden my now rank 30 Velocitus doesn't do much of anything. I crit one of the PT Orb's legs for all of 32 damage. Even against the regular corpus in Orb Vallis, my Velocitus did almost nothing. I took it to a random mission on Europa to see if it was broken there, but it was just as devastating as it was yesterday. It just seems to be broken in Orb Vallis. Any idea why? The only things I've changed since yesterday was adding Magma Chamber and Resolute Focus. 

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