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Posts posted by Archangellus00

  1. Hello everyone,


    I've been playing for a few weeks and have been enjoying the game alot.  I unlocked Voly first since I liked his style and now that I have ranked him up a bit I really like his abilities.


    My main problem is I'm stuck on what weapons I should use.  I have unlocked the Braton and Orthos and have been using those.  I would like to continue using a similar type of gun but I've noticed it's getting harder and harder to kill guys in Phobos. I'm still using the starter pistol and will probably unlock kunai next but in the end I would like to go back to a pistol or dual pistol of some sort.  Once I'm rank 3 I'd like to work towards a galantine if that's a good fit.


    Also I could use some mod help.  Currently besides the ability mods I'm running vitality and redirection to help with surviability, flow and focus to make my abilities better, and the shied recharge mod and the sprint increase mod because I don't have naything better to use.


    Any help is greatly appreciated!



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