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Posts posted by RoelYento

  1. It has always confused me why some elemental mods stop at 60% yet still cost the same... You have my upvote, sir.

    I would immagine due to rarity, one type is rare the other is uncommon. Some were event rewards so they are limited while the other ones are on drop tables and found often.

  2. Firstly, I think it's a mistake to think of the Tenno as a race. IMHO it is a self-identified collective, that is, beings who choose to call themselves "Tenno". Of course there may be common experiences that were required for other Tenno to accept you as Tenno like exposure to the Void, and some behavioral goals. But ultimately it's more a social unit than a race.

    * Tenno were human, that much was told to us as word-of-god on a devstream (IMHO Human is not the same as Orokin)

    * We have no idea if void exposure always/sometime sterilizes an exposed survivor.

    * I think that the idea of Tenno technocyte infection is unfounded and so irrelevant to this discussion.

    * We have no idea if offspring would have void taint passed on to them.

    I'd say that maybe Tenno can mate (With any compatible human) with a resultant pregnancy, but that the child would be simply human. A child who _may_ be trained as Tenno and may even choose to be exposed to the void but I don't see the Tenno ever forcing such a thing on them.


    Tenno are still being recovered from cryo-sleep so as a group they do not need to worry about attrition just yet.


    I would imagine that, as the story progresses, the Tenno may accept human volunteers to train with them who may eventually take the "final rite" of being exposed to the void. Much like Kwai Chang Caine in the TV show "Kung Fu"


    Actually that's a much more accurate comparison, IMHO the Tenno aren't a race, they are Shaolin monks

    While possible and perhaps how tenno functioned before cryosleep, the tenno we see and use now seem far removed from what we as people are concerned about or do.

  3. Bully for you. I'm pretty much on the verge of giving up on the whole void/forma thing at this point, because I've spent rather a lot of today in there doing a variety of missions, including several survivals, and still not had one.

    Then you definitely won't have any forma. I get several in a week playing 1 to 2 hours in a day. Some days i get none, other days i may get 1 and sometimes get a few in a day. The less you try the less likely you are to get any forma.

  4. Paying for inventory space is as common as can be in F2P games.  The inability to get potatoes except through the very rare alert or login reward, that's no fun.  It basically equates to paying for power.  You'd have to check alerts 24/7 for a month straight just to get 1 character and a single set of weapons up to par.  If it happens while you sleep, too bad so sad.

    You don't need to constantly look for alerts. Get a phone app that alerts you for reactors or catalysts. If you miss it too bad. There will be other oportunities to get them. I have missed some and gotten some. You will get a reactor or catalyst at some point though. If you want one for every frame in game right now then pay up. You can also forma slots while you wait for a reactor or catalyst to help out with polarity. Forma are easy to farm in the void.

  5. By that logic every weapon in the game can be purchased from the market. A large number of them can't.

    You specifically mentioned buying warframes and weapons and being discouraged due to needing to buy slots. So i assumed you were refering to the ones in platinum market. For 12 platinum though you can build non market weapons and have 2 slots for them. Costs way less than buying a weapon for 200 plat or something.

  6. Normally I like to think of spending money on a game as a fun trade. Buy some plat then buy a weapon, a skin, or a warframe. They are good trades for money because they are directly fun. 


    Spending plat on weapon/Warframe slots is like paying rent. Nobody likes to do it, they just do it so they have a place to put things and it is really not that fun in a game. 


    Am I the only one who feels this way?

    As ferret06 pointed out, buying warframes or weapons comes with the item, slot for it, and catalyst/reactor. If you want to spend plat on warframes or weapons then do so. Those that want to farm warframes and weapons can spend 20/12 plat on the slots. They can buy the plat or trade things for plat. Make a post asking about how something works before complaining about it.

  7. We currently, in real life, use names from myth or history to name or nickname weapons. Tenno are not necessarily directly tied to Hayden Tenno but could be named after him due to history or myth in this game.

    As for us being AI, energy, individual beings, or operators of machines... it is not certain. Whatever we are in game though i do feel is so far removed from what it originally was before being changed by the void. I like the energy theory or the idea that we are one being that changes suits.

  8. This is the milky way galaxy in the far future... shouldn't there be some type of other sentient species. Wouldn't that make things more interesting? IT would be AWESOMEEE



    This isn't the milky way galaxy, it's just the solar system.



    The solar system is in the milky way galaxy.


    OP's post wasn't clear on if he understood that this game only takes place in our solar system.  There are many other people that are unaware that all of these locations, save for the void, are located in our solar system.  Vaughn is right though, this game isn't the milky way galaxy it is merely a solar system and it is in the milky way galaxy as you said Dead_Rabbits.  But to assume we should see aliens in our solar system is more far fetched than to assume we would run into aliens while we explore our galaxy.  I wish more people understood that this game is located here in our solar system.  The only way we would see aliens is if they visited our system but that could happen in warframes time period or a game set in the 1400's.  The fact that this is the far future as the OP mentioned has little bearing on whether or not aliens would be encountered or not.

  9. Anyone hate rushers apart from me. Like once I was in the Gate Crash Event and some Loki and Zephyr paired up and rushed the whole event with me getting barely any XP, loot and mods. This always happen just before I click the play now button and I join some random game. I also play as Rhino with vanguard helmet and I am still slow. Even with a decently ranked rush mod, I feel soo slow compared to the rushers who zoom past me and insta kill everything.

    Play with people you know or solo then. Playing with random people you are bound to get ones that don't fit your style. Also why so many new threads?

  10. Have gotten t4 keys and a few forma blueprints from them as well. They are good for me but i am sure there are people that have plenty of those so they don't care about the caches. Oh and each forma has been 3rd cache for me btw.

  11. I kind of forgot about Switch Teleport, but that is really OP. They can switch teleport you from OUTSIDE the room you are in. But still it is clearly your fault you noob.

    Not directly. But you stand there gawking like an idiot and you can not move or shoot for like 2 seconds. In that time you will be dead or severely injured.

    If that happens sometimes, oh well. I can see if death was guaranteed from switch teleport that it would be something to complain about. Since it isn't though, there is nothing wrong with it. I have probably been downed like 3 times from that, sometimes they switch teleport me away from bad situations lol.
  12. I would like someone to tell me how to dodge Switch Teleport from Grineer Commander.

    "OMG, you were fighting the Grinner, you should have expected one!" is not the solution.

    The grineer would like to know how to dodge loki's switch teleport as well. So basically we should nerf loki's switch teleport if you aren't liking how it works... Honestly what is wrong with an enemy that has an ability they can use on you? It does no damage to you anyways.

  13. So you have a hard time solo and complain about it but plenty of other people complain game isn't hard enough. It is your fault when you get grappled, enemy ground slams next to you, or you end up getting owned by the enemy. Obviously later in survival or defense the enemies will outlevel your ability to kill them but besides then you should be able to deal with them. Plenty of warframes have aoe damage, mobility, crowd control, or a way to kill enemies. Prioritize targets, use some abilities, and move around some. You won't dodge everything but from the sounds of your post you are not able to dodge anything.

  14. Argon is just a part of a larger problem. Any time the community accumulates too much of a given resource, DE just hacks up another resource for everyone to farm for, and ignores the older stuff forever. When was the last time you needed to use gallium to make something new? I have HUNDREDS of morphics, it might be sought after by new players who use it, but at mid/late game it's a joke. And don't even get me started on nano spores.

    Furthermore, remember the controversy when they introduced oxium? "Why are they introducing a new resource for me to farm, this is going to take forever." It didn't' take forever, and now some players have a surplus of oxium, so they introduced argon crystals. Now every time DE comes out with a new weapon, you have to go get more, provided you don't happen to have gotten some in the last 24 hours. And now cryotic. Granted there's only one use for it currently, but then why bother introducing it in the first place except to fuel a single event?

    Argon might keep people playing, but DE needs to figure out what it's doing with it's resource situation, before we wind up with a game with dozens of resources that nobody uses for anything.

    All resources have a use though depending on what stage of the game you are in. From when i started, till now i have had different resource bottlenecks. Because weapons don't break or need repairs i can understand why they add new resources for newer weapons. I do think there should be more supplemental gear or items that require more resources to help make them have more of a use. That or being able to sell for credits or trade for other resources perhaps. That would take testing to see what works. Many people may not like this but what about making different types of ammunition with resources?
  15. It's not my job to come up with content. Also, I've done my deal of suggesting in the past. No notes taken so I won't do it anymore.

    I would suggest playing a different game if you don't like this one or are burnt out of this one. Nothing wrong with moving on or taking a break. I do that with games after i burn out or get tired of elements of the game and want something different.

    Oh and posting on forums isn't your job and neither is playing. Not posting constructive criticism because it isn't your job is a poor reason. Best of luck finding a game you like.

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