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Posts posted by Zarrazheno

  1. Ran into player [removed] several times during this event. Constant leech, as well as rude and overall, horrible person on the internet. Slander, cussing. Denying the team assistance as well. I'd like to see something done about him. 


    -edit- opened up a ticket. Kind of ironic, in the pursuit of a better community and game, I get flak for trying to remove a big chunk of negativity. :/

  2. soooooo this is what DERebecca said.



    Calling it now, October. Update 16?  3spoopy5me

    I just hope that they include some weapons, like that katana. 


    The Rookin [WIP]


    Since Typhus is a Samurai-ish Warframe, I decided to make a unique Infected katana weapon for him.  Here's a few examples of the weapon, which I'll call it the "Rookin" it has movable organic teeth. (Basically a organic chainsaw).

  3. With the Kubrows incoming, will it be possible for us to have our own Zanuka/Hyena-type proxy companion at some point?

    Any degree of customization we could know about the Kubrows?

    Are the frames that have been recently 'rebalanced' still up for changes (Like Ash)? And who is down on the chopping block right now?

    I want a landshark. Landshark for my Loki.  Give us something reptilian,or oceanic mammal-ian?

  4. 2q3vtdh.png



    I agree, it would be wonderful to see a nice dragging of the whip animation.


    And have it coiled up for "special" strikes...fast strike stance?


    I wish they had the option in dark souls...because I love me some whips.



    I guess my bottom line desire is that whips felt more whip like... and less like swords. In melee 2.0, they feel like swords. Because of the idle animations, the block animation... it's very sword like, and not particularly whip like. 

  5. They're rigid in the sense that they're not actually affected by physics. Unless future whips turn out to use some kind of physics to guide the swing, they'll keep looking rather unnatural whenever they're swung. So it would contrast twice as much to have a physics-enabled idle whip and then a rigid whip in action.


    To be honest, the whip animations as a whole could use a touch up; they look more like a spring forced to extend than an actual length of non-rigid material/energy.

    Aaah. I didn't even think of that. I wonder if it would be really hard to implement that or not, though? Could we get an animator in here to speak his or her mind on the subject?

  6. As awesome as that would be, I fear it would conflict too much with the environment. If the whips are not curled up, they need a lot of space (especially if the frames spin them around, like in your first picture). Stand in a small room, or even relatively close to the wall, bang, they'll clip through it.


    I guess more compact idle animations could be designed. If possible, I'm all for it!

    Also, we need more whips.

    There's a lot of clipping in the game already though. Most of it isn't obtrusive/isn't game/immersion breaking as is. Syndanas clip like crazy! But those moments they aren't clipping, they look awesome. I think that's the vibe unfurled whips would have!



    also dual whips. mmmm. yes.



    or any of the other cool elemental damage mods you can mix/match.

  7. Just a request. Does it bother anyone else that whips are furled up all the time? That they're not snaking around in your idles?


    I feel like whips could be really beautiful weapons if they were seen more often. Basically, have them as they are now when they aren't equipped (curled up on the hip/back) and "come out" when quick attacking. Basically, whips made sense pre melee 2.0.


    Now that you can equip melee weapons, whips feel more like one handed swords, and not majestic whips. (because that's what they are!) I am of the thought that, when whips are equipped, they should no longer be in a "furled/curled" state, but free flowing. Think like syndanas. The exceptions of course, would be when blocking.





    Discuss. Do you think they should be "unfurled" when equipped? Yes/no, and why?

  8. The Rookin [WIP]


    Since Typhus is a Samurai-ish Warframe, I decided to make a unique Infected katana weapon for him.  Here's a few examples of the weapon, which I'll call it the "Rookin" it has movable organic teeth. (Basically a organic chainsaw).

    I haven't seen this before. I want this a little more than Typhus. By the way, skittles, is the Typhus in the OP still the one that's your vision?


    I mean... how badass is an "organic chainsaw"

  9. I've seen some amazing suggestions made by others on the Warframe subreddit. I can't remember their names, but all credit goes to others (whomever they may be!) I've just made minor adjustments/worded it better and am posting it here. (okay I came up with some of the molt ideas, but ssh)


    Down to business.



    * Currently very spammable 

    * Stays a predetermined time, can get focus fired by enemies really fast


    Suggestions to improve Molt

    * Make Molt remove DoTs/Damage on Saryn. Things like bleeding, toxin, fire, blast, etc damage. The more debuffs there are (with the more procs) the more it costs (energy wise) for Saryn to shed her skin.


    * Make Molt have a cool mechanic like the recently changed Snow Globe, but scaled down perhaps.

    * the Molted clone explodes upon death or reaching its maxed duration, with one of two affects


     - the Molted clone deals corrosive damage much like a scaled down Miasma, with no damage over time (pure damage)


     - the Molted clone deals corrosive damage over time upon exploding, sending spores onto nearby targets. Mods like that grant reach extend the explosion radiation of which spores can fly off to. 


    - the Molted clone explodes upon reaching max duration or max damage and explodes into a poison cloud, think Ash's smokescreen - with a brief stun just like smokescreen and this does a combination of pure damage and some damage over time.



    * Currently adds toxin damage to melee weapons for X amount of time


    Suggestions to improve Contagion

    * Apply Contagion to both primaries and secondaries.

    * Apply Contagion to teammates in the vicinity, much like Volt's electric shield, have a visual affect go on! 





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