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Posts posted by Toxicnerve

  1. Like most builds on Warframe-builder, it focuses on DPS.

    (Using round numbers: ) Double the fire rate is double the DPS. As long as you're over -50% damage, you come out ahead.

    ofc, you're sacrificing ammo efficiency for burst damage.

    Fire rate doesn't change the number of ticks per second, but does increase the damage of each tick (due to more ammo used).

    Sorry, I wasn't sure how exactly the increased fire rate affected the ignis. I thought it was more ticks. UT that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

    I don't think I really see the point of vile acceleration on the Ignis, but I can't really say since we don't have the update yet on console. The weapon already has a low enough damage, like you stated, and making it even lower seems counter-productive.


    I'm guessing what these builds are trying to do is double the fire rate for some quick damage, but then you would just run out of ammo way too quick. I've never understood the point in trying to get some insanely high DPS with terrible ammo efficiency. When you run out of ammo, you get 0 DPS, so what's the point?

    My point exactly. Even if it is more damage, it still seems counter productive either way because one, you get a little lass damage, but then you also use more ammo, thus making your ammo efficiency drop like a rock. I just wasn't sure if it was a preference of what you want or a necessity. It seems to be more of a preference

  2. With the newest ignis rework, I've been enjoying myself as I burn everything to a crisp. However, I've been looking for some builds that boost its killing potential and I have a decent idea what I need, but I've seen a lot of builds that have vile acceleration and due to the ignis not having much damage to work with in the first place, I've been questioning the idea. With the -15% in damage, is that a worry? The ignis even with the buff is still lacking in damage and that 15% doesn't look to be worth the fire rate. Does the fire rate make up for the loss in damage due to more ticks of damage in a shorter time, thus surpassing the flat fire rate with the regular damage? Or is it just a build that is out there that is geared towards more utility due to the more chances of procs?

  3. oddly enough daggers have one of the lowest finisher multipliers of melee weapons IIRC

    So basically, Fang prime is just specifically for grineer if you have the survivability in the higher levels? What melee is best for higher tower? I've heard that Dragon nikana or orthos prime are good, but with my experience with the Dragon nikana, I find it too slow. I don't have orthos so I don't have any idea on that.

  4. The fang aren't useful for high-level void because they require lots of hits to be landed. When you can be one-hit by a bombards tracking shot, the fang are not very useful. However, the fang P is very useful in PVP when you melee spam

    What if it's paired with stealth and ashe's teleport/fnisher on said target?

  5. So I've been doing a lot of research on people's opinion on Fang Prime lately. I recently built them and originally started using them as more of an aesthetic with my newly built Ash Prime. But as I started using them, I've discovered how they shred through grinneer. But when I started looking up builds I found the Fang generally aren't liked for high tower void. Now my question is, based off the fact that the two most armored enemies in the void who inevitably become the reason corrosive damage is a must, are based off grineer, why is that puncture damage the Fang has not make them a viable option? Why are they not liked if the puncture damage is exactly what you need? If it's obvious and I don't see it, I apologize for my ignorance, but I am legitimately curious.

    And I just now realized that my auto correct (I posted this on my phone) made the Fang in the title Fang instead. Sorry about that

  6. I just tried to do the Nereid (Neptune) Alert. At this moment it has 27 minutes left before it expires. My issue is that I tried to do the mission with my matchmaking set to "Public" and was united with a squad of random players. The countdown proceeded and we all went to the loading screen. However, even after all of our loading bars had filled out, indicating that any second we should see the little clip of starting the mission, it didn't happen. I could hear our Warframes doing actions and confirmed that I too could move and use my weapons and warframe, but my screen was locked in the loading screen, still indicating that we were all done loading the mission. After a few minutes, we slowly started to do what we could to abort the mission or at least get out of warframe. I however was caught in a host migration and was returned to my ship, and when i went to my navigation, I noticed that the alert had disappeared as if I had completed it, but I didn't even get through the loading screen. Please fix this issue, the loading screen bug has become more than a minor annoyance since update 14. It has happened many times since it first came out and I tried to report it earlier, but I noticed someone had already posted a similar story about being stuck in the load screen and so I decided to wait for the hotfix that would fix it. Now I have lost a Alert opportunity because of the bug and to be honest I am annoyed that it hasn't been fixed yet. Don't get me wrong, I love Warframe and I appreciate what you do and for the most part I am enjoying update 14, but this bug seems like a pretty big issue, especially since it has the potential of never allowing players to do a specific alert mission. Please fix this soon. Thank you.

  7. It can be very confusing without some sort of audible sign that your weapon is silenced when you add that in with weapons that are naturally silenced, the bows still make a loud thunk sound when you shoot them, the castanas still make a loud electrical sound, hard to tell sometimes if an enemy will hear it or not

    So are you agreeing with me, disagreeing, or making a new point?

  8. I know I just posted something about mission nodes, but I also found that in my clan Dojo, my trading post, treasury and some decorations are sunk halfway through the floor. It wasn't like that before the update. Please fix it. Also, just wanted to say that despite the few bugs that remain, i am enjoying the update quite a bit. You guys did a pretty good job.

  9. The navigation is not clear on which missions will advance you to the next planets or even the next mission. And there is an alert mission that I would like to do, but the planet (Pluto) doesn't even show up. The reward is a Valkyr helmet BP, which i would love to have, but I can't even figure out how to get to Pluto through the navigation. And the alert doesn't show up anywhere where I can find it to try and get to it that way. I'm pretty sure that I have a mission or two in Pluto, but the fact that I can't find the whole planet is an issue. Also is the fact that the progression missions are not clear at all. I'm stuck.

    Just to be clear, the progression missions through the planet are somewhat noticable, but it's not very clear on the fact that if you do that mission, you unlock the next one. And a planet progression indicator seems nonexistent. I can't tell what missions will unlock a new planet.

  10. The navigation is not clear on which missions will advance you to the next planets or even the next mission. And there is an alert mission that I would like to do, but the planet (Pluto) doesn't even show up. The reward is a Valkyr helmet BP, which i would love to have, but I can't even figure out how to get to Pluto through the navigation. And the alert doesn't show up anywhere where I can find it to try and get to it that way. I'm pretty sure that I have a mission or two in Pluto, but the fact that I can't find the whole planet is an issue. Also is the fact that the progression missions are not clear at all. I'm stuck.

  11. What about using the component? I haven't tried it yet, and i am about to try. Did it work for anyone?

    Okay, so I couldn't even figure out how to use it. So I guess i must wait for the hotfix

  12. I doubt there will be a silencer visual effects and a model. I mean, how are you gonna put a silencer on a drakgoon? They might change the sound in the future, if they haven't already. Besides, its reduction in sound is a percentage, capping at 75%, I think.


    The mod effects the weapon up to 100% silence once capped. And I did mention that it would only be on the apropriate weapons.


    "So for the appropriate weapons only (Penta, please forgive me.), if the silencer mod is installed then an actual silencer would be on your weapon."


    I was referring to the fact that there are weapons that it wouldn't affect, like bows (it would be redundant anyway), the Drakgoon, the Penta, and so on. And the only model they would need is a clean looking silencer on the end of the appropriate weapons. As sound goes, I think that should be mandatory, because sometimes it could get confusing, especially for players new to Warframe. That's all I was trying to say.

  13. So recently I got back into Warframe, and with a vengeance. And one of the things that really got me excited was the new "silencer" mods for your primary and secondary weapons. But it confused me at first because my guns still made the same sounds as before. What I was thinking would be a good thing to add into the game is a weapon effect, similar to the elemental weapon mods and what they look like. So for the appropriate weapons only (Penta, please forgive me.), if the silencer mod is installed then an actual silencer would be on your weapon. And it would also be good, in my opinion, to add a silenced weapon sound effect for the same purpose. Anyone else agree? Anyone disagree? Why?

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