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Posts posted by Temmie

  1. Can we please jsut make the resources inside places in RJ share to teammates also? When it comes to wanting to farm out certain things like the Gargantuan amount of pustrels/trachons you need for almost everything, yet someone who Objective rushes locks everyone else out of the galleon etc when they leave, locking people who want to pick up the rather large amount of stuff that drops within those ships due to selfish intentions

    if it was shared or the place didnt lock after objective completion then at least those brave brave heroes that abandon your ship to go die solo inside objective tiles can be moderately useful, instead of atm just leaving 3 people to fight all 90 fighters etc a man down.

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  2. I recently started playing again and this thing has been nothing but a glitchy, horrific nightmare to farm for hildryn or toroids as sadly 12k standing toroids still make it somewhat faster for me to get Standing

    -Sometimes your HUD jsut vanishes for no reason when the phase 1 fight starts

    -Sometimes coolant raknoids Tele-sprint-skate-rocketboost from across the map up the orbs ass and cool it off before you can even react

    -Sometimes vents are immune to all normal damage, and doesnt even seem to be a UI only thing as i know how much damage should kill a vent, shoot it a correspondingly accurate amount of time yet the vent never pops, and will (anywhere between 5-10mins later) suddenly, magically pop

    -Sometimes despite aiming thermia cans at her accurately your warframe throws the can directly into the stratosphere at a 100000mph missing the orb completely

    -Sometimes the orb camps on the rocks and spawns raknoids directly underneath itself/jsut down the hill a bit so they spawn and shoot coolant at her instantly

    -Sometimes the door into deck12 locks someone inside/outside while other squadmates pass through the door normally, some kind of instance de-sync


    This has been such a nightmare i cant wait to never need to do it again


  3. It determines what your term of a tank frame is, for me it's High shields so for me: Volt, Mag, Frost and Rhino are Tank frames [Correct me if I miss any]


    If you mean in terms to outlasting the enemy then that's reduced to Rhino and Frost


    Long story short, there are more tanks than just Rhino, it's just Rhino is all you see

    Rhino is like, the Solo ''im out for myself'' nub tank, frost can at least have some other folks hide all warm and cowardly in the globe at the same time :D

  4. The general consensus is that the UI needs to have the ability to be scaled. For now, you can use the UI margin option and move everything inward.

    I did try that for a while but then it feels really boxed in when you are on a large monitor


    I for one would love the option to change my own client-side UI to previous versions at will or at least change parts of it, like its modular to the top left/right and bottom left/right.

  5. The miniscule fonts on some parts of the UI are atm very annoying, especially the survival Life support bar, ending up a lot of not noticing how low its getting when busy fighting etc.


    Just thought id put a quick post here too as feedback, as i also posted a discussion about how other feel about this in the general discussion thread.


    Other than this ui itty-bitty-tiny-ness the rest of the updates is great!

  6. Just wondering if anyone else Has any likes and dislikes with the new UI system

    (And if this is in the wrong section sorry!)


    But personally atm im finding the tiny Survival Life support bar and text incredibly low profile and easy to overlook, and its resulting in a lot of early decompression's and mission losses because its Minuscule size is maddening!


    Im on a fairly large monitor and it might not be so bad on smaller screens but geez


    I do like being able to see my sentinels stats though and the location of the Player health and shields tracking 

  7. Recently ive been noticing that certain weapons are vanishing from my inventory, i especially notice them due to the fact that they are often weapons ive put a catalyst on.


    In recent days the following weapons have vanished from my inventory


    Akvasto with catalyst

    Paris prime with catalyst

    Latron with catalyst

    Latron prime with catalyst


    I was wondering if i could get some help regarding this especially as thats 4 catalysts totally wasted for no reason at all

    As well as the incredibly pulling teeth difficulty of getting certain Prime weapon parts with the god forsaken RNG in the void.



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