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Posts posted by Ira_Acedia

  1. 6 minutes ago, Patacakes said:

    No need for more stuff.  

    the events rewards were the arcanes.  people kept their credits to buy up the legendary and rare arcanes.  if you didn't well thats not DE's fault. 

    they gave double the credits to those that participated in the event early on. and gave double credits to all that continued to do quests after that. some people got a few hundred thousand points as thanks and sorry for the bugs of the first week. you only needed about 525,000 points to completely buy every item in the rewards store.  and some folk got over half that amount for playing during the first week. 

    you're asking for handouts where they're not due.  a still in development, free to play game comes with bugs, its literally written in their terms of services agreement. 

    Dude, did you even read what I said? I kept my credits and have already maxed out all the arcanes I want from the store. I'm not asking for more stuff. It's also over 1 million credits, if you check the tallying of the wiki. I had some progress with arcanes prior, so my calculations took me to just below 1.1 million total credits to get everything from the store.

    EDIT: and that amount's fine. 250k from the first week on my half. With double that, with the same time and less bugs, I can probably get 600k-750k this coming week, and we've got 3 more weeks. But that's besides the damn point. 

    • Like 2
  2. First off, I'd like to stress that this isn't a rant. Nor is it begging for credits, as later on, I'll explicitly state why it's not begging for credits. The point is the principle. If all you want to comment about is that we wasted our time or that everyone knew that the numbers would be balanced, any hate on scarlet spear or another else of the sort, then just don't bother, you're wasting your time. And if you think I'm wasting my time writing this or playing scarlet spear, well, I clearly have time to waste, and to me, it's not a waste.

    With hotfix 27.3.8, the amount of credits for 17 condrixes rose to 3672 from roughly 2295. Likewise the amount of credits for 5 murexes rose from 1875 to 2820. This launched on 2nd April.

    With hotfix, the amount of credits for 17 condrixes rose once more to 4131 and the amount of credits for 5 murexes rose to 3960. This launched "early" (depending on your timezone) on 3rd April.  (both dates given are relative to DE's timezone).

    Therefore, in total, 17 condrixes went up from 2295 Scarlet Spear credits (SSC) to 4131 SSC, ie. an 80% increase. 5 Murexes went up from 1875 SSC to 3960 SSC, an increase of 111.2%. The difference in numbers being that 17 condrixes is the equivalent of 51 kill codes (3 per condrix), and 5 murexes is the equivalent of 45 kill codes (9 per murex). If we look at the closest amount for condrixes, that would be 14 condrixes, at 2835, making a total of 42 kill code, approximately the same worth. The reasons murexes has more doesn't particularly matter for this post, but if we were to speculate, it would be that Railjack (RJ) is considerably disliked (though that is entirely unrelated to this post, don't even bother bringing it up in comments), and so the extra credits would be to encourage players to play it, along with murexes requiring functional ground teams to even progress.

    Therefore, approximately from the same time, you can get double the rewards in the same effort. 

    Scarlet Spear launched on 24th March, this means these changes came over a week later. In this week, a lot can be farmed. I personally farmed 250k in that week, other people from pre-mades from recruiting chat, I know where also above 200k. A friend also had over 700k. I consider myself a "casual" and don't spend as much time on games during the day as others would, so I assume that lots of other people are also at similar levels. However, I also know that lots of other people didn't bother farming scarlet spear. There reasons vary from disliking it's core principles to too many bugs etc, not that these matter here. As such, there are people who haven't reached 20k. 

    However, regardless of the amount reached, this doesn't matter much. In the single day that has passed since the first of the 2 hotfixes mentioned, I'm already at 400k, i.e. I went up 150k in a day, 66.67% of what I had gained in a week. 

    Therefore, what matters is not the credits (though it would be cool if we could actually get physically reimbursed for our time and effort), but the principle of the matter. It is only through those of us that preserved through this first week of gameplay that DE were able to identify the majority of the main bugs in order to fix them. It is through us that it's even possible to balance it by changing health scaling (P.S. I think murex raid satellite should get health scaling, otherwise it gets 2 shotted by a crewship, which shoot multiple shots at a time, aka 1 shotted, though that's a different matter.), or by adjusting the amount of credits gained. Therefore, is it not more adequate to give us some form of reimbursement for the time we spent, when now, half of that time can be spent to get what the same result? Nay, it's not half the time, it's much less than half the time, as they don't experience the bugs that made the game unplayable, or didn't reward us for our time. Or, they now experience this less so.

    To make matters better and help appease things, DE extended scarlet spear by a week on PC. That's all well and good, but the reason they gave was that it was due to launching bugs. And yet, it seems that console will also have 5 weeks (haven't confirmed the validity of this statement), along with all the balanced out credits etc, despite them having no such launching bugs (as it hasn't even been released for them yet!)

    Verily, it seems that our time & effort has been undervalued and we haven't been appropriately reimbursed in anyway, shape or form. (Also the TL;Dr is a summary so you can read that too). 

    TL;Dr: You should read it, but a summary is as follows: It is only through the effort of those who played through the bugs that DE were able to identify and balance the bugs. Yet, we seem to be unable to receive reimbursement (whether physical or a formal sorry (by hotfix, not some random post no one will read)).

    (Originally written on Reddit, can view the post here. Same writer. Viewable here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/fuezbu/scarlet_spear_reimbursement_for_time_and_effort/)

    • Like 3
    • TYPE: [In-Game]
    • DESCRIPTION: Using magus elevate doesn't seem to work properly - only noticed during scarlet spear missions. Frames tested with are Limbo, Limbo prime and Nekros prime.
    • REPRODUCTION: Equip maxed out magus elevate. Go into Space on scarlet spear missions. Take damage and spam in and out of operator to try and heal (95% supposed success rate). Whether the forced omnis or any other factor affect it, I don't know. I use tactical 10's teleport a lot if that has an impact.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: 300 hp healed 95% time.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: 0 hp healed 100% time.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: over 80% of the time (once I notice that it's broken, it doesn't work for the duration of the mission).
    • TYPE: In-Game, Murex Raid.
    • DESCRIPTION: Playing normally. Tested multiple instances, with squads, without squads. Same goes for other players in the squad and other squads, both in the same relay and in different relays. Basically, during ground assault, squads are able to successfully transmit kill codes, as shown in relay chat. However, squads doing murex raid (both my own squad and other people from other squads) were unable to receive the codes, with, on occasion, 1 or 2 being received every 15 minutes. Whether related or not, I noticed that after 10 minutes in one of the missions, the game said that my squad had travelled to space, and then even further after, that someone in my squad had joined the Flotilla.
    • REPRODUCTION: So far, going into any relay, playing a murex raid and then deploying an oplink.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: We should have received a kill code.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: We were stuck waiting for a kill code indefinitely. 
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: In the past 2 hours, 100%. Prior to this, I managed to do 2 solo's without any issues. Whether it matters or not, after these 2 solos I hosted a squad and then jumped relays upwards 5 times in search of a relay that actually had murexs
    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, SmilodonFatalisSapiens said:
    • TYPE: Chat
    • DESCRIPTION: I have been completely unable to access chat for almost 11 hours.
    • VISUAL: The spinning circle at the top-left corner of the chat window is all I see. tME5FlG.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: I don't know.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should be able to chat.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: I am not able to chat.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: I don't know. Other people in the game seem to have access to chat, so maybe this is just me.

    You're likely chat banned. Either way, this is the wrong thread for that.

  4. So I was doing a sortie, final mission with the squad I was with since the first sortie mission. On starting the mission, you get the usual cut scene, I attempt to skip it, doesn't work, so I try again. Going by usual behaviour, trying again wouldn't affect the result, however it did, but immediately showed the cut scene of the boss we were fighting on Oro, Earth (councillor Vay Hek), his laugh was heard and the subtitle for the laugh appeared, before this screen disappeared entirely within around a second or so. 

    From this point on, I could "see" the normal GUIs for playing warframe, however was unable to view my warframe, activate abilities, use my operator or weapons. I could see the map, but I couldn't open it up, nor were the characters on it moving. Objectives would change, as well as my energy level and my squad's health/shields. My companion was glitching around me and moving fast in a circle motion (going from above to below), eventually dying. I did not attempt to open progress so I can't comment on that. Movement was entirely frozen and I was above a body of water. Someone told me to screenshot it and post it on support (which took me here), as such, 3 screenshots will be attached below. One of the roughly original direction I was facing when I spawned, one of above and one of below. Funnily enough, above me I saw my the username of a squad member who just so happened to be at extraction ("Get to the objective. Players waiting for you: 3").

    (EDIT: Forgot to mention that the actual cut scene for the boss's spawn appeared, which I skipped on impulse. As you can observe from the images, this had no effect)




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