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Posts posted by RYNDW

  1. 19 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    That's what the Change Loadout is for in the bottom right. This is just making the UI more complex and duplicating already existing functionality within the same context.

    I get that, the idea's mainly for people who like using a particular loadout/frame and have different builds for said frame. Would rather have one Mesa loadout that I can quickly change mods for than have three Mesa loadouts with different mods.

    Edit: also saves jumping back and forward between Arsenal/Nav menus.

  2. This has probably been suggested before and it's a very "quality of life" feature, but being able to switch builds on frames/weapons outwith the arsenal would be very handy. 


    Rough idea of what it'd look like:



    Again, not a major feature in need of implementing, but it'd be nice to have.

  3. Apologies if this comes off as more of a concept post.

    Personally I see Revenant as more of an "Eidolon" frame than a strictly Sentient frame with remnants of the whole vampire concept left in his first three abilities. An Eidolon is sentient energy that tries to take form by using it's surroundings, right? So why not have his powers based around elements found in the plains (water, rocks etc.) or what actually makes an Eidolon (Teralyst). The one thing I like about Danse Macabre is that the damage adapts depending on the target, so why not create powers that work on a similar principle.

    For example:

    • Each power is characterized around a basic element, doing one type of damage
    • Using two powers simultaneously creates compound/different damage types
    • "Water" ability + "Rock" ability = a small wave that does impact damage or sweeps smaller mobs away
    • "Fire" + "Electricity" = creates a radius of radiation/magnetic damage

    These are really rough examples, and you could probably argue that these would be more suited for a frame designed around elements, regardless; I personally think his powers could be a bit more interesting than press 4 to win and occasionally create a thrall that gets killed by squad mates almost immediately.


    P.S. From a visual standpoint I LOVE his design, it's up there with Nidus and Mesa as one of my favorites. 

    • Like 1
  4. So, who has two thumbs, and just blew hours of ducat farming on a weapon that He can't even trade?


    A guy. But not Me though. That would be silly.

    But on a more serious note, why do we even have the option of buying another copy of the same weapon if we can't trade it? I understand some of us might sell our event weapons (I'm looking at YOU, Prova Vandal.), but wouldn't it be more suited if there was a system in where we could only buy duplicates of certain weapons if we don't currently have the weapon in our inventory? I mean, by the time I'm writing this a lot of misinformed players have probably bought either of the Vandal weapons in hopes of trading for something else like one of the past primed mods. That's around 300-400 ducats and 250,000 credits down the drain. The reason I thought we even had a unique weapons tab in the trade menu was for trading weapons like the vandals or wraiths, but apparently not.

    Of course, it's our fault we bought these weapons in the first place, but even a little disclaimer before purchasing the weapon strictly stating that it CANNOT BE TRADED would be nice. Even if it was a block of full-body size 52 text delivering a verbal slap to the face screaming "YOU CAN'T TRADE THIS, DO YOU STILL WANT TO BUY IT? YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE THERE? I DON'T THINK YOU ARE. BARO DISNAE' HAVE TIME FOR YOUR SASS. GET OOT."


    (Edit: Woah, easy there with the K's, 300-400 Ducats)


  5. You have to understand this from two different perspectives. Having Dakra have it's own stance (which is completely ludicrous as that stance would have to be able to be used on other swords too; you can't have an exclusive stance for one weapon) is unfair for other swords. Broken-War is a memory of the Second Dream. Thus, it's elevated to a special status.


    Also, more money for DE is good for us. It means they have more resources with which to make this game better. People complain about Excalibur and Valkyr being OP and making other frames un-fun, but at the same time, their is an exhilirating feeling of being so powerful. Which is why I am so excited for the upcoming Volt/Mag reworks.


    TL;DR: Powercreep is fun for people. It makes money for DE (which is good for us). It wouldn't be fair to make Dakra exclusive just because there is a better weapon. No on is forcing you to switch over.


    First of all, I never said that DE making money was a bad thing. Secondly, Broken War got it's own stance, Vengeful Revenant, So what would be so ridiculous about the Dakra having a unique stance? Also, never said it had to be exclusive, as Vengeful Revenant ain't exclusive either, it just suits the weapon. And thirdly, I'm perfectly aware that no one's forcing anyone to switch to the superior weapon, it's just a shame that for the most part, swords are swords, and the only difference between them is damage. Would've been nice if their were some unique properties for all long swords in general besides stats. The closest thing we've got at the moment are Syndicate augment mods.

  6. Obviously the newer weapons are better than the old that have colleced spider webs already. Otherwise if the newer weapons are worse, they can be considered MR fodder and are uninteresting. Though i'm all up for a buff for the older guns. Making more weapons interesting is always awesome.


    Now, seeing something like that happen with some of the older melee weapons would be sweet, like giving the Dakra a unique stance tailored for it, or even some new attack animations. But regardless, it looks like power creep is just gonna be constant thing now.

  7. So I'm probably pretty late to the party by this point, but having just realized that Broken War requires no mastery rank to use and the completion of The Second Dream quest (Which DOES require a MR of 3), I can't help but feel that either the Dakra Prime needs a slight buff, or Broken War needs a nerf. With the Dakra, you had to not only reach MR 6, but you also had to grind for the parts in void missions. But with completing The Second Dream quest, you're pretty much guaranteed a straight upgrade from the Dakra off the bat, with no building or resources required, WITH a blue potato no less. Don't get me wrong, I love the weapon, but it also feels as if all the effort I put into acquiring the Dakra Prime was all for nothing, and it kind of devalues the weapon, especially for new players. Like, if it reappeared in the Prime Vault, why would they want to go through the hassle of farming for the parts when in the end they'd have an although aesthetically pleasing sword, a weapon that pales in comparison to the Broken War.


    Either way, by this point it's just a bit of curiosity, being lucky enough to  own both swords, it doesn't really affect me regardless.


    So, Nerfed Broken War or Buffed Dakra Prime?

  8. "I see you've got yourself a single action army... It's a nice gun, I'll give you that.

    But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless you were

    planning to auction it off as a collector's item.


    This is a high-class weapon, it isn't meant for shooting people..."


                                                                                           - Naked Snake


    More-a-less the same argument for the Skana Prime. 


    Thank you Based Boss.

  9. Firstly, I just want to say that THIS ISN'T A RANT. Just pointing a couple of things out.


    So, was fighting Vor and Kril with the Dragon Nikana, finished off Vor no problem, but then it came to taking care of kril... And...


    uhm; This happened.

    (See screenshot below, have multiple as proof)







    Now, getting stuck in a wall is kind of a minor knit-pick which could probably be fixed, but I also wanted to make another little point: Notice the combo count? yep. yeeep. fighting Kril with a melee weapon is a little teeny-tiny bit impossible. Now, being in a wall; that's not hard to believe. But you can see the hit detection and the numbers are there. Can't rack up a 4x Combo from wailing on rock faces right?


    So, is there any chance of DE creating a way to fight bosses like Kril with just melee weapons?I know it's possible in his second phase, but that's if you can get him into his second phase using just melee. And Don't say 'JUST USE GUNS' because sometimes, a man just has to get his slashy-slash on; And one of the highlights of u13 was being able to play missions using just melee.


    Feel free to move this topic somewhere else if it's in the wrong place or otherwise, I Don't use the forums a whole lot.

  10. As someone who can draw, I'm against making friends in exchange for art. Having experienced it, it's an insult to the feelings and worth of people to be used for something.

    Frankly, if you're interested in creating a warframe, it's best to design the gameplay for it. You could churn out a hundred variations of visual designs, but slapping "snake frame" or "spider frame" or "blast-damage frame" on it and creating a couple powers only goes so far. Instead, think about what kind of gameplay you want the frame to have. Think about why it would be fun. People like fun. Make a fun frame, and people will be interested.

    As far as visual design goes, that's where things get iffy. Modern warframe designs are the stereotypical "guys in spacesuits" kind of look, largely because of their use of cloth and armour, rather than the biomechanical design that their lore is supposed to portray.

    Look at Ash, or Valkyr. They have heavy anatomical focus and accuracy, with some standard biomech traits, such as the spine. Typically, older frames didn't have noticeable eyes, or lights to symbolize eyes, which helped things look like helmets. That said, having eyes, or mouth detailing, will help the organic design along nicely.


    For you, or whoever you might get to help you with your visual concept, I suggest google'ing up a bunch of muscle anatomy, of both humans, animals, fish, insects, etc, and getting inspiration for your design from that.


    I can totally relate to exchange for art dealio (although it was a different art form for me), and guarantee that I'd never make a friend to exploit their artistic talents, it's not a pleasant feeling. thanks for the sound advice!

  11. Hi there, so I had an idea for a warframe concept, but I have pretty much no skill in drawing whatsoever. I was going to think about the frame and balancing its abilities first, but then there's actually having to design it.


    So, would it just be a case of learning how to draw or leaving it to someone else?


    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. From what I've heard, apparently you'll be able to wield your Melee weapon alone in the update, giving your choice of weapon a damage buff. this could also be used as a way of mastering (leveling) any particular melee weapon you've been meaning to level, without succumbing to just breaking out the big guns in the middle of a mission.


    Don't hold me to that though, as far as I'm currently aware, it could be a rumor.

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