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Posts posted by (NSW)Chozo

  1.     In regards to the hunting mechanics in the Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis, its impossible.

        Upon stepping out of the gates to the Plains, there is always a Dargyn flying overhead shooting at me. I destroy it and a little while later another spawns. Grineer enemies spot me from absurdly long distances and begin attacking. Long story short, its just about impossible to hunt in the Plains without something getting in the way and messing up the whole hunt.

        As for the Orb Vallis, it's a little more manageable since a constant stream of flying enemies shooting at you isn't a problem here. What IS the problem is the excessive amounts of patrol in the Orb Vallis. I can't hunt anything there either without getting harrassed by a million Corpus. It makes what would've been a cool and fun mechanic into something far more stressful and annoying.

        My only suggestions are to reduce the amount of enemy spawns/patrols in the Orb Vallis and Plains of Eidolon as well as take away that pestering Grineer Dargyn that immediately attacks you upon entering the Plains. Make enemies attack only if you're close to them, and I mean anything less than 200 meters in proximity to them, because thats the main issue, that they can spot you from absurdly long distances. And just because the Grineer Dargyn can fly, doesn't mean it has to be immediately on top of me. Any consideration towards my suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.

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