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Posts posted by (PSN)Gooonicorn

  1. 4 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    No really with the new rtx cards being next Gen were still behind because of pure graphical performance. No console is going to realistically support RTX for a price point under 600-700 dollars and if you're not shelling out 700+ for that new graphics card you're not up to date as well. And that's not a consoles fault. Consoles  offer accessibility to games and fun for those who don't have the means or don't want to buy or play on pc. Again. Blame the devs for crappy ports and such not the consoles for offering accessibility. You gonna get mad at someone in a wheelchair and hate them cause they can't walk? (Honestly that he a funny sight)

    Most people won’t use ray tracing on PC anyway drops to many frames, maybe minus a few Minecraft lovers. Ray tracing is a gimmick by Nvidia that won’t be used in this current line up of rtx cards anyway. And if you do enable it kiss your frame rate goodbye 

  2. 5 hours ago, L4D3M said:

    This is a huge problem. You go in expecting an exciting shooter that keeps you on your toes and checking all the angles, and come out realizing that enemies can't hit you with anything except weird telegraphed small-time gimmicks, and with your sense of accomplishment exceptionally diminished.

    I don't think enough people know how much of a problem this really is.

    Going off from what I can remember from last playing over half a year ago. I play on PC. The amount of variety in a game will never overcome the power of having to move, plan, and react smartly in that game's environment. Variety can only enhance it by opening up different options per place and time. If it doesn't matter where you are at what time, or how quickly you're aiming, then what's the point?

    We have a problem: enemies don't have guns. Melee Grineer can hook and reel people in better than the rest can shoot. The aim graphs require enemies to finess into a very specific distance before their shots even matter, rather than the quantity of enemies on screen having any effect. You'll always have the drop on common enemies because you're always way more accurate. There's no thinking involved, thus, no engagement. They're an annoying chore rather than a shifting challenge or enjoyable threat. A lot of the maps tiles have almost no cover or verticality with which to re-think your approach countless times with, which could have provided a lot of replayability.

    This is a game advertised as part shooter, but enemies wield fake guns, and resort to using cartoony AoEs and other very telegraphed gimmicks 90% of the time. Where is the excitement? The disappointment comes when enemies have guns but can almost never hit anything with them. There is a bar set (shooter), and a clear letdown is shown during gameplay (enemies with guns can barely ever hit you). Is there a disconnect between what new and long-time players experience?

    I'm not suggesting completely removing the enemy aimgraphs, but since there appears to be a severe lack of cover, it might be a great idea to, while at the same time bringing back the amount of cover and verticality that levels had years ago. At least heavily dampen the effect of aimgraphs to where they almost don't matter? What about some alternatives?

    Give each tile / room a rating for how much cover it has, and how many challenges are in it. Balance this out by reducing enemy accuracy when there is almost no cover, or too many other challenges / actual effective enemy types. Open field? Move almost anywhere to avoid enemy fire, as long as you're shooting back.

    At random times, slowly ramp up enemy accuracy, and the difficulty based on how many aggroed enemies don't have a piece of cover in the line of sight between them and their targeted player.

    Going the way things are, enemies might as well have bolt action rifles vs your military grade assault rifles, and you might even have to lower the damage they do just to give a clear indicator of difficulty through how much of your health goes down, rather than it spiking too much. That, or it's the lack of cover speaking.

    You don't need too much variety as long as the core content is challenging. If you don't want to get shot down, learn to move along the room, cover, and platforms in creative ways. If you can do it in any way you want, then there's no point to the gameplay because you aren't learning anything. If you can't gain an advantage through higher skill, learning a room on the fly, thinking on your toes, then the whole game is just a grind.

    You might even want to balance the rest of this game around this concept. The most dynamic part of gameplay (the moving, positioning, aiming, shooting, and sometimes swordplay) comes first, while your more powerful abilities could become less often useful, and rather more situational.

    WF is built for the casual gamer and I like it this way even though i can handle tougher enemies I’d rather not most the time I’d much rather chill and talk with friends while we make waste to 1000s of enemies 

  3. 14 hours ago, (NSW)ManicDevlin said:

    I tried many times and watching all the videos none actually reflect what I am encountering in game. The entire test serves no purpose since there is no single mission requiring stealth with only melee. Not to mention none of the enemy AI actually detects you from so far and so easily. All of the sudden games clumsy AI becomes pro only in this test. 

    The progression difficulty is retarded and I am not going to spend weeks memorizing every twist and turn. Either remove this test or I stop playing. Simple as that. The whole MR nonesense serves no purpose other than arbitrary time sink. 

    I'm off to Witcher 3. 

    Test is easy if your a melee god like me 

  4. 3 hours ago, Mikhael222 said:

    A lot of people on the forums are spoiled children who never had a taste of reality and don't understand the importance of patience, respect, and dignity.  Spoiled rich kids (95% of average Americans) are rarely ever happy in life.

    You personally know 95% of the American people and can say they are not happy in life? How do you manage to fit Warframe into your tight schedule?

  5. On 2019-11-01 at 7:16 AM, THE_ZEEK said:

    I just love em!


    Finally some content that makes me think about what build to bring and what damage types the weapons do that we bring.

    I know people are complaining that they think it is too hard, but iits good for someone to think about their game in stead of just power up and kill anything without a blink.

    This will give a better sense of achievement and for sure will bring some skill development to the players.


    Keep up the good work!

    I came back after a 9 month break and did all 3 in the 1st try with Zanuka and stalker invading me in 2 of the missions I personally think they are way to easy and no reason to change the missions

  6. 18 hours ago, IIDMOII said:

    Nope. Not even a little bit.

    Both open world areas aren't what I want from an open world experience. They're too empty, static and boring. 

    - Bounties - shallow and repetative. Not different or unique enough from the corridor style missions.

    - Peer 2 peer, host migrations and constant trips back to town upset the flow and more time is spent loading than actually playing.

    - zones themselves are empty and shallow. There aren't any interesting POIs, caves and structures have no treasure or loot, there's no interesting enemies roaming around. There's nothing of interest to interact with,  It's predictable and dull.

    - k-drives = lol no thanks.

    - time gated syndicate grinds with tiered resource gating? 

    - another slog for operator items.

    - another gimmick boss fight.

    It's all just a piss poor distraction from a couple of progress bars. They can do better.



    I feel the same, after a 273 day break I came back to play with old friends and try new warframes and I still dreaded going to POE lol but I needed those darn mats for grendel. Its just boring to me 

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z said:

    Entitlement at its finest. 

    I would back this statement up if twitch prime was free but it’s not you have to buy amazon prime to get it and a lot of people have no reason to buy it. If this was sent as a gift to everyone in game it would be appreciated, but it wasn’t and it is a junk item to lure people into buying amazon prime nty keep your junk DE

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