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Posts posted by AyeJimmy123

  1. Actual new player here (31 hours), and there are several moments where I thought "existence is pain" and considered quitting. 

    • Crafting times (and time in general)

    This actually did make me quit, a couple of years ago when I played on consoles. Waiting hours to days to make something is ridiculous, and the fact you can pay irl money to buy an in-game currency to speed up the process makes it feel p2w or like a mobile game, which obviously makes people not want to play anymore.

    In addition, a lot of either money (for platinum) or grinding is needed to progress. Many players are fairly young, and so do not have much in terms of money. And to new players to the genre, the time required for grinding stuff is daunting, to say the least. Not to mention simply not feasible in many cases, as people have jobs, schools, social interactions and other games that require time being taken up. This is probably the number 1 reason for new players quitting.

    • The Mars Junction

    I recently got back into the game a few days ago (day 6 today), on PC this time, and am enjoying it a lot. However, this was the least enjoyable thing ever, and I am convinced that whoever made scanning 3 cephalon fragments on Mars a requirement to use the junction there has no idea what the word 'fun' means, and has likely gotten it confused with the word 'tedious'. It adds nothing of value to the game, and serves only to kill new player's interest in the game. Of my 6 days playing so far, I spent the first 2 doing the quests, having fun, and trying to figure out how the game works. The next 2 days were spent trying to find the damned cephalon fragments. They spawned infrequently in stupid places, and I didn't even know what they looked like until 1 popped up on my radar (on earth). I should imagine a fair amount of new players look at this and nope out.

    • No idea what to do

    Finally, many new players have no idea how to get better at the game. What mods do they use? What weapons do they use? How do they beat _? What frame(s) do they use? Are they supposed to use multiple frames? How do clans work? The game offers no answers. Which is why I've been stuck at the Ceres --> Jupiter junction for the last couple of days.

    Some people have replied in the thread saying that platinum can be earned without paying for it (I have no idea how, apart from trade, and even then I have no idea what I can/should trade, for how much, etc.). Others have said to find a clan or just use recruiting chat to ask for help. The thing is, recruiting chat seems to just be general chat, which new players wouldn't know, and there's no actual recruiting going on, so new players (including myself) have no idea how to join one.

    And before people reply, yes, I know I'm doing something wrong. The problem is that I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong. I just don't know what I'm meant to be doing in general.

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