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Posts posted by Snuggletron

  1. End of Mission is completely broken since the last hotfix. Doesn't seem to matter what kind, only whether it's Solo vs. any other type (public, friends only, invite only). What happens is the animation occurs normally but the EOM screen never pops up. Screen darkens, animation occurs, no EOM report. This gets carried over till I'm back on the ship and the screen is darker, expecting an EOM pop up, but it never comes. I can't Escape out, can't Alt+F4 out, it just hangs there. I've seen people leave the squad at that point but it's impossible for me. I end up having to Alt+Tab to Task Manager to close the game that way. 

  2. Ever since the last update/change to Prosecutors they've become immune to Warframe damage. In other words, Toxic prosecutors are immune to Saryn's Miasma; Ice prosecutors are immune to Frost's Avalance and Freeze, etc. Now, sometimes it'll hit and do some damage but that tends to be the first time I use it the first time a given prosecutor-type appears and I use it (the elemental ability) the first time. After that first hit, if even that first hit, they become immune. 


    So now we're at a place where acquiring Hydroid becomes a question of spending $20 in the store or keeping our fingers crossed whoever makes these decisions and/or implements the code decides to change it back to something that worked and was fair: even if you didn't have an elemental damage type, you could still burn through your ammo and actually do _something_ rather than just fail the mission. I've yet to see any explanation at all as to why you guys thought this would be a great idea worth implementing.

  3. Things progressed normally until we got Vay Hek's health down low enough to trigger the "transformation" where he hops into the Ripley-esque machinery for the last phase of the fight. The cinematic started and a mod popped out next to him, and then he ceased to exist. Just poof, gone. And then the evac light was blinking green up in the corner of the map where it was impossible to get to because we took the water slide down and, it turns out, it's not possible to get back up the water slide. 


    Everyone left but me. It was my key and those delta beacons are a pain in the &#!. So, I opened this up to write a post when Lotus started congratulating me for killing Vay Hek. Whose body had vanished from this plane of existence. I guess he ascended to grineer heaven? But I still couldn't get back up the slide. More grineer kept spawning around me. I think they were trying to aggressively hug me to try and console me since I and my buddies got screwed out of our Hydroid piece. 


    Excellent coding, guys. Keep up the great work. 

  4. Just got done running Casta to see about this "new" drop rate on Delta beacons. Turns out now the Prosecutors are completely impervious to any/all damage that isn't the single element they're buffed with. So, I got treated to a Shock Prosecurtor being completely impervious to every single thing I threw at it despite having electric mods on both guns -- but since this is Damage 2.0, and I was naive enough to attach additional elemental mods to my weapons, that means the electric mods don't count for killing Shock Prosecutors. 


    "Stupid" is the only word I can think of to describe this both from a gameplay perspective as well as simple internal logic. As far as gameplay is concerned, you've essentially hamstrung everyone's ability to do damage by making us leave out at least one elemental mod. What's the purpose of doing these events and getting "dual stat mods" if we're rendering ourselves incapable of doing damage should we be foolish enough to use them? Further, this makes it literally impossible to solo farm these guys. Added to that, it's unlikely but not impossible a full PUG is still going to be missing that one single element, which makes the whole run a failure after it becomes obvious nobody can kill this thing and just let themselves die. That's the opposite of fun. As far as internal logic goes: so these are modifications to space ninja weapons, right? And these ammo mods give the bullets specific effects? What happens between me attaching _just_ a shock mod to my rifle versus a shock mod plus, say, a toxin mod? What about that process renders the "shock" quality null and void such that this purple #$&(% can completely ignore all these bullets I'm chucking at him? 


    This is a categorically bad idea. I realize you guys have to make some money on this and that is absolutely fine as far as that goes. What's not fine is bludgeoning people with intrinsically stupid/broken mechanics in order to say Hey, look, you can farm it up and get it for free! when it's clear this is just a way to antagonize people into dropping $20 on the Hydroid in the store. 

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