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Posts posted by (PSN)SpartanLegend_27

  1. I think having to come up with 3 different passives would be a bit much for all 30+ frames in this game, without some of them being straight up useless or redundant. Cool idea on paper, but I don't think it's practical. Don't even really think it's necessary. Most frames are pretty adaptable in how you mod them. 

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  2. 2 frames being able to exploit self damage, plus a minority of people "personally liking the challenge of self damage" is nowhere near a strong enough case to keep it. It's annoying, It needs to go. It's going.  

  3. I'm getting absolutely no Saryn vibes from this rework, and tbh, it doesn't seem too far off from what Nyx is right now. Not that it's bad, cause I do still like the ideas here. I just don't think it's anywhere comparable to Saryn, nor would I really want Nyx to be like Saryn. 

  4. 14 hours ago, (NSW)Mystc said:

    . If you remove it, there's no reason anyone should use anything other than lenz, bramma, and prisma angstrum. 

    That's simply not true. A: there's going to be dragged on them, which can open you up to get nuked in high level missions. B: This assumption is made thinking all players care about is what pumps the best numbers in the widest areas. I for one will still be sticking to my Zenith or Hek, because those weapons are more fun for me.

    The many negatives self damage has far outweigh the positives. It's not worth trying to improve either, cause even if you balanced self damage perfectly, most warframes already trivialize missions. No point in trying to keep a mechanic that isn't fun and has a negligible effect on game balance when you're literally playing walking nukes, in my opinion.  

  5. I was just about to make a topic on this. Doing Nightmare missions has been a chore, cause there've been multiple instances that I haven't been able to revive myself when I go down. Most infuriatingly just today when I died after completing the objective and going to extraction. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, (XB1)HERODI0N said:

    Yes but I mean visual and audio effect when you are in the invulnerability phase that says you "Keep taking damage" or "stop taking damage". And the damage is added to the modified health, that's S#&$

    I have no idea what you mean by this. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)HERODI0N said:

    Passive should have more range and lift enemies maybe? In my opinion this isn't the real problem. The real problem is Iron Skin that has no visual effects, no audio effects and adds the absorbed damage to the modified health instead of multiply it

    Uh, last I checked, there were visuals for his iron skin. Not necessarily as to how much you have on you, but there is a visual indicator to know you have it on. Or there was, I thought. And even if not, that's not even a real problem. You can just glance down at his abilities to see if he has his armor up. Having a useless passive far outweighs having to look down to see if an ability's still active. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

    Idk why you want to penalize not using abilities too much. This is warframe, where most players just spam abilities coz there's no cooldown and have easy access to infinite, regenerating energy. So any mechanic that revolves around "not using abilities" is just a wasted mechanic because people will always use abilities anyway 😕

    Fair, I guess. I just thought it' be more fun to incentivize ability use. Bit of an oversight on my part. Thanks for the suggestion.

  9. This has potential, but it's so generic. Maybe have his Maggot Swarm spread from target to target. Raise the damage increase of Retribution to 25%, have it trigger upon taking damage instead of just damaging yourself, and give his sword viral damage. I'm also going to assume the stats given are based on a level 30 frame, right? 

  10. 13 minutes ago, C0ldSpirit said:

    First off, having a negative passive will easily make people not want to play it. Instead, make him start at 0% stability and gradually build up over time, with abilities lowering it.

    I get where you're coming from. The idea behind the passive for me was to incentivize the use of his abilities. And for me, the concept of aiming for a higher stability made more sense to me, that's why I decided to start it there instead of at 0% going up. I do like your alternate passive though. Thanks for the feedback!

  11. Stability itself doesn't do anything, it's just a mechanic there to incentivize using your abilities so you don't lose energy. And, yeah, the tilesets don't really support Glitch, I just made that ability to be a fun gimmick, more usable for avoiding damage than anything else. And the ammo reset on his 4 is probably too much, you're right. I just didn't know if health and shields alone would be good enough. Overall, very thankful for your input.   

  12. Hello again, Tenno. I'm back with the 2nd of my dumb Warframe concepts. This time we have Matrix! A frame build on breaking the game, hopefully without actually breaking the game. Full disclosure before we begin, I know this idea is way too farfetched to actually make it near the game, I just figured I'd share it anyway, cause I like how it turned out so far. As with my last frame concept, do let me know how it can be improved.

    Without further ado: 

    Base health: 125, shields: 80, armor: 100, sprint speed: 1.10x, energy: 90.  

    Passive: Stability - Matrix passively loses stability over time. If he hits 0% stability, he starts losing energy. Using abilities gives 15% stability. 

    A1: Glitch (30 energy) - Matrix breaks his form to enter a state that can pass through solid objects, like walls and columns. He cannot attack or be attacked in this form, and cannot jump.  

    AB Duration affects how fast he drains energy while in Glitch mode. 

    A2: Disrupt (40 energy) - Matrix targets an area and disrupts the stability within it. Enemies in that area are damaged and frozen in place for 6s. You and allies can step into a disrupted area to gain a 30% damage boost. 

    AB Duration affects how long enemies are frozen. 

    AB Strength affects the damage inflicted on enemies. 

    A3: Corruption (60 energy) - Matrix corrupts the stability of the area around him in a 10m radius.  Enemies in this area are damaged continuously and afflicted with a 50% movement speed reduction for 5s. Use Disrupt on enemies within the corrupted area for a large burst of damage. 

    AB Duration affects the time the area stays corrupted

    AB Strength affects the damage over time inflicted on enemies. 

    AB Range  affects the radius of the corruption area.

    A4: Reset (100 energy) - Matrix resets the health, shields, and ammo for himself and allies to their highest values from the last 5s ago. 

    AB Range affects the time that Matrix can go back to find the highest values. 

    Possible augments for him include: 

    Fragmentation (glitch augment): Exiting gltich sends out a shockwave that stuns nearby enemies. 

    Script Error (Disrupt augment): Enemies are no longer frozen in place, but take 150% more damage. 

    File Corrupted (Corruption augment): Enemies in the corrupted field lose 40% armor.

    Hard Reset (Reset augment): Reset also affects companions and will resurrect them if they died within the period Reset goes back through.

  13. This has potential, but is kinda oddly worded, and simplistic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the wording "full accumulation of core heat" sounds like he would need to charge his passive fully to be able to use it? And at first look, it sounded like the frame would lose armor on his 4, but having read it over again, I see it strips armor from the enemy. Which is nice. I would maybe change the 3 to just do radiation damage, because having the random heat damage there doesn't seem appropriate to me when his 4 doesn't have heat procs on it. I would also maybe do 40-50% armor strip, cause with so many other methods of removing enemy armor in the game, having more than 50% armor strip seems like overkill to me. 

  14. Plain and simple: his current passive is useless. You can do much more damage in a probably wider radius, by doing a simple slam attack with your melee, so his passive really doesn't provide much value. And personally, hearing that sound effect every 7 seconds as I leap around in larger, open areas is kind of annoying. Rhino as a frame is very good, but I really would like to see a passive that actually has use. I don't really know what to offer as an alternative, but practically anything would be better than what he has now. 

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  15. I've been in creative mood recently, so for me, this means a set of new Warframe concepts. The first of these concepts being Gambit. A frame that relies on RNG seems fit for the game BUILT around RNG lol. This is a pretty raw concept, so no artwork to be seen, abilities may be broken or useless. Do let me know how he can be improved.

    Base health: 100, base shields: 135, base armor: 110. 

    Passive: Feeling Lucky? - Every time Gambit uses an ability, he rolls a 10-sided dice. this dice roll determines the strength and attributes of his abilities. Rolling a 1 damages him, while rolling a 10 refunds the energy used on the ability. Additionally, he has a "Luck" stat that can be increased with ability efficiency mods. At max luck rating (280%), he is guaranteed to never roll a 1 on any ability.

    A1: Joker (20 energy) - Gambit tosses a wildcard at an enemy. It will damage the enemy upon impact, and if the ability rolls a 10, the card will also explode in a 4m radius. If it rolls the one, it will cost double the energy.

    A2: Bluff (50 energy) - Gambit fakes a lunge for his enemy, but instead dodge rolls in the direction of his choosing. If he rolls a natural 10, you will be cloaked for 3s after dodging. If he rolls a 1, he lunges forward and misses the enemy with a melee.

    A3: Up The Ante (60 energy) - Gambit wagers his shields, or health if no shields remain, on a roll. Health/shields wagered is converted to damage to enemies in a cone in front of you. If he rolls a natural one, he loses 50% more shields/health. If he rolls a natural 10, he does not lose any health or shields. 

    A4: Hot Streak (80 energy) - Gambit's feeling lucky. He tosses out 10 cards in quick succession. If he rolls a 10 on this ability, each card procs slash damage. If he rolls a 1, he loses  health with each card throw.

    Some interesting things to note regarding my thought process behind Gambit and his kit.

    - I originally planned for Gambit to roll a 20 sided di with each move, but quickly found that over complicated the math behind his ability scaling, since I wanted each number to affect the strength of his abilities. 10 was the sweet spot between giving his abilities the right amount of random chance and making his ability scaing easy to keep up with. 

    - Gambit is meant to be a damage frame, like Chroma or Equinox. Trying to make him fit any other niche made his concept just not work as well. 

    - I toyed with the idea of Gambit's "Joker" being a type of exalted weapon, like Excal's Blade, which would make it separately mod-able. As you can imagine, that didn't go too well.

    - His 3rd ability was the hardest part of his kit to come up with. I obviously didn't want to come up with another card based ability, and Bluff was the only other poker-ish/gambler lingo that I could comfortably fit into an ability, so this was what I ended up with. Alternative names for this ability have been "Ante Up", "Wager", and "Gamble." 



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