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Posts posted by (NSW)albadicentra

  1. Aside from the fact that I find it hard to believe that historical artifacts are being dug up by volunteers, this is a game. They make money off of incentivizing people to play and spend money, they paid multiple people to develop those aspects of the game and yet there is no reward for doing it meaning no incentive to players to look for it. Why do it? I ask players to help and they don’t want to or say it is pointless, I mark items whilst playing and they don’t care. My own boyfriend who introduced me to the game doesn’t want to look for kuria or memory fragments or thousand year fish. I enjoy these parts of the game, I have almost all of them complete, other players don’t care about here aspects of the game and don’t want to find them.

  2. I already mentioned prex/levarian. I’m talking about partnership and memory fragments, also the fact that the rewards are just dumb, the special rooms on Jupiter give you for S#&$ty mods and a cute background to take selfies. Why is this so difficult for no/little reward?

  3. I love the aspect of searching for hard to find items but why is there little to no reward? Yes kuria, cephalon fragments, somachord tones, thousands year fish, frame fighter and prex give you cosmetics/decoration but the amount of work going into it is unrewarding and ill-fitting. I had to play certain nodes 50+ times to find certain things. Upon completion you should get a more substantial reward. 

  4. Pink is still happening. I normally notice once pink starts taking over that my game starts glitching and I have to restart. Will anyone from DE acknowledge this bug? Is it being fixed? I felt like I was alone until i googled it, I even posted in my clan and they acted as if nothing was happening. (Not dftv, previous clan)

  5. I get this bug and so does my boyfriend on everything, my warframe has turned pink, my mission results page has turned pink, icons for damage type have turned pink, icon for various alerts have turned pink. 




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