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Posts posted by xValorx621

  1. Apex Multi-Gaming has recently formed a division in WarFrame :) we'll be looking to add an official section on our forum soon once we gather more members!


    Mission Statement

    Apex is designed and geared towards gamers who understand that people may have a very busy life but wants to maintain a sense of community in their online gaming. Whether you're a student or busy with work, we aim to be a place you can come home to after a tiring day. This does not mean we are not open to gamers that may have more time on their hands than others. We aim to fill leadership roles with members that are able to be a bit more active in order to keep things running. We aim to be a close-knit, online family eventually spanning multiple games


    Rules of Conduct

    Respect: Respect one another. Racism, sexism, and bigotry in general will not be tolerated.

    Contribute: A lot of guilds fall because members are more than happy sitting in the background, soaking up benefits, but giving nothing in return. Do you have some gear that a guildie may need? We're not asking you to give it away if you can't, but consider selling it for cheap. Have a cool idea for an event? Share it! We'd love to hear from you!

    Attitude: We understand that everyone may have bad days, but please do not take it out on anyone. Do your best not to have a negative impact on the community of whichever game(s) you may be playing. Remember when you're out there, whether you're killing orcs, destroying inhibitors, or in a gunfight, you're representing Apex.



    -Be a strong gaming guild spanning multiple games yet retaining a family feel -Hold giveaways monthly or bi-monthly (steam games, game cards, etc) -Throw huge holiday events -Have fun!

    What I need

    -People interested in helping out with leadership positions (A council of sort if you will) -Graphic Artists! Let's make this site pretty -Enthusiastic members! -People willing to stick with us for the long haul


    If you're interested please register at: http://apexmultigaming.enjin.com

  2. Hey everyone! Apex Multi-Gaming has recently formed a division in WarFrame :) we'll be looking to add an official section on our forum soon once we gather more members!


    Mission Statement

    Apex is designed and geared towards gamers who understand that people may have a very busy life but wants to maintain a sense of community in their online gaming. Whether you're a student or busy with work, we aim to be a place you can come home to after a tiring day. This does not mean we are not open to gamers that may have more time on their hands than others. We aim to fill leadership roles with members that are able to be a bit more active in order to keep things running. We aim to be a close-knit, online family eventually spanning multiple games


    Rules of Conduct

    Respect: Respect one another. Racism, sexism, and bigotry in general will not be tolerated.

    Contribute: A lot of guilds fall because members are more than happy sitting in the background, soaking up benefits, but giving nothing in return. Do you have some gear that a guildie may need? We're not asking you to give it away if you can't, but consider selling it for cheap. Have a cool idea for an event? Share it! We'd love to hear from you!

    Attitude: We understand that everyone may have bad days, but please do not take it out on anyone. Do your best not to have a negative impact on the community of whichever game(s) you may be playing. Remember when you're out there, whether you're killing orcs, destroying inhibitors, or in a gunfight, you're representing Apex.



    -Be a strong gaming guild spanning multiple games yet retaining a family feel -Hold giveaways monthly or bi-monthly (steam games, game cards, etc) -Throw huge holiday events -Have fun!

    What I need

    -People interested in helping out with leadership positions (A council of sort if you will) -Graphic Artists! Let's make this site pretty -Enthusiastic members! -People willing to stick with us for the long haul


    Interested members please post here and register at: http://apexmultigaming.enjin.com

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