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Posts posted by KYRUS9

  1. Hey fellow tennos, years ago I started my own clan with a irl friend of mine we grew at a rapid pace with members pouring in every week until my friend and I took a year long break from the game due to problems irl- losing all our members and friends. We've been in this kind of limbo or staying as a inactive clan we don't want to disband it but want to start fresh again and regain our glory days. We never dedicated time to making a cool dojo for it, just kind of threw everything in there but we looking to change that now.

    So I was wondering if anyone was interested in joining us to decorate the dojo of course we'd be pitching in for resources but for now we just need someone who's dedicated in helping us destroy rooms, and re-design for us. We would also like to compensate you with a whole prime vault package in helping us.

    If interested, pm me or comment below.

    Ty ❤️

  2. 2 years ago when i was first introduced into the game by my best friend we started a clan and since starting it we became very successful in establishing a full working dojo, many alliances, and hundreds of members in just the span of 7 months since creating and playing the game, after some time i no longer had access to the game and i started to miss the game very much but eventually people who joined cuz of me started leaving the clan (essentially 2 of our best players/clan masters)and recently my friend and i decided to disband the clan but instead i chose to leave it instead. 

    SOOOOOOOOOO......why am telling you redditors this sob story?! and why would you care?! although i still dont have access to the game i still love the game and started a new clan in hopes that evetually we get big enough and maybe join my "home" clan in an alliance one day and the hopefully i can play the game again with a new clan, new members, a new start for me (i have a comp to access the game but not play)

    if you really like the warframe and are looking for a new clan or thinking of starting a new clan, why not join mine as my new clan masters, you guys can help build a clan my home is your home crap basically im giving you guys permission to run this clan like its your own
    if youre interested itd be awesome ARKSIS Clan is the name.
    i prefer level 8 and up but if youre lower but up for it 
    add me ingame ColdFire96
    ill only be picking the first 9 people that message me below

  3. 2 years ago when i was first introduced into the game by my best friend we started a clan and since starting it we became very successful in establishing a full working dojo, many alliances, and hundreds of members in just the span of 7 months since creating and playing the game, after some time i no longer had access to the game and i started to miss the game very much but eventually people who joined cuz of me started leaving the clan (essentially 2 of our best players/clan masters)and recently my friend and i decided to disband the clan but instead i chose to leave it instead. 

    SOOOOOOOOOO......why am telling you redditors this sob story?! and why would you care?! although i still dont have access to the game i still love the game and started a new clan in hopes that evetually we get big enough and maybe join my "home" clan in an alliance one day and the hopefully i can play the game again with a new clan, new members, a new start for me (i have a comp to access the game but not play)

    if you really like the warframe and are looking for a new clan or thinking of starting a new clan, why not join mine as my new clan masters, you guys can help build a clan my home is your home crap basically im giving you guys permission to run this clan like its your own
    if youre interested itd be awesome ARKSIS Clan is the name.
    i prefer level 8 and up but if youre lower but up for it 
    add me ingame ColdFire96
    ill only be picking the first 9 people that message me below

  4. hi uhm i dont know how to start this but

    my friend (elite905) and i (dRIFTED96) just made a new clan because we would like to play with others along with making new friends in the game there are currently only 3 members and i would like to know if anyone else would like to join us and have fun playing (+15 would be nice under that age is still ok)

    i know this all sounds cheesy but please join us if youd like

    appreciate it

    dRIFTED96- Phantom General

    elite905- clan master



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