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Posts posted by [DE]Dorian

  1. Hey everyone,

    We are thrilled to announce that as a result of this outreach, the position has been filled; so I will be unpinning this post. Thank you to everyone that has participated!
    A reminder that we still have a ton of openings in other positions, which I would strongly encourage you to check out; and don't hesitate to reach out if you know of anyone, including yourself that would be a good fit for the many roles we are looking to fill!


  2. Fellow Tenno,

    As the title implies, we are currently looking to expand our UI Team with the addition of a UI/UX Designer!
    We know there are some incredibly talented individuals within our community, and we’d love to bring on someone who in addition to meeting the skill requirements, is also a passionate player; which is why we have decided to reach out to you directly.

    What are the requirements?

    First and foremost, we are looking for a Warframe expert; someone who knows all the ins-and-outs of the game, and who has a passion for coming up with the best ways to not only improve our current interface, but who is also able come up with solutions for new screens and flows. We are looking for an individual that will be able to come up with UI that will serve the player best, using both their in-game experience, and leveraging the community to make the most optimal UX decisions.

    Secondly, we are looking for someone with solid visual design experience; whether your background is as a Web Designer, Print Designer, or even a pure UX designer with a penchant for graphic design, as long as you have a portfolio of great design work, we’d love to hear more from you.

    Lastly, you must be willing to relocate to London, Ontario to be on-site with us.

    If you are interested in submitting your application, please do so at: http://www.digitalextremes.com/careers/postings/art/uiux-designer

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  3. Hey Carchemish,
    We did briefly consider this, but the reality is that the pace of our game wouldn't be very compatible with that type of presentation.
    It would be incredibly difficult to follow the UI if it moved around at the same velocity and angles that your Warframe moved at. Games like Dead Space and The Division are able to make this work because they're a lot slower and not as erratic in terms of not only character movement, but amount of action going on in the middle of the screen.

    We do however have HUD Scaling Options if you feel like having HUD elements closer to the centre of the screen would help improve your experience :)

    Hope you enjoy the new update!

  4. Seriously?

    Thoses division in 4 section is an error, plain and simple.


    Before when I was fusing mods, and saw that I had too much of one mod, I could just sell it. Now I have to get out 2 times, select the other option, sell the mod(s), then get back to fusion.


    It is EXACTLY the same problem thant the reste of the UI change: Console optimised, and a lot less practical.

    Yes, it's true it is a lot nicer and cohesive compared to the older one, but stil...


    And it seems the the mods re-design is going EXACTLY in the same direction. Great.


    Yes, as you said, going back-and-forth is not entirely ideal, however, what is even less ideal and what has been a problem plaguing modding for the longest time, is users not even understanding the modding operations in the first place.

    The changes have nothing to do with "console optimisation", and have everything to do with making modding more accessible to new users.

    If you don't take part in modding because you don't know what it does, or how to do it, you're missing out on a massive part of the Warframe experience, so we deemed it incredibly important to try and simplify, and make each option a lot easier to digest, so that everybody, regardless of experience or skill level could be able to partake.


    We found the splitting-up to be the best way to achieve this, as it gave us a lot more room to give each thing its own garden, and space where we could explain the things relevant to each operation, without adding in the noise of the others which the user might not even be interested in to begin with.


    We will certainly continue working on "quality-of-life" improvements and adding those wherever we can moving forward though,


    Thanks for watching the stream, and have a great weekend!


    - Dorian

  5. I prefer a simple UI/point-click system to some stupid room that I have to walk around (a la EVE Online) to get things done.

    We totally understand this, and this is the reason why we decided to make all features accessible as simple point-and-click options in a "pause menu", as well as in-world. So you can either walk to the Arsenal, for example, or you can click "Arsenal" in the menu ;)

  6. [...] What we're really asking for in clan management is ways to sort our members. Columns.. please..

    Name, Clan Rank, Mastery Rank, Join Date, Last Login, Online/Offline, maybe you can add a custom title field for a custom title per person if so desired..


    Hey -Krux-,


    This is actually one of the features we've decided to add following the Livestream and the feedback we received on the Clan screen :)

    Specifically, we've added a 'sorter' component to the Member list which will contain a variety of attributes (in attached screenshot, for example, shows sorting by 'Last Online').


    A polished adaptation of this will come with the next major Update, feedback is appreciated! 



    - Dorian




  7. Salut tout le monde! (Vous excuserez a l'avance mon manque d'accents, comme je suis sur un clavier anglophone.)

    Je faisais un petit tour cet apres-midi sur la section francaise du forum et je me suis dit que ca pourrait etre sympa de passer dire bonjour et de me presenter.Donc me voila :) 


    Je m'appelle Dorian, a l'origine je suis de Paris, et je suis le designer d'interface utilisateur chez DE.

    Je viens de commencer ici il y a tout juste quelques mois. Avant Digital Extremes j'ai passe 3 ans chez Activision, et avant ca j'etais chez EA Sports pendant quelques annees.


    Nous avons repondu a pas mal de questions sur l'interface dans le dernier Livestream 23 (en anglais): http://www.twitch.tv/warframe/b/505226972 mais si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions n'hesitez pas a nous laisser un commentaire dans la section "UI Feedback": https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/19-ui/ 

    (ou encore, vous pouvez m'envoyer un petit message directement si vous preferez)


    Allez, bon weekend a tous! A bientot!

  8. You missed my point. If it moves it shouldnt move out of my screen.


    Crisis UI moves around but doesnt move outta the screen.

    Hey Qynchou,


    You can fix this issue of your HUD going out of your screen by going to the "Adjust HUD Margins" in your settings.



  9. There was a [DE]Dorian comment here, but now it's gone...


    Really, community has ridiculously united opinion about this UI change. So far, i haven't seen even one person saying that current state of pop-up is better.

    I removed my comment as it was mostly speaking about plans for the new HUD, as opposed to what is currently in-game, which is what this thread touches on.

    But essentially, to sum up what I wrote; in the new HUD we'll definitely be looking to address the concerns that everyone has brought up about this.


    Thanks, everyone -- Merry Xmas!

  10. I prefer the current one. It is more pushed into corners, is generally smaller and doesn't jump into your face as much.

    On PS4, HUD elements will have to be this distance from the edges of the screen, however, rest assured, on PC, we should be able to move everything into the corners as currently is in-game.


    I don't want like my abilities jumping into my face since I always know them and use 1-4 anyway. 

    This is something we have been chatting about actually.

    The main reason to include them was to make the game as accessible as possible to new users. However, there would definitely be aesthetic value in removing them. Will have to do more exploration to determine what we'll do here.

  11. Dorian: did you see my comment about making sure the chat and the lotus/boss/stalker message box fits into the UI? since currently the lotus portrait obscures the party and the chat used to be hard-locked to the same place as well making it a 3 layer kerfuffle.

    Hey KriLL3, in wireframes that we created earlier this week, everything is planned to fit on-screen without any overlap. You'll see how everything fits together nicely once we get the chat, NPC dialog, and any outstanding HUD elements crafted and put into the screen :)


    I think the size problem others pointed out, could be easily fixed with the ability to scale the elements in the options (maybe customizable colors/ different crosshair styles aswell ;) ).


    Two things I'd like to point out tho. Stamina right now is not that important that it warrants a spot right in the middle of the screen. In my opinion having it under the health/shilds is just fine and would declutter the crosshair.


    The other thing. As much as I love the colors, warframe can get eyebleeding bright very fast (especially with bloom), when the ultimate abilities are going of everywhere, which will drown out all those crucial white Informations. So may I suggest bright letters with a dark outline (or vice versa).

    - Scaling: This has been one of the most common suggestions so far, and will absolutely make sure to investigate this as an option for us.

    - Stamina: That is a valid point, however, it will only show up when in-use. An added benefit of having the Stamina bar in the centre of the screen is that it's one less thing to display in the already fairly 'busy-with-bars' upper-right of the screen.

    - White Text Legibility: Yes, I absolutely agree with that. We're currently trying out a couple different options to ensure text is legible on all background colours that a player could encounter.

  12. I especially like how the bars reinforce the numbers represented ... (I've always wanted a health bar) xD

    Have you thought of anything regarding warning alerts, when team member's health is zero and they go down?

    Thank you, NetSlayer!

    - Bars: it's definitely an addition we are quite happy about and we hope it will help make the relationship between Shields and Armour more clear.

    - Warning Alerts: Was just working on that this afternoon - stay tuned :)


    However, the doubling in size of almost every element to pander to console players, do I not like that!

    Also, elements need to be optional, I don't need the UI to tell me what suit or gun I am wearing / using.

    Hey Egg_Chen,

    Creating an equally great UI experience for both PC and PS4 users is definitely something we think about all the time, but it's always good to be reminded directly -- thank you!


    Hi there Dorian, I really like it, minimalistic but functional, only real point of confusion is the white and red numbers and bars, I assume one part is health and one shields but I can't figure it out, is the white the shields and red the health? does the white bar replenish left to right as your shields regenerate while the red bar drains from the right? ie if both meet in the middle you're dead?

    You are correct - red is Health, and White is Shields. If the bar is in the middle or left, it drains towards the left, if it's on the right of the screen it drains towards the right.


    I REALLY like how it looks except the crowded crosshair.

    Thank you!  (and fear not regarding the crosshair, the idea for now is that the green stamina bar only appears when 'in-use', same for the 'Reload' circle as it does currently in-game. :) )

  13. Hey everyone, Dorian "New UI guy" here.


    Just wanted to quickly stop by to say thanks. :)

    We keep a close eye on the forums and love hearing all your feedback.
    We'll continue working hard to address any concerns that have come up, and also to give you a really exciting UI experience!


    Have a great weekend!

  14. Hey everyone!


    Just thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Dorian ("the new UI Artist").


    I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums, making note of what we can do to get everyone really stoked about the interface.

    There is some really terrific feedback on here (and not just this post), so I can only encourage you to please keep it coming (both the positive and negative!)


    In terms of the HUD that we presented, we decided to show this concept to the community earlier rather than later to see how everyone felt about this direction, and then gather those thoughts to influence our direction moving forward.


    I'm really excited to collaborate with everyone here, and I look forward to sharing more updates down the road.


    Have a great weekend!

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