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Posts posted by NudePony

  1. Sometimes i want o take a photo with F12(steam) and the only way to remove the UI is going to the menu.

    Can be very cool add more options for the UI like show/not show UI imformation in this mode.

    For example:

    show only with the aim , 

    the Hp indicator only appears if you have % of your total hp,

    show your hp/ammo or energy on the aim, 

    when you use the operator show the amp ammo on the aim,


    thanks for the time!

  2. Idea: A mision created with a mix of all game tiles, how?   With small joints like dimensional fractures uniting all rooms in the run. (based on nephalen rifts from diablo 3)

    Possible characteristics:

    - Limited time extermination mision where you get more time killing enemies or completing targets/tasks

    - Small bosses like groups of eximus protecting the entrance to another zone

    - Randon enemies spawn of any kind.

    - Random final Boss

    - No Droops(only ammo, Hp/E orbs) , only with rewards at the end.

    - No companions/pets

    - No Focus powers.  


    Lore 1: "X" boss found an ancient orokin experiment and make a mess with the time and space.  

    Lore 2 : Cephalon Suda or Simaris found a signal from a possible new cephalon, start a quest, this new  cephalon wants to test you into an artificial arena like the simulacrom and You need some requirements like refill the energy for this test,have % of the start chart completed, etc.

      This cephalon "reads your mind" and creates the test. the mision start. 

    Maybe by this way the completation of this test rewards with points for the tenno operator depending on the time left. (Points to spend on new pasives//skills for the operator)


    Enyoy! (Sry for basic english ^^)


  3. when using the mod radar and some skills like banshee sonar im think : why look at every time the map to know where are the enemies?  could not aparcer through walls as when using the codex scanner ? that can be cool and useful, you think?

  4. If you get the helmet skin when you build a prime why not the "body variant" to ? and vise versa,


    A posibilitiy can be for example... you get clasic ember and later you get the prime version, you still gain exp (or not?) leveling prime version, but you get the "body variant" from ember prime so, you can use it on your clasic version if you have a ember with many formas and you dont want change it. in this way you can delete, which do not use


    can be understand?

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