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Posts posted by BagelHero

  1. Loving everyone's work...! This thread is a great idea; hope it can pull some quiet folks outta the woodwork.

    I've been quiet but here's one of my frost helms quickly painted out...!


    Don't mind my scribbles to the left, just notes written while it was flipped haha

  2. tumblr_o334e90lM21v3f6yqo1_1280.jpg



    Miyu-e Syandana ver 1.0 is up on the workshop!

    Check it out here!

    ...Aaaaand I’m calling this done for now.

    Some things to note: I will continue to update this for a little while; just not right now. I’d prefer to get it out there and come back with fresh eyes and new opinions.

    Things I’m aware of:

    • Weird gradient banding on the fabric. This was Painters doing and would not be present in an in-engine implementation.
    • Slightly odd light/dark balance in the tint-map colors thanks to some small errors in the diffuse (possibly not noticeable in these shots, but an issue nonetheless)
    • Tiint-map details not showing up clearly in-engine.

    As per usual, please feel free to comment with feedback and suggestions. I made a lot of alterations to my workflow since last time, so I can make pretty broad changes with less issues now. Cheers!

  3. Thank you for the feedback Syncrasis!
    I am aiming for a much softer Syandana overall (#aesthetic) and the impression I want it to give is definitely more of plush or muscle than metal, similar to some of the earlier and more flexible Syandanas. However, I got some good ideas from your suggestions that might push the "mech" part of biomech a little harder! I'll try and work it in when I do a quick final pass over the sculpt. There actually are attachment details around the clips but... I kind of made them too subtle. Wasn't thinking too much about how they'd appear at an in-game distance, so I'll enlarge them a bit I think. Good to get confirmation that they really aren't showing up too well, haha.

  4. @Syncrasis
    Thank you! I'm glad you like it, it was fun to sketch up :)

    I'm leaning towards 7, 4 and 2 myself, I'll probably paint out a few of them to narrow it down a bit.

    Now, some updates on Syandana #7!

    Feedback on the paneling would be appreciated; it's not the initial style I set out for but something I made while doodling with the Warframe-spec paneling brush I made. Would like some more eyes on it to see if it looks in-style or if I should nyx (ha) it for a different look. I'm going into this with the intention to go back and revise the sculpt a bit this time, so feel free to spare your thoughts/link to examples that might look better. I'm going to be adding a little bit of Tennobet script in there once I plan out where it will go, too.


    Additionally, upcoming changes: For the scarf part, I'm going to remodel the clipped side to match the concept (which is folded over). I also hope to previs the transparency and emissive so it's easier to imagine the end product...! Still trying to think of better ways to test and include any animated overlays for things like Mags helm, Chroma's wings and this Syandana. I want to be able to match what I'm thinking of in my head without inconveniencing DE staff, haha.

  5. Whoops, holidays ate my time.
    Thanks a ton for taking the time to comment, everyone!

    Yeah, that's been commented a few times haha. Totally unintentional!

    Good to know, because it's coming up next!

    I'm hoping to get some good caps of #7 for feedback in the next week or so, but in the meantime



    A little sketch (feat. some of Pior and Kaz's alt helms because I like them a lot)

    And some frost alt helm silhouettes to get some ideas out.


    Also started up a Warframe blog @ http://oberontheconsort.tumblr.com/

  6. Hey Lactamid, thanks for the feedback. Don't worry, I'm a longstanding polycounter so I'm very much open to and understanding of crits.


    I totally see what you mean on both counts! I was going by my sense of design alone by that point and not considering the bigger picture fully, i feel. I'm not sure how much i can edit the entry until after the contest judging is over, but if/when I do go back to edit it a little I'll definitely keep these comments in mind. Might also add back in some parts I removed on the plug on the front to make it read a little better; it's just a weird looking magnetic doodad I found while looking up references fyi. :)


    Do keep in mind though, that regarding the attention-grabbing aspect at least, those areas are fully tintable. In-game, you would likely see people who have similar issues with it to you use a less bombastic color tint. Not closed to other options, though, you do raise a good point.

  7. Hello, Tenno! I started playing back in about 2013/early 2014 on PS4. Eventually migrated to PC for the updates but only play very casually now... Because I got absorbed in my art! Because of that, when I heard about the Workshop opening, I got very excited and have been lurking around here since. So I thought I'd say hi!

    Started a Tennogen/Workshop thread over here, feel free to drop in and have a look: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/570133-bagelheros-workshop-latest-finished-alt-helm-other-concepts/


    Looking forward to (hopefully) sticking around and getting comfy here :)

  8. ...Made this thread on the assumption I can edit the title a little later. May need some Mod help further down the line if that turns out not to be the case. Should be obvious this is image heavy, but I'll [ spoiler ] things if it gets to be a bit much as I add more projects, or if that's the preference around here (I'm new)!

    Righto, so first let's cover the backlog;



    Syandana - Miyu-e
    Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=632018437


    Alt Helm - Mag - Keeper
    Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566402628
    WIP Thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/160984/alt-helmet-mag-keeper









    Concept - Syandana - Thumbnail Sheet



    And finally something I was doodling just to get some ideas out, some ideas for Mag skins:


    I hope to update this fairly often! Thanks for having a look.

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