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Posts posted by -Chrono

  1. Don't nerf the damage anymore, just add an ability timer on bladestorm...ie...after you hit 4.. 5 seconds later bladestorm activates, while the opposing team gets an alert and timer on their screen somewhere giving them a chance to equip melee and hold block. Once blocked bladestorm wont target those who blocked until the next recast, remove the clones, and increase the energy requirement to use bladestorm or add a cooldown period, say 30 seconds after bladestorm ends, until it can be used again.


    Even if we could block bladestorm and knock the ash down while he's on you and end his bladestorm would suffice.


    Not sure if Vaub's bastille/vortex works on tenno in DS as I haven't had it used on me yet, but could see a potential problem there too if it does...no suggestions on those..

  2. Normally don't get upset with ash being in a DS game but when those few that love to be cheap and think its funny to spam bladestorm in the spawn join the game, the game's pretty much over. I actually enjoy the game mode, but until something is done with bladestorm, count me out of DS.

  3. Really dislike the new mod UI as well, it was fine as it was. Now we have a smaller menu, went from 3 rows to 2..have to scroll even more to find our mods. Could have at least put in a filter function..I know we can sort by name but being able to type part of the mod's name and have it show up would be better. Would also be nice to have the option to choose what UI we want instead of it being forced on us. The new art is amazing though..

  4. Earlier today me and a few others started a Dark Sector Defense on Saturn: Caracol, it gave us the right map, the Pod and all, but the mission was Interception with 3 capture points, with infested NPC's. We played through a couple rounds and it acted like a normal interception, only..of course, it was impossible for infested to capture any points. We left, and it gave us all rewards that were shown.


    This was just after the hotfix.

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