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Posts posted by Mortil

  1. Void Lords is clan that was created roughly three plus years ago. We have returned, and are looking for officers, newer players, and everyone in between. We have a discord, and typically play daily. We are a storm clan that is roughly 20 members, but we are growing fairly fast. If you are newer player we dont mind teaching the game or helping. Every member is active and all we ask, is for members that don't expect a free care package and gifts. :platinum:

    If this is something you are interested in please, drop a reply or hit me up in game!

  2. So is there any way that I could possibly get this reset or what, I cant sell the bp and system i have... It's stuck thinking i have done it even though ive sold them. :(

  3. I have a bug with the archwing. I farmed the parts built it and claimed it. however, during the process i picked up pretty much another set of everything. It never registered i claimed it. Forums discussed selling those parts and for some that seemed to fix the problem. However, my scenario is different. It's stuck at the scenario that i have all the parts even though they are now sold. I even went back to try and attain these parts but for some reason the game is detecting that i have them and they will not drop archwing parts. So basically at this point I cannot deploy my extractors due to the archwing being added to maps nor can I make the archwing. 

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