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Posts posted by NiyuMiya

  1. I'm in a ghost clan alone, and I was forced to get 400 Amino Beacons for a Boss Fight instead of 200 for a solo player - not a huge deal I can live with that it just required a little of grind so I'm fine...

    BUT, to achieve Golden Clan Tropy I need to get 240 Amino Beacons in one Mission alone... that's ridicoulus... I was able to get something about 90 solo and that's it... 240 Amino is just too much... 

    It needs to be changed, the system should recognize number of clan members and then adjust it to the proper requirements. 

    I'm also know a guy who's in Ghost Clan and he's the one who's still active, so my suggestion is to make a "check-list" in clan dojos or something, so the people could sign in to the next event, instead of being non-existent during the event making it impossible to the other active clan members to acquire trophy... 

    I want this trophy so bad but I will just give up prodably... as I am alone in Ghost Clan (1-5) I should get golden trophy after 60 amino beacons in a single missions... but well... F*** me... 240 or gtfo... 

    They should do something with it... like really... if not for me being alone with the clan, then for others in shadow, storm, mountain, and moon clans with less members active. 

  2. Can you guys please remove this "#M" from every Glyph in  MASHED GLYPH PACK? 

    or just add a version without it, without removing the one with the credits to #Mashed, but still.. 

    you guys should add a BIG "IgnusDei" on the chest of every deluxe skin that he made in collaboration with art team yup? :3 

  3. 2 minutes ago, shootaman777 said:

    Well, that's a summary of the problems, with the indication of future ones, but no solutions.  What do you think should be done to fix these problems, other than by reinstating blind Mirage's radial non-LoS?  

    I couldn't even blind a enemy in my melee range on yesterday sortie... so that's "LOS" thing is a bit bullS#&$... LOS of my Mirage of LOS of Prism? That doesn't really matter... I blinded the half of the room (the prism was flying for something like 5-7 seconds) and the rays hit a lot of the enemies if not all of them and the grineer in front of me just executes me... 

    This "LOS" should be more accurate in terms of "AIMING" I swear to god I was just looking at the grineer who's running on my face just in front and I'm starting to cast my prism.. (I'm suceed tho... praise the void for this!) And I was staring at him... just like he's staring at me... the prism just damage him a bit for something like 178 DMG and nothing... I was staring at other grineers (from the ground of course) to find out they actually blinded with exception of few who stoods VERY CLOSE to me.. 

    I suggest that Mirage blind should work for everything that she saw before releasing the prism instead of blinding all the map and mobs she can't see behind the walls with of course reasonable base range something that will just work in terms of her survivalibity when using a build which focus on blinding enemies... with reduced casting animation time, and increased mana drain to prevent mindless spam

    because the only problem with this LOS it's that she completely defenseless ironically against the enemies who stoods in her melee range... again... LOS - Line of sight - Mirage or prism's? ironically neither Mirage nor Prism in current state 

    Blind should work everywhere where the Mirage will be... not behind the walls neither so far from her but it should gave her a chance to defense with this skill... because it's nonsense to blind 90% of mobs near you (in current state) and get killed by the last one which ironically facing you... 

    Maybe change it to instant skill just like the Excalibur one... but well... 

    I'm mindless right now... I will rip to pieces if the rumours of another nerf... yes... NERF... will applied to Mirage.

    okay.. this rework was a bit invasive for me because I believe it's don't work as intended.. DE should focus around "LOS" in Mirage Prism that's all... 

  4. Quote

    Here's my issue with the Prism nerf; enemies aren't always looking at the prism. The nerf totally destroys her usefulness in LoR NM.


    the cast time of prism is so slow that you will die before you can even CC anything especially with this nerf.


    The problem is a lot of the time enemies are behind cover and/or they're not even looking in your general direction,


    Now that it can't blind enemies even in 2 meters in front of her if they're hiding somewhere and needs like 3 seconds of animation,




    62.5m blind

    50 energy

    No finishers


    Extremely Long Animation that interrupts you


    Radial Blind

    62.5m Blind

    50 energy



    Extremely short animation that doesn't interrupt you


    Now it's totally not even worth to build blind mirage build because you will die during casting the prism...

    Excal is now better in CC than Mirage  (tested) with his 2 skill way more cheaper than 4 (ULTIMATE MIRAGE SKILL!!! ULTIMATE!!!) It's doesn't make any sense for me in current state... but I recommend Rhino stomp... my best CC after Excal... but I will try Slow Nova and Vauban too... before they will nerf it of course.. 

    Now Excal deserve another nerf to his 2 ability or blind on Mirage should be reworked completely GUT JOB DE 

    I'm builded my Mirage for DPS build right now but I heard something that It will be nerfed too along the way in the next patch... I swear to god I will leave this game if this happen... because after this you could just remove her from the game completely ffs 

    Mirage it's my Favourite Warframe because of her character and  appearance but if you guys made her completely weak and worthless in terms of dealing damage just as you do with her CC ability... I will be crying for the rest of my life

  5. Prism’s Blind effect is now affected by the enemy's Line-of-Sight (LoS) to the Prism. Prism’s damage has been buffed slightly to compensate for this change. We found that Prism was able to lock down maps with little recourse, and we feel that these changes will make it a more targeted ability while also increasing its tactical usage. 

    Mirage is my main used Warframe.. ekhm... was my main used Warframe... after noticing the ner... ekhm silent rework with clones damage reduction and targeting Mirage more than usual instead of the clones I just deal with it... It was pain... but hey... I could live with that.. not to mention she has no armor at all.. but DE decided that she will need to be killed ocassionally with stray bullets... okay, deal with it... the passive for mirage is something... well, I like it but she was not in need of more mobility because after the silent clones ner... rework, she dies faster when she moves faster... all because of enemy LOS (line of sight)


    We found that Prism was able to lock down maps with little recourse, and we feel that these changes will make it a more targeted ability while also increasing its tactical usage. 

     It doesn't even blind within melee distance for me, and I'm maxed with stretch and overextended. maybe it was too powerful before, but now it's useless.

    How I supposed to use my blind fast enough to blind the enemy? That's a mystery... because the casting time is so long... the LOS might be good but the fact that I CAN'T CONTROL THE RAYS OUT OF PRISM make it usually IMPOSSIBLE to stun enemy in front of me.. but yea... "tactical usage"   blind build leaves mirage with 240hp and 240shields with no armor at all It's just the wrong way to carry out from danger in front of enemy...  "tactical usage"  pfff... 

    I'm sooooo dissapointed...  bring the Mirage back... and BUFF the other frames FFS 

  6. I'm do the sortie everyday without single one missed and all I can say it's that really unfair to players who don't have time or ability to play everyday to do the sortie... I was soooo angry in season 4 and 5 sortie when I couldn't get the Blueprint for Strun Wraith and Sheev I'm stuck with parts but missing the blueprint... current 6 season is so far the longest season It's started on March 31 and it's still active so the players have bigger chance to drop current Snipetron Vandal... I wish you best luck and don't give up..

    I will leave it here because it's kinda useful : 


    and.. so sorry for my broken english 

  7. DESCRIPTION: Game Freeze (Not Responding) at navigation screen (Can't play anymore) 

    Who Doesn't matter

    What Navigation screen

    Where Navigation screen




    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

     1.Launch the game


     3.Trying to choose the mission and then everything immediately freeze... 


    650h at the counter so far.. never had problems like this... 

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