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Posts posted by jestersheepy

  1. I have a small clan of around 5 friends in which only 2 of us are really active, I have heard multiple times that dojos are being looked at for smaller clans. 

    So to save time and resources we are holding off from using the feature until the devs decide what they are doing.


    Not to mention it sounds like a lot of people are complaining about the way dojos first iteration is set up.. So is it really worth touching this content at all? If you get so far only for the foundation of the content to change? 


  2. Definately no autoaim.

    More types and ways to attack would be nice.

    Behind enemy + Jump + Attack = Assassinate

    Behind enemy + Crouch + Attack = Stealth kill

    Enemy low health + A different attack button = Final Blow animation (Extra satisfaction)

    Would also be cool to throw your melee weapon to pick it up later (massive damage but take melee away from you until you pick it back up).

  3. ??? I've responded to these questions repeatedly for all the world to see. I am happy to repeat myself, however!

    Current priorities:

    1-Crashes, bugs

    2-Match-making & Contacts

    3-New Environment set

    4-More stuff

    Longer term, we will be expanding what is possible from our procedural level generator and widening the style of environments we can do while keeping the download sizes reasonable and performance in a good spot for as many configs as we can.

    To be honest, download sizes are the least of most peoples worries. The game is tiny as it is.. I kinda wish you would be more flexible with it and just go wild, anything up to 20gb is expected of large games today (20gb making the game large).

    Besides when do you stop playing an awesome game just because it's taking a while to download?

    Would just go outside for a change while it downloaded :P

  4. Sorry about lack of notes, we are trying to get updates out fast and we have people pulling double shift doing support.

    Will update you guys in the morning but we're trying to turn around updates super fast this week to get ahead of the problems and get our content schedule back on track.

    It's great what you guys are putting in.

    Is there off chance of if the community has enough talent that they could aid in the development to ease the burden you guys have?

  5. Pvp would be hard to get right, especially with so many diverse warframes. I agree I don't really think it would completely fit but PvP = infinate replayability.

    Keeps you on your toes.

    If PvP was implimented the only way I would see it working is if you played as the foot soliders of the 'Corpus' faction.

    It would then have progression of it's own and open up lots of possibilities.

  6. I have noticed a few topic now about how the game can get easy in the end once you have reached the end missions.

    A last stand game mode where enemies get increasingly hard until you die would be a great addition, it could take many forms:

    You start in the ship, as you do. And the more your squad progresses through the ship the deeper into the ship you get thus the enemies get harder and more boss like.

    This would work particullary well for the infected enemies the more you progress the more the ship is infected, you could perhaps have the near impossible reward of fighting a giant boss at the end (If there is an end).

  7. General Thoughts:

    -On the loading screen it would be nice for it to tell you what mission/type/race you were going into (Especially if someone else has chosen the mission, or there is a misunderstanding on voting).

    -Addtionally on the loading screen it would be nice to have different background pictures rather than the current very familiar (Screenshot of the level you are loading? A nice render of some planets?).

    -In the unlock tree for warframes when getting 'boosts' for already unlocked abilities there is no tool tip displaying what upgrading the ability actually does.

    -For weapons tree it would be nice to have a 'reduce recoil' on certain weapons.

    -The Lex pistol for example has huge kick back, yet it doesn't sound very powerful and a few other weapons don't have that awesome feeling when shooting them (I'm a badass feeling).

    -The menu/lobby UI is too saturated, and somewhat cheesy when compared to the art style of the game, something a bit more serious and dark would suit the atmosphere you get when playing.

    -Being able to rotate the camera in the lobby menu with right click dragging would be nice.

    -More work on the 2D maps when selecting a mission? (Actual images replacing the blue/yellow circles to give the locations more character) They seem like random areas of space with random names for no reason other than to get the mission system working?

    -Currency doesn't make much sense right now, it flies out of lockers at you and random containers, it's also on certain enemies, even the robots, you also get it in huge quantities... It would be quite imerssive for every enemy to have a 'bounty' or 'value' to their life, that when you kill it's split amoung your squad. I mean you already feel like a bounty hunter/assassin/ninja so it would make perfect sense to be claiming reward for each kill (Bigger guys have better reward).

    -The current pop ups for items picked up is very hard to read when there is a lot going on, moving it to one of the sides of the screen would allow you to read it better (Above your gun so the eye doesn't have to focus everywhere).

    -When jumping up low to the floor objects you can slide through the floor before pulling yourself ontop of something you could have stepped on (Very silly).

    -The solar system lobby map feels very low fidelity compared to the rest of the game, getting some concept art, static renders or just generally improved graphics could help this lots!


    More gameplay focused:

    -Stealth attacks (silent killing, backstabs and the liking) would be awesome, although somehow I think they are intended anyway due to the alert system.

    -More jump puzzles in the game and general terrain navigation.

    -More interacting with environments (Water on floor, volt shoots it, electrocutes people, more destructables?).

    Basically the choice of more options for enagements: Bio lab tube, get enemy to run underneath it, then you shoot the glass and acid poors on them. Lure enemies under a water dispenser, shoot it and then eletrocute the water. Shoot objects to fall on top of enemies. Shoot panels to gain access to different areas. etc...

    -More environments, and perhaps higher detail in procedual generation (The mesh for a room is the same through out the game regardless of how the map was generated, gets very samey fast).

    Perhaps a ship environment for each of the races, and one even possibly for you own race for defense missions?.

    Would love to see more types of environments too, landing on an asteroid? A mining facility? A planetary facility? Perhaps a small city? A moon with little gravity and harsh lighting?

    -Im sure there will be more warframes, but when I am playing I still don't completely feel unique enough when compared to other people. Warframe passive traits would help this (Ash is more agile and faster than normal, rhino does more default melee damage and has more health, loki perhaps is weaker but powers are stronger? Etc)

    There could also be more visual differences between suits that would enable more distinguishable characters.

    -So we only have weapon and warframe trees in which content is based around. More of this would be great, suit/body implants to craft/buy/loot, perhaps certain armors or accessories that could aid (More ammo capacity fit a belt, certain vision optics to see certain enemies easier to perhaps avoid potential civilian casualities or perhaps to see when they are in the dark, a salvage component that you can fit to enable additional looting on missions).

    - 4 player coop is a great foundation, PvP would be nice but hard to get right. What about larger numbers? This game is already heavily optimised in terms of graphics (Perhaps not network) but it would be great to get some tenno invasions going on where more than 8 people could participate in the same mission.

    -Split teams up to do 2 different objectives that relate to each other for the end goal. Or even still allow what other teams do to effect your solar system map.


    Additional Features:

    -I am dying to see a exterior environment, perhaps something planetary.

    -I love the idea mentioned by "Thorkoal", or at least my understanding of his idea elaborated:

    Instead of the lobby being the galaxy map have the lobby being on your ship, walking around, if you have a squad you are all on the same ship within proximity and can talk.

    You could then have a seperate room or teminal for each of the menu options, the foundry crafting station could be some sort of big contraption in the middle of it's own room.

    Armory or arsenal could have it's own room with a shooting range to try before you buy weapons and other content.

    Then general other asthetic added rooms, such as: a cargo hold, stasis chamers, life support, engine/power core room, bridge/cockpit, maintenance room etc.

    -The idea and the knowing feeling that you have something crafting and it is going to take a long period of time is an awesome feeling and one that makes you come back to the game. More features with this implimentation is huge win.

    Suggestions: Progression through the mission system enough and eventually you have to invade a take over a mining complex, once completed this mining complex will give you a small trickle of resources, you would set what type of resource you want it to get and off it goes and gets it (The rarer the resource the longer it takes).

    In order for you to generate more than 1 type of resource you will have to obtain at least 1 of that given resource in the game in which you would have to sacrafice it to the mine in order to unlock the potential for getting more.

    -More emphesis on the progression of the game and keeping the game 'fresh', once achieving a certain rank overall you become recognised among other Tenno and start to gain power, you get a small squad under you name and you get to send them out on missions for you in which it would very much play like the assassins in brotherhood, or the pirates in oblivion. It would be purely text base with perhaps the option to see them on your ship.

    -The way missions are now, there has to be an end... And what happens in this story once you have reached the end? You keep repeating the same missions until new content is released by the devs?

    Realtime territory conquering would work wonders here, where the players will actively fight in areas to gain influence over the area and capture the territory. It would keep the game fresh and busy.

    And because of the 3 released factions it would never be an even fight... the only thing breaking this is it's then AI vs Players for control over the solar system, it would work much better if there was Player factions Vs each other.

    -With increased currency income you would need more sink holes in order to keep the content balance up, upgrade your ship? Upgrade your mine? Invest money into the Tenno's foundation and help it grow? Have more construction in the game?


    I hope I have given some food for thought, perhaps.

    Would be great to get a reply from a dev just to say he/she has read it so I know my time and/or post hasn't been wasted! :)

    And with that, I would like to end with. You guys have got an amazing foundation to build off, you could go in almost any direction you wanted to, best of luck hoping it all goes smooth and you make lots of money to make more games like this!

    I really hope this game doesn't add 2 more maps, 10 more warframe, 10 more guns and then call it done and onto the next game like 90% of other developers.

  8. Really good suggestions!

    Apart from a few, like the part you mention looking out your ship and seeing other ships waiting for a mission, or even to see other ships at all.

    This in my opinion would be too much development time for a very small feature.

    Well. Kinda.

    You could fake it by number of players in match making show up as static meshes outside the window, but you can't interact and they aren't dynamic? (Animations to bring them to life a little?).

    As for platinum - If you make an awesome game that people enjoy, they are gonna stick around for the long haul, platinum needs to not get in the way of that. When 20 platinum to speed something up, 20 plat for pro, 3 plat for a revive etc, you are flooding the game with micro transactions and it doesn't look friendly.

    In my opinion - Revives should be taken away completely. Pro in tech trees should be taken away too. I would even say for speeding up crafting (It's like a cheat button). A premium model or one time purchases work great for the people who just want that bit extra and to compensate for taking away possible income, prices could increase slightly across the board on the market place along with giving additional option for single time purchases.

    I agree with additional character slots 2 seems fine, perhaps when more warframes are introduced increase to 3 for the use of experimentation.

    But inventory slots? I don't think that should be bought.. At least not how it is now, as it stands you are killing the players who have stuck around in your game for a long enough period of time to fill the inventory, while new players aren't even effected or aware.

    Could potentially have the booster models you could purchase (could call them implants for imersion sake) from the marketplace to help speed up crafting, to gain additional 'boost' from the end of missions, perhaps even allow you to equip an additional weapon on the field (Would allow you to level up low level weapons while still having your big one for the important situations) and more boosts to aid further features put into the game.

    The more plat items you can put exclusively into the marketplace the better, reason being, the more you see 'Plat for this, plat to do that' while playing, the more you are put off.. They kinda are like adverts on websites.. get in the way and remind you that it is a pay to play game.

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