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Posts posted by PwnMissile

  1. With the recent infested craze I've been itching to pick up an infested primary to run with Nidus, and since I've been meaning to try out some shotgun rivens too, Phage seemed like the correct choice. While status chance isn't as good on beam weapons as it is on many hitscan or projectile weapons, the possibility of both Viral and Corrosive was still an interesting prospect. Easily enough through fire rate and status elementals I got it's chance to 92.4% per second and proceeded to try and test it in the Simulacrum. However it did not proc as often as I expected it to. I repeated it a few times on enemies that took several seconds to kill to check it wasn't just bad luck and it consistently gave me lower rates than a roughly 90% chance each second. I added a bit more status chance and got it to 105.0% status/second to completely rule out bad luck. If my interpretation of it is correct, it should proc at least one time every second. Yet again it failed to meet my expectations, many times going two or three seconds without proccing one status at all.

    I went on to test other beam weapons in the same way, while single beam weapons like the Synapse and I believe it consistently procced a status effect at least every second, the other beam shotgun, the Convectrix, on the other hand, suffered from the same symptoms as the Phage.

    The fact that on shotguns the status chance means chance of at least one pellet successfully proccing status should not matter here, as a 100% chance, and not merely a number infinitely close to 100% means that AT LEAST ONE pellet (or in this case, beam) has to proc.

    In the end I'm clueless and my question is: What does the percentage after Status/Sec mean to beam shotguns like the Phage and the Convectrix?

  2. Only thing to note is that you can achieve more burst DPS and Sustained DPS if you were to replace hammer shot/high voltage with a speed trigger/vile Acceleration.


    This is true, however you have to take into account that increasing DPS through damage largely increases ammo efficiency while doing so through fire rate can actually harm it if there is a lack of trigger discipline, specially on a weapon like the Soma Prime.


    Back on topic, Hammershot isn't really a must have mod on any weapon I can recall and certainly not a popular one. It's far from useless though and pretty neat on some weapons that have both a decent crit and status chance, such as the soma prime for example.

  3. As someone who plays Valkyr most of the time, I have to say she is extremely fun. She is the only frame I've had the patience to fit with 2 maxed arcanes. However, I recognize that she does have a problem.

    From her background and descriptions, she seems to be supposed to be a "berserker frame", a Warframe that is supposed to take damage to kickstart her rage and use it to decimate her enemies in melee combat, and she can indeed fill this role. A power strength build and the Rage mod make her an amazing melee damage dealer whether you choose to take the Warcry or Hysteria path (or perhaps even both). The problem arrises from the invincibility her ult provides her. Yes, I know berserkers are supposed to be very durable during their rage fit, however, this does not mean they can walk with impunity on the battlefield as they will have to suffer their wounds later once the adrenaline rush is over. This is clearly not the case with Valkyr, as the pitiful 7.5% accumulated damage she takes at the end of the duration is not nearly enough to present a threat and can even be negated by just walking away, giving rise to the cheap duration builds that Valkyr is known for that are mainly just: "i'm invincible lol" while being largely useless on the damage dealing factor.

    Rant aside, here are my thoughts on Valkyr's abilities:

    Ripline: This is a pretty neat ability, useful for movement, though as it was already mentioned before, it is somewhat cost prohibitive due to Valk's small energy pool. A cost reduction would be nice.

    Warcry and Paralysis: I don't really have any significant changes to suggest to these powers. Warcry seems to be on a pretty sweet spot as it is, and the augment synergizes beautifully with Valkyr's concept. Paralysis is a pretty handy tool for Valkyr, being able to proc finishers is amazing to deal with those super armored guys even on levels 80-100. It would be nice if it didn't require them to be just standing or shooting to actually stun them though.

    Hysteria: This is it. This is the ability that makes or breaks Valkyr. My opinion is that in it's current form, her invincibility doesn't have a place in warframe. I took this stance when Blessing was nerfed and I'll take it again. Pressing 4 to become invincible for such an extended amount of time just makes the game too easy by trivializing every enemy that can't dispell you. My suggestion is that instead of pure invincibility, during Hysteria her health would be temporarily frozen (shields would be damaged and restored normally) and a counter for this ability would be created. This counter would start at 0 and then, for the ability's duration, every point of damage that her health was supposed to suffer (accounting for armor and other DR) would be subtracted from this counter and a percentage of the damage she dealt would then in turn be added to it. In the end of the duration, the counter's value would be added to her health (respecting max health restrictions of course). If she managed to deal enough damage to make up for the one she suffered, she would gain health, otherwise she will lose health and, provided the counter's negative value was low enough, possibly cause her to collapse. My reasoning behind this mechanic is that it would allow her to keep her prized invulnerability DURING Hysteria while preventing abuse and keeping Valkyr true to her style by forcing her to deal damage if she wants to stay alive AFTER her ult is over.
    On the matter of Hysteria's stats being affected by melee mods, I agree with what has been suggested already: Make it dependant on Power Strength instead. It just makes gear choice much more varied than "choose dual cleavers or scindo prime to min-max this".

    And so there it is, as far as I can remember, these are my thoughts on Valkyr right now.

  4. Bump.


    I know this thread is months old but this started happening to me too with a + hallway. This part simply has no other components except its parent attached to it, and I am unable to destroy it since whenever I attempt to It tells me that it has child components.

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