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Posts posted by ShadowHawk614

  1. Do you have any plans to implement, in the near future, quests that will reveal more of the Tenno's back story? Such as quests that show us what really happened at the end of the Old War, or quests that lead to something triggering a recall of the Tenno's forgotten memories?

  2. I am in agreement with you Zareek, as far as liking the new infested enemies. They seem to really mesh well with the older units, and they force players to change their play styles a little bit; which is good and welcome. However, I do think that the infested faction has gone from the squishy faction, to the super soldier faction with these new unites, and are now in need of some fine tuning. The infested faction used to be really fun to go up against, now they seem a bit unfair.


    To give an example of this: In this event's survival mission, at around 28:00 minutes, my team and I were trying to outrun the infested. Because every time we got too close to them we were either harpooned, bounced up in the air, or staggered; all of which meant death for us. And with all of the ancient auras, and the amount of swarm and tar moas, the smaller infested became close to unkillable, and so strong that they each hit like a truck. Which, of course, meant that we couldn't turn and fight.


    Don't get me wrong, I am not against change and a bit of challenge. However, making every enemy very hard to kill, and giving them the ability to directly attack your health, take away you energy, lock you in a knockdown loop, and pull you back when you try to run away is, I think you can agree, not fun or challenging, it is unfair.


    So while I do like the design, the mechanics, and the change they bring, for the most part, I hope you can see that they do need a little tweaking here and there.

  3. Let me start by saying, I am the sort of person who likes to solo and look around the new environments I am presented with. The very first time I saw this tile set, I loved it, and took my time exploring it. That is until I can to the first hive and tried looking for the nodes. As soon as you enter the room, you start getting swarmed by the infested. And once you finish in that room, you need to quickly move to the next room, while being chased by the swarm of infested which following you from the room you just left. The end result is you end up sprinting through, and around, the level just to survive. You do not get to really enjoy the level design to much, because you are too busy trying to stay alive. It would have been nice to have been able to scout out the level with no threat at all, just so you could learn and enjoy it.


    A top of that, even though I soloed this entire event, the scoring was weird. Sometimes it would increase by one point, other times it would go up by two, and every so often it would go down by one or stay the same. This made getting those rewards really frustrating, and time consuming. I know that you want to give the good rewards to the players that really go the distance, but perhaps next time you could reduce to amount of times you must play the level to something below forty. :)


    Other than those two issues, I really enjoyed the whole event.

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