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Posts posted by K-TheHunter

  1. Got two helmets, im running oceanum in Pluto, asking someone to gift me her makes me a beggar? then pls someone gift me her lol

    Edit: Woke up just now, got the bp on the first run, the struggle is complete


  2. I cannot understant why a warframe has to have such low drop chances, it's not even a prime, about 3 hours doing Vesper on Venus for one single part of Ivara and nothing, i really hope this kind of rng would stop for warframes, her parts are scattered around the star chart and to get her you have to get extremely lucky, if new star chart keeps on with this i honestly feel like giving up the game, pls someone make it stop....

    Sorry for this childish outflow, i just wish i could actually sit down and have some fun, get some rewards and not have to worry about the drop chances, when i saw "free to play" i thought at least "lower basic stuff" are easy to get and have fun, looks like it's not the game, also don't have any richie friends that could go ahead and gift me something like that so things just get worse

    Again sorry for this post and sorry for the english

  3. It's finally here...at last...and I've also reached somewhat of a milestone in that I've CLEARED THE FIRST PAGE!! Chapter 32 will be out on Post #25. As usual, please give feedback if you think it necessary, as I'm worried as all hell that the quality has suffered because I haven't been able to consistently put time into this piece.


    But the question of if this story was going to die was never really valid. There would be a point at which I would end it, but I absolutely refuse to let this thing peter out and end half-finished.


    Two midterms and a hash of other IRL things slamming into me this week left me drained and pretty exhausted and, if was honest, slightly more inclined to destress through Warframe instead of this story even though I was 5 days behind the deadline I set myself. Balancing this story with writing another one for my creative writing class is another factor I have to play in.


    But every time someone posts here how they cleared the story in less than two days or are so excited to see the next chapter, its a boost of energy. I once thought that constructive criticism was how I could motivate myself to be a good writer. But it's more than that. While one's mistakes do need to be corrected, and I still heartily encourage you to tear me a new one, I've also come to realize how powerful it is to have someone say, "I really appreciate your work." There's nothing more motivating for me than that. So thank you to everyone who's posted a comment, who's clicked the follow button, upvoted a post, or even contributed to the number of views this page has. For you guys, I will guide this story to its rightful end, whenever or wherever that may be, regardless of the circumstances.


    I swear it.


    You're very brave for that, it takes a lot of courage to go on a project like yours in the situation you're in, just thanks, let me tell you that you're not only doing content, you're making people smile

    New chap was great, it feels so good to see such dedication, i don't think the quality as suffered, you just keep improving :D


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