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Posts posted by FrozenArtice

  1. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

    Whoa. You probably didn't mean it agressivly, but your reply is implying that I think DE ignore there fans. I don't, I only wanted to know why they set deadlines and now I know. I know that there's always atleast one bug, but Warframe has an exceeding amount of them. I just though that they could push the deadline back a bit.

    Its not meant aggressively, but you will be surprised with the amount of bugs they will fix, and at the same time create with said fixes. Its a never ending cycle and im sure theyve pushed it back as much as they can with their time constraints.

  2. 3 minutes ago, UltimateGrr said:

    Second, relevant skill pools are a thing.  The people making the pretty cosmetics work for the art department and not the engineering team because they know how to make pretty doodads and not how to code.

    Hey look, someone who knows the difference between a Developer and a Concept artist who makes the skins/Takes suggestions for skins/ Implements the skins/ and Forwards fixing the skins with extensive re-wrapping and with some help from the animators in correcting the skin/cosmetic bugs. 

    To the OP/Other person/s

    Bugs are always occurring, No game in the entire world has no bugs or issues, if you think they dont look through the forum and simply ignore everything you are wrong. 

    I think [DE] as a whole has been more active as a parent company than literally any other company in the world, you let me know when the devs actually take time out once a week to play their game and experience it? To Read the forums on a daily basis and take stock of what people are saying Versus just silencing them with a week ban or just simply revoking their use (as most other game forums do.

    Well that went a bit haywire, so yeah They're working on it whether you Believe it or not, it takes a Huge amount of time to fix certain issues since you have to find it, Alter it, test it, then if that doesn't pan out do it again until you can actually throw it back in.

  3. On 6/17/2016 at 5:44 AM, Drag0nChaser said:

    Ancient healers should be removed or nerfed to 10-20% damage reduction, not 90%+.

    Im not so sure these require a nerf as much as you should just kill them immediately with w/e you can, I have never had any issues with ancient healers not letting me kill something simply because Whenever I do anything which would have me encounter them I just play nyx, or nova *nova who reduces enemy speeds all around* and I usually play with a group who generally all have Corrosive projection so damage reductions are non existent at that point and most of anything will die in a couple shots.

    I mean the Super simplest solution is to run a Banshee with resonance and max power, and have everyone use a Sybaris with around 5~6 forma since anything you shoot at that point will die in 1 shot (technically two shots because Sybaris).

    Now to why Tonkor Vs Penta is a Non-Viable argument 

    Tonkor requires literally nothing but you to shoot in somethings general direction and you'll still kill it even at its base level with no forma, but its compounded after you forma 3~4 times which I know most people have done, there is also no danger to the user when it comes to the Tonkor you can even use it to re-position or jump up to a higher place mid jump with absolutely nothing done to you in the form of actual damage. 


    The Penta/Secura Penta require a bit more dexterity to use since you can actually 100 to 0 yourself, The enemies around you, The floor, The wall, The dog you brought with you, or the carrier. People may say that its not hard to use, but you can not believe the amount of times I have killed myself with it, and the weapon just like it. ----------->*Talons* <----- screw these 

    There isn't really any contest between the penta or its syndicate counterpart because both of them hate you as a person and will Endeavor to ruin your fun with EXPLOSIONS as expediently as possible whereas the tonkor wont do this until DE probably makes it able to kill you if you get hit by its blast. *I can't wait to see the forums after people kill themselves a couple hundred times in a day.*

    ---------End Rant---------

  4. 4 hours ago, peggisan said:

    why? The daikyu is the only bow in the game that is unique in the way that its a status bow and not a crit bow. If you want a flipped version, then just use like... i dont know? maybe literally every other bow in the game? 

    Well that is true, some people just want it all ya'know? 

    I take the Daikyu for what it is, That being a very powerful High-range bow. If you add in its exclusive mod Spring Loaded broad-head I feel you don't even have a need to use heavy caliber on it, you get damage from being Over 15m away which is barely even a fraction of the affinity share range. So ultimately a change at all to the daikyu would be kind of pointless. 

    (Its mostly the people who dislike "Status" weapons that cry out for a more "critical based" weapon but here I am using literally anything to kill high level enemies, Hell I've even gone back to testing out the supra with its augment to see just how ridiculous it can be during high tier missions and let me say it beats my Soma Prime and Boltor Prime hands down so far, though this is more to do with the entropy and Bonus flat 20% status chance given to the supra coupled with its ridiculous fire-rate and ammo pool.)

    anyways, tangent aside Daikyu is fine, Want crit? use another bow. Simple as that.


  5. I said this is another topic so I'll also say it here...


    "At present the Stradavar is less of a Beautiful masterpiece and more of a boring pile of poo. 

    When compared to a level Zero, No mod, Brand New Grakata which May I remind you, Is a mastery level Zero weapon and they both perform at the same level, that is of course only after the stradavar has been stacked with formas up to 4 times and has been fully modded out. 

    The Stradavar takes roughly 20.12 second/s to kill a level 100 corrupted gunner under full mods and forma, The untouched grakata does the same. I don't like to be overly critical of weapons but if you want a mastery 8 weapon worth the time, you'd be better off with literally anything else, All the stradavar has as a weapon is mastery for my climb in its 30 levels, and no memories of how awesome it is, because I could not disillusion myself enough to make it possibly good in my eyes. 

    D.E. Please give this Particular weapon a face lift worthy of the description on the weapon, or just reduce its mastery requirement to around mastery 3. 

    "The Stradavar is a high-power, high-damage enforcer." 

    This weapon could not be anymore of a Nerf-gun unless it had actual Nerf-darts. "

  6. At present the Stradavar is less of a Beautiful masterpiece and more of a boring pile of poo. 

    When compared to a level Zero, No mod, Brand New Grakata which May I remind you, Is a mastery level Zero weapon and they both perform at the same level, that is of course only after the stradavar has been stacked with formas up to 4 times and has been fully modded out. 

    The Stradavar takes roughly 20.12 second/s to kill a level 100 corrupted gunner under full mods and forma, The untouched grakata does the same. I don't like to be overly critical of weapons but if you want a mastery 8 weapon worth the time, you'd be better off with literally anything else, All the stradavar has as a weapon is mastery for my climb in its 30 levels, and no memories of how awesome it is, because I could not disillusion myself enough to make it possibly good in my eyes. 

    D.E. Please give this Particular weapon a face lift worthy of the description on the weapon, or just reduce its mastery requirement to around mastery 3. 

    "The Stradavar is a high-power, high-damage enforcer." 

    This weapon could not be anymore of a Nerf-gun unless it had actual Nerf-darts. 

  7. Personally, I use the Daikyu nonstop for spy missions, sorties, Raids even. It has no real faults and simply requires a couple forma to make it into a real beast of a weapon. 

    At present I have 100.0% Status chance with 3.2k Of any elemental combination and could most likely bring out upwards of five to six thousand damage from a single element, that one element being toxin in extreme cases against enhanced shields. 

    I use both a 100% Status build and a speed/crit build for the daikyu and both function fine and are considerably strong for what the dakyu is, that being a powerful sniper rifle of a bow.  Its not a dread, or a Paris, so I don't expect to see any red critical's but regardless of how it performs I still manage to kill High level enemies up to 160 or so with it in 1~2 shots.

    Point here is, Daikyu is fine how it is. Worry more about the stradavar or dark-split sword >.> both of those weapons need a MAJOR buff. (both of which ill be covering in a topic tonight).

  8. 18 hours ago, Magneu said:

    End screen was 26% damage taken...0% damage dealt, zero kills. Downed (and rezzed) three times. To be frank, contributed absolutely nothing to the mission, and was a complete liability.

    Remind me again why the limit is only MR4 instead of something like MR6-8?

    And yes, I know there are plenty of higher MR players who are terrible at the game, and plenty of lower MR players who are good at the game (just don't have sortie-worthy gear). A large majority of lower MR players simply aren't going to have the gear to contribute at sortie levels.

    I mean....If they can get the tonkor...anybody can contribute, especially since mastery 5 is ez pz to reach. I've had stuff like that happen in my sorties as well, but stuff happens even to groups with super decked people. Not everyone can be a god but That's the fun in doing sorties like Kela De Thaym with her new Rathuum tileset, I mean unless you have Limbo, then its just a matter of waiting for 3 minutes while she missile volleys you.....

  9. Just now, Hierarch-Artanis said:

    Instead of looking at in practice? If you want trinity to sit back at the start of a mission dropping capsules while the rest of the team goes out and clear the raid then sure, but 50 meters is quite the range.

    I figured someone would call for a Practicality exam, so we did test the range, Its ultimately someones fault if they don't stay within 50 Meters, but That's not why he says trinity has been nerfed, trinity was slapped with a Nerf bat of sorts because of how the Math is done Involving her Damage resistance especially when in a party scenario, More bodies equates to less Resistance, Unless of course everyone is dying at the same rate. It essentially punishes people for playing as a bless trinity in a party, From his perspective DE has effectively taken trinity down to one Build versus the Two she had previously. (His point of view is that of someone who plays super hardcore so that's his phrasing not mine lol.)

  10. 4 minutes ago, DeejayPwny said:

    There's nothing wrong with the nerf. It cements Trinity as a TEAM healer. You know, that sticks with her TEAM. 

    A Clan mate of mine has analyzed the Information regarding Trinity and her rework and the rework technically hurt her in terms of being an overall "team player" sure people have to stay closer to her now, but being closer to her also reduces the effectiveness of the heal from Her Fourth Ability.

  11. As for things that give me goosebumps, there are alot. so ill just pick some of my favorites x3


    - Secret base from Ano Hana 


    - Kimi ga iru kara from FFXIII


    - Everything's Alright - Laura Shigihara (this one brings me to tears due to friends dying from illnesses, and not being able to go far in life before being taken.)
  12. I've been playing warframe for about two days now so yeah I'm EXTREMELY new to this game and all of its concepts, but I'm far from new to the shooter game industry.


    Currently I'm using the mag warframe but I'm not so sure what weapons to get or even whats good late game. considering this game has PvP as a side tangent and mains in PvE.


    My Load-out is as follows:


    Braton/Lato/Skana (lol not much changed)


    Insights on what to do and where to go are all appreciated, I'm hoping for some fun days ahead of me in this game of space ninjas xD, so I'll be waiting for some good input and advice!!




                    The Frozen Tenno 




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