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Posts posted by RadioLarity

  1. I don't want to say anything, but if you want me tbh, here it is:

    DE promises less grind (supposedly new void system now mods that have less than 1% chance to be broken-&#! OP) and says that they will be removing damage mods and reworking multishot.

    IMO it's a great step forward to that, adding more damage+multishot+crit chance+crit damage mods with no drawback (oh wait, there is, a half year grindwall to back up that bullS#&$ LUL ).




    EDIT: inb4 ban for honesty

  2. 1 minute ago, ArchTenno said:

    You have a much bigger chance of getting better rewards if you play with other players, if you didn't know. 

    Actually quite a shame since they are basically forcing solo players to play with others.

    Yeah I know.
    And I'm generally a solo player, exactly.
    I hate dragging my team, especially when they slow me down.
    I usually get such ppl, who don't really participate in missions or sometimes, not only they do not help, but make the missions harder.

  3. It seems that ;arge playebase dislikes the update bcs usually people that like a game JUST PLAY it and those ppl that don't enjoy it, rant on the forums. If ppl were like, I dunno, locked out of playing after about 2 hrs and had to post their feedback on forum to be able to continue playing, there would be like MASSIVE overload of positive feedback I'm like 169% sure of it.

  4. 19 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

    Any word on the possibility of a solution for Specters of the Rail "early downloaders" who suffered from wonky Key -> Relic conversion?

    I was entirely missing several relic types, despite having many of every Void Key. I know this is easier said than done, especially now that our Relic inventories have changed, but any definitive news one way or the other would be greatly appreciated.

    Keep up the hard work, gang.


    Yeah. I don't have any Lith A1s which is kinda weird and unfortunate neverlucky.

  5. 1 minute ago, Bacms said:

    Essential they make your warframe powers useless. No one has problems in killing them we have problems with them basically breaking the game and turning warframe into a simple fps that you need to kill everything with your weapons 

    Ok that's a point you have there.

  6. 1 hour ago, Megakruemel said:

    Well fissures still do not spawn enough resources to actually close them in solo-play.

    Not true.

    EDIT: I'd actually want that UNUSED reactant would become tracer after sealing the fissure.
    my idea is that the fissure should close after the timer runs out or a player closes it (by pressing interact button on it) and fissure is 100% or more ready (so you've put 10 or more reactants into it) and for every 10% over you should get like 0.2 percentage points shift in drop rates (so when your relic is Radiant and your drop rates are 50% common 40% uncommon and 10% rare, it should subtract 0.2 percentage points from common and add that evenly to other ones so 110% would be consecutively 49.8%; 40.1% and 10.1% etc.
    Every unused reactant (so the one that is leftover after fissure closes) would become traces (like the ones enemies drop normally).

  7. 8 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

    My experience has been it depends. Radiation porcs and the like do help immensely, but killing things ASAP with high-crit weapons is still superior if you have to make the choice. It's kinda like that "better feared than loved" line from The Prince; Ideally you have both, but if you have to choose, crits win nearly all the time.

    Also, most of the more useful endgame status procs (like radiation or viral) have a warframe ability or augment that can fire it off with 100% success rate, like Irradiated Disarm for Loki or Spore for Saryn, respectively.

    It's a quote from Machiavelli

  8. I simply don't think that the "red procs" should be just simply a stronger version of original proc bcs it's just laziness on the design level.
    They should give something different that goes along their original line.
    Like, why would you want Fire proc to just deal more damage if you can proc it a second time?
    I simply hope they do it with heart and thinking like for example "Fire proc already deals damage, what else damage does? Fire spreads! So let's make it leave a mark on ground that procs regular fire effect to enemies.

  9. I think it should be an additional effect example:

    Blast should ragdoll,

    Puncture would reveal a hidden weakspot [similarly to banshee's sonar],

    Corrosive maybe should give you the armor that you stripped with regular proc,

    Viral would heal you,

    Magnetic unable enemies to use their abilities (so, bombards shouldn't ground slam, nullifiers bubbles shouldn't work, ancient healer aure would be turned off)

    Radiation would give maybe like 10% chance that radiated enemies would proc regular radiation.


    I could go on whole day.
    Came up with some I guess balanced ideas.



    EDIT#: I would like to see Impact opening enemies to finishers as well

  10. 1 minute ago, Takaani said:

    I dunno, the youtuber Tactical Potato made a second account to 'live the new player experience' all over again.

    I dunno then.
    EDIT: Actually DE Scott has an undercover smurf I think.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Katinka said:

    -snip- Secondly, if they were smurfing they wouldn't tell you.  That'd be like an undercover cop giving out spot-fines for littering to the hardened criminals they're trying to infiltrate.

    Smurfing isn't allowed in terms of service (or other agreement like that) I believe (bcs it falls under having multiple accounts, which you just can't do)

  12. Some DE staff doesn't use [DE] mark in their nicknames, I believe they even mentioned that in a stream long time ago.
    Though this surely can't be one of them since abusive behaviour is against their own terms of use and secondly I don't believe you have done anything wrong by helping a player telling him that Napalms don't spawn there and waiting for him at "friendship door".

  13. You got a point.
    But many ppl seem not to really understand the mechanics of discounts.

    It seems that there is a "pity" mechanic.
    The less plat you buy from the website, you get more commonly and bigger discounts.
    When I see ppl they say "since closed beta I have only seen three 75% discounts".
    I'm playing since Ember Prime was on splash screen (I think it was U12 or sth).
    I get a platinum discount usually before a week ends after previous discount ends. Sometimes like a second day sometimes fourth. And 80% of my discounts are 75%.
    I don't even remember seeing a 25% on my screen. (And I have bought plat maybe 3 or 4 times).
    Be patient and not greedy and you'll get one soon.

    The point is- stockpile cash for bigger plat, not smaller cash and hope for a discount.

  14. 42 minutes ago, Sepharoth said:

    Blueprints in the market should have their own button and their own page as they did before. There was nothing wrong with the market before the update, now it is clunky and to hard to find what you want. They should have left it alone. Until they fix it, I will visit it much less often. Just because you can change something doesn't mean you should.

    The premise of the new Market was good, the final cut isn't what it was supposed to be.
    IMO BPs should have their own tabs, and the menu that moves you around the tabs should be open at the start and when you choose the tab you want it should roll up and close. That's it if you ask me.

  15. First of all, new archwing movement system is really good (tho it doesn't mean anything from my point of view since I grew up with flying and space simulator games so I know how to maneuver in these scenarios). There is no up and down in space anymore (!!!!!!!!!!) (I should put like 10 times as much exclamation marks).

    My first suggestion is to redesign the minimap for archwing.
    As we all know 2D minimap is AMAZINGLY FLAWED for flying and especially in space. You don't know if enemies are below you or above you, especially if you're turned sideways to the minimap which doesn't shift along with you.


    First minimap version (casual one)
    This minimap is used by games like: Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 (the one in the image), Star Conflict and Elite Dangerous.
    The premise of this minimap is, it's treated as a sphere. (In this case) the square shows the whole position of a ship in 3d space inside that sphere. The thin line shows the place of a ship in vertical space (the amount of degrees your ship has to turn up or down) and the place where the line ends (not on the square but simply where line goes into the nothingness) is the place where that ship is in horizontal space.
    So what you want to do if you want to acquire the ship in your reticule is to follow the ending of the line (so you are turning in the horizontal space) and then follow the line up or downwards to the square until the line is invisible- that's when the target is right in front of you.
    This sounds hella hard in theory (especially that I'm writing it down) but in practice after few minutes of flying, it gets so intuitive, the ship is flying on it's own and you can't even do anything to f' things up.

    The other minimap is a map that I have only seen in X-Wing series (so X-Wing; Tie-Fighter; X-wing vs Tie-Fighter and X-wing Alliance)... (or maybe I have seen it somewhere else and don't remember).
    The point is that you have (actually) two minimaps, one shows what's in front of you, and the other one shows what's behind you, that's the whole premise. I'm not bothering to show it because it's really simple, but can get confusing. If you want to see it for yourself just check yt for some gameplay.
    Like this:


    In the top right corner you see a beacon that the player has just gone by and is right behind him. In the top left corner you see a bunch of clustered ships in one place. They shift their place along with the ship (so the front minimap is just what the player sees, it's just with really increased FOV, what it means is that if a square is right on the top of any of the two minimaps, that means the enemy is right above you).

    Second suggestion is reducing the amount of momentum.
    It's annoying when you speed around the corpus ships trenches and you're smacking agains every possible wall.
    The current momentum doesn't carry you around, you have to literally fight it so if you want to keep your max speed, when turning you have not only turn into the way you want to go, but you have to turn even further to fight the momentum that pulls you into the wall.
    I know it's space and there is no air friction and you have no wings to help steady the flight, but it would be kinda normal not to have that much momentum if you could justify it by having sideways thrusters used to turn or, reduce the amount of momentum that carries you. (Such turning thrusters can be seen in Star Conflict, which is not a space simulator game, but the visual fact of seeing those is kinda cool and gives you an idea of what I'm talking about)

    Last but not least- give us an option to turn on auto horizontal leveling (or specify a button that does that).
    I rebember that DE has done somthing like that and showcased it in a devstream showing the current archwing system.
    I'm not saying it for sake of myself, bcs I know how to orientate in space, it's for the fact of newbies that seem to be very vocal about such a feature currently.

    Thank you for sticking with me and this post, hope you guys aggree.
    God Speed Tenno.

    PS: ATM you can use "Hold to crouch" button to roll (default button is Ctrl).

    EDIT: Fixed spoilers and order of my points.
    EDIT#2: Sorry for mixing British English and American English, I'm not native English speaker, hope you understand.

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