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Posts posted by WhiteJadeite

  1. Dude it deals MORE dmg than a Soma! Watch Mogamus or PeoplesChoiceGaming review. They Confirm it. And since they are completely @(*()$ ELITES at this game I'm 100% sure they're correct. Haha I mean... you could probably guess when you first used the weapon ;)


    PCG says the Soma deals more DPS than the Boltor Prime, watch his vid please.

  2. If DE really needed the money and if people really wanted to support them, DE could just release another 'founders pack', it can have same or different perks to the original founder pack (the contents of the pack would be highly debated). Besides, there is no doubt this game is still in development, there are some people willing to give DE the funding to do so.



    Edit: I really don't mind it being re-released or not. The gear provided is merely for E-Peen purposes and if people want to wave it around go ahead, it affects me in no way at all. People need to stop QQ-ing about the issue, it only creates a divide between the community and nurtures hostility.

  3. The Boltor Prime has more raw damage than the Soma and Synapse, that's fairly easy to see with some simply number crunching. It mainly has to do with the high base damage plus insane rate of fire.


    However, in terms of actual practical damage, I would still rate the Soma and Synapse higher. Given that they are weapons that are constantly critting, properly getting headshots with those two weapons will regularly (or in the case of Synapse and its 100% crit rate, always) allow you to deal 4 times your regular DPS. The Boltor Prime, while having more raw damage per shot, will not see such high gains out of properly getting headshots (just the normal 2x multiplier) due to its very low critical chance. This isn't even taking into account the whole projectile vs. hitscan thing.


    However, flinging your enemies across the room by impaling them with bolts is always cool, therefore, Boltor Prime is better than Soma by default. I have a love for zapping things with electricity, so I'll say the Synapse is just as awesome.


    This. People need to understand dpsframe does not take 4x damage multipliers that synapse and the soma deals during headshots. Boltor P will out dps them when doing body shots but on head shots its the other way round. Still, Boltor P looks badass and it flinging enemies never gets old :>

  4. IMO its best to put high/higher mastery rank requirements for prime weapons if they are supposed to be this powerful. Players need to get a feel of weaker or non prime weapons before being able to get prime ones. This should make prime weapons endgame and new players cant simply buy the gun and be off on their merry way.

  5. Did a 90 MINUTE T3S and came up with ~5 latron prime receivers 3 frost prime helmet 1 forma bp and a bunch of  5k credit caches.... Really? credit caches at 60+ minutes just doesn't seem reasonable with the amount of effort we put out... No rhino prime chassis either :(

  6. At least taking the neurodes off the drop table would be useful. Nobody wants neurodes from those guys, we can get neurodes from grinding. Problem is, the instantly DE takes them off the drop table, they'll replace them with a chance to get absolutely zilch.

    This. The chances of them spawning in the first place is really low... they should at least guarantee to drop something useful (Brakk Parts/Mods). Neurodes are not that hard to get if you know where youre looking.

  7. This perfectly summarizes the point that players who actually care about the long-term health of the game are trying to explain to the people who are currently profiting from the change. Trying to explain to somebody who has been farming for the fang blades without success and now they can finally get them is almost like talking to a brick wall. They finally got what they wanted, it's a fantastic move on DE's part as far as they're concerned.


    The rest of us who care about the long term aspects of this game and not our selfish self serving needs can see DE's move is a disaster.



  8. Im wondering how far back/ how many mods the databases are tracking in our accounts as I have been getting a lot of mods since the past 3 days that isnt in my inventory? Also, are traded mods recorded as well? Thanks, I hope you guys at DE can find the root of the problem and retrieve our lost mods.

  9. The problem is widespread now and im pretty sure alot of people are having this problem but have yet to notice it. Hopefully fixes come soon and people can get the mods that they should have earned.

  10. Getting the same problem, havent really noticed it until i got focus from Alad V- checked for focus in my inventory and nothing was there. Then i realized i havent been getting a ton of mods like the aura alert ones. Plus, i just acquired ember and nyx and didnt receive any of the warframe ability mods, seems the problem isnt just for the mission rewards..... hope they fix this soon and replace our 'lost' mods.

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