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Posts posted by ZHeart

  1. So I'm assuming due to switch shop the not letting you have discounts and what not so you add the 50% off to the shop items rather then the purchase of plat like PC.

    So this idea happened upon me while debating with my Clan mate for a tenno gen implementation. How about a way to buy it from the site itself and getting a one time use code, for the tenno gen items we can put into the market place. Being a PC player for 5 years now I'm really missing my Fashion frame very much as I've started new on the switch. While yes i love all the deluxe skins and have them all on PC i still also have a ton of tenno gen and just thought this might be an easy way to put it in all platforms for the future as well. Then this would also allow friends to gift tenno gen times to each other.


    Side note

    I wish there was separate packs for Prime as I really wanted novas armor but no go so again my idea for a code from main site would work.

  2. The new TennoGen Syandana are clipping horridly into trinity prime i would really like to buy one but with them looking as they are....

    Showing an older TennoGen for example of working.


    But all the rest clip so badly into her...





    So yeah older TennoGen is working except for the second to last image. 

  3. the Ki'teer atmos Diadem should work with the Ki'teer atoms Mask and it don't can you fix this so they can that would be awesome. They would look so amazing together I really love the mask but i love that diadem too.

  4. If they are gonna Nerf this then fix the dam armor scaling and FIX FARMING no one likes the grind you said you would fix it you never have you make it more hassle like with the dumb idea of the hema like really "were gonna make it so its not so grinding" LIERS!


    Also just more reason not to play ^_~ thank you NS for the best game to ever be ZELDA

  5. So I was just doing a Meso Survival with my clan mate who was a Volt and some randos. When at around 15  minutes my game freezed happens alot for me don't know why. Anyways I was kicked into solo mode so when my game came back on but before my game freezed my clan mate had cast speed. So when I start playing in the solo mode I noticed I had speed still on along with the augment that goes with it still on thought nothing of it at first. Then after a minute I was all like okie how much more time does this have so i glace up to look for the timer and no timer was to be found I was like okay odd whatever it should end soon. So I kept going just killing having a blast at super fast speed after about 7 minutes no wearing off I even ran into a nullifier it did not end even though my own power did i was an Ash with long duration for smoke screen to last 20 seconds at about that time I decided to leave it was amazing but was very odd might want to look into that and again no clue as to why my game will freeze then i go into solo mode.

  6. Well as stated I keep freezing as the extraction point pops up my whole game freezes for a few minutes then sometimes when it wants will let me turn it in but most time it wont let me has happen like 7 or more times now. Sometimes i end up having a blue screen no clue what that is about. I have never had this problem till a few days ago.

  7. 20 hours ago, Lyravain said:

    If they ever fix Archwing so it doesn't cause half the people to be nauseus or feel like they have absolutely no control over their character, it might be a half-decent idea. Until then, keep archwing off the Sorties, we have enough issues with Archwing already.

    yeah i getting really bad motion sickness when i play archwing that i have to take a break for a while after just one mission i get so dizzy

  8. Okay so I have seen a ton of moaning and groaning going on about Void being gone like it once was Im on the same page its sigh miss the fun. So today my clan mate me came up with a wonderful idea to help make it all better. Keep the void fissures as they are going to diff tile sets so we don't get tile set burn out like we were in the void. Make it so they pop up but we get to pick what mission type we want to do rather then be forced into a single type that maybe we don't want to do way to many defense missions are WAY TO MANY. If we want to do a quick mission we can pick a capture bring back the way it was done but keep the shifting to new places a thing thank you.

  9. The getting archwing quest is broken pretty bad we tired 3 times. Every time we get to extraction lotus says ordis can you get them now then the extraction point goes away and were stuck in there. Was just trying to help a new player out and we had to give up he sure was bummed out please fix asap.

  10. Great job on the hotfix only thing i still can't heal ppl outside the range take the Blessing damage resistance and have it for only in range people again i don't play trinity as a bless build i play tank and im off on my own and healing ppl thats not near me would be greatly needed thanks SHES SUPPORT FRAME NOT SOLO thanks.


    please return trinity's ability back to her thanks can't stand a non healing class that was only ment for healing

  11. 5 hours ago, Sold0ut said:

    I think they'll bring things back up next. There's huge feedback threads for all the nerfed frames up atm, and completely killing cheese only to later buff other elements is definitely fair game if you ask me.

    You can tell who you are going to heal with her #4 due to the Affinity Range UI element, one I think they added mostly to help out Trinity in the first place.

    And I think the enemies are due to a nerf next, if their third blog is anything to go by. First the initials and the reworks, then the nerfs, then the enemy nerfs.

    umm no you cant tell who your healing just says whos in range do you even play trin the damage reduction i can understand but that drop is huge not sure what they were thinking there but taking my tank trin from me is bull ive never done bless trin as thats to OP for no reason and no fun but the whole range thing makes trin not a very good support anymore and thats all she is she does she dont have attack ability's like all other frames so why nerf her only ability to do anything. also how do you expect me to heal noobs when all they do is run from me now i cant heal them........they will learn you might say well then im not helping anymore noobs till 4 months from now and there rank 15......well thats pretty bull but hey im not gonna waist my time helping others if there gonna take my healing away why help at all? oh right were a community........so said the DE  springing things on your player base is not a very commune thing to do ask us let us vote then how about oh i dont know adding the ability to test it out rather then nuke us all. 


    TANK not BLESS Trinty here not happy not able to help new players very much ticked off im not one for talking errr typing to players so getting across the dont leave that little range meter you see up top k thanks noobies your the best


    oh also ........please tell me how you explained that to new joining players how that whole thing works i made a new account a while ago to see what new players go threw because they complained just to see i was appalled at the system of how you explained things to noobies and got lost and confused and why the hell is that so hard and why is it solo your game is based around teaming up at least have some bots help them out come on its so ugly im shocked we get new players at all the amount of times i have had to explain basic things is getting old you need a better system k thanks. ranking up is super confusing for new players its so hard to get them to do it they dont understand anything you need to make a better system maybe oh i dont know like other games show you where to walk to go rank and that robot in the room has startled a many new players with how in your face it gets for the longest time i would not go near it and only just started doing the synthesis targets because he freaks me out so much i dont let ppl that close to me so dont force it on us

  12. Well im glad to see that you are at least looking into things the scaling is what causing the issue not the one hit kill button but please keep the press this then this and then this to kill one guy......because ive small hands and it gets very tedious to play for a 40 min mission with the new Saryn i can barely play her because so much button pressing and if you make all frames like this im not sure ill be able to keep up anymore at least the par core got easier then when i joined i couldn't barely play at all then now i can because its so much smoother but the consent pressing 4 buttons all at the same time while aiming and shooting is rather rough please keep this in mind we come to play your game because well its a dam good game but if you make it harder and harder to play others will just move on to something that don't take 500,000 stokes of the keys to play.

  13. 6 minutes ago, n00b_m0m0 said:


    I believe the previous person was just annoyed at all the whining going about  in the thread.

    He's not going to change his/her stance in their opinion, no matter what argument you being up against him/her,it'll just create more beef so arguing's just adding more salt to the sea. 

    For now, the numbers tell us that mag is not very viable for those ridiculously op 'endgame' enemies, but Devs have stated that they will workout the enemy scaling in u 19.


    U19 you say how long till that tomarrow? becasue if not we just not play anything fun no farming for some time u19 is ages away what then? and that map looks like a spiders web hows that to make it easier for anyone anyways

  14. My question is why didn't they work with us the players to make these changes rather than BAM Bombard to the face like a vote system and we get to beta try it out....like in the simulator room or something and we give feed back. Why is it they always just dump this stuff on us with no warning and WHY DOES NOTHING SCALE i like to do hard missions but most frames don't scale in the damage so it makes everything so hard to do unless your a rabbit on acid or something honestly maybe make it scale and there will be a hell of alot less complaints the enemies get a nice scaling and instant killing if i stand in one spot for to long why not us why do we have to keep moving to the point that it becomes a fatigue on the hands for us key board and mouse players to just keep going or having a frame that can take a S#&$ load of damage i don't like rhino i don't want to play him i don't like frost i don't want to play him scale it DE please because at this point in time im glad ive found a new game to play till the water cools down as its scolding hot right now so i cant get in and play.

  15. This new update made me flip out and swap my way to play


    Then I was like nope head exploded


    Then I crashed Hard.


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