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Posts posted by dethkittin

  1. Mastery Fodder all this access pack will be.


    I love this, Saryn and Ember are my favourite to play as looks wise, but I haven't played Saryn for a long time since the horrible changes ruined her and made Miasma useless


    I hope they make a story to her too, the second dream quest made me get interest back in warframe again, I'm hoping for actual story instead of just repetitive killing, the story was so great, aw.


    - the powers are just too impractical now :( I really hope the changes get removed or something if they are going to make a prime one. :(

  2. Please please bring it back, the people that actually like playing the game loved the stuff Baro gave, some of them were really useful :( Don't listen to the 12 year old boys on the forums, most people who play do not use forums - for stuff like this you really should do an in-game poll or on the launcher or something. :(


    Please :(

  3. "


    I decided to add another Forma to my Soma, to change a polarity on it. I presumed the Lens would remain and it did- except it was reverted into a standard, lesser Lens. I though, maybe once I get it back to 30 it'll turn back (I did get the Greater Lens with plat). 


     However that was not the case, and my 40p Greater Lens is now a lesser Lens.





    Has this been fixed?

  4. I loved ogris, the ammo nerf made me so sad, can't use it anymore :(



    edit: ogris looks sensible, maybe add more wires and stuff so it doesn't look as plain it doesn't really need drastic changes at all


    300px-Patriot_System_2.jpg 300px-Maintenance_check_on_a_Patriot_mis


    Please at least tell us more. A lot of people think you're flat out removing something. Please let us know what's coming in its place, if anything.

    If there's nothing in place of it, we need a reason.


    I'm sorry to say this, but it's really not smart to just pop in and say: "By the way, no more keys soon. GL;HF".

    It's safe to say that the warning is appreciated, but tell us just a hint more?



    When it comes to deciphering PR/press releases, the important thing often is what information is NOT given rather than what it is


    If the reason for doing this was something positive to be lauded, it would be posted, advertised, as a good thing for everyone


    If the reason for doing this is something less positive, something less palatable for the public, it is not given and simply the action posted is described matter-of-fact to make it harder to criticise - that's what we seem to have here :(


    We can only guess, but I imagine they want us to do the boring low level missions more for... some reason, and have not allowed Rebecca to say what the reason is because it's perhaps something rather cynical ordered from suits who make short term decisions in a field they don't really understand about, and don't care about driving people away from the game in the long run -.-



    I don't really like interception (I like to play as a team with my team, when people are spread out miles away from each other you almost might as well be solo really...), if I cannot play the T4 high-end missions (the only ones that are worth my time at high level when there's ridiculously expensive mods to feed credits and fusioncores) then all that's left for me to is to just not login to play at all...


    endevite, on 05 Jan 2015 - 11:13 PM, said:



    Stuff like this is why friends of mine keep taking long vacations (only to never come back)

  6. kubrow are so ugly


    kitties plees





    I would link to a much more constructive thread I made with ideas but I got 'warned' by a 'community' moderator for linking..

  7. If there were going to be mugs I hope it would be like like snugmugs because I hate how cheap basic mugs are so small it's almost not worth the time spent to make a drink, I want a proper mug mm

    something like this:




    (I like with http://www.whittard.co.uk/tea/type/black-tea/english-breakfast-tea/english-breakfast-black-loose-tea.htm'>Whittard's english breakfast tea and floating tea infuser :))

  8. Selling:





    ~~*~ PRIMES ~*~~
    Wyrm Prime Blueprint

    Nyx Prime Blueprint,Helmet,Systems
    Rhino Prime Chassis
    Ember Prime Chassis,Systems,Helmet
    Frost Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Systems,Helmet)
    Mag Prime Blueprint,Chassis,Systems

    Bronco Prime FULL SET (also selling Blueprint, Receiver)
    Akbronco Prime Blueprint
    Akbronco Prime Link
    Bo Prime Blueprint,Ornament
    Boar Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    BOLTOR PRIME FULL SET (alos selling separate Blueprint,Stock,Barrel)
    Braton Prime FULL SET(also selling separate Blueprint,Receiver,Barrel)
    BurstonPrime Receiver,Stock
    Dakra Prime Blueprint,Blade
    Fang Prime FULL SET(also selling Blade,Handle)
    Glaive Prime Blueprint,Disc
    Latron Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    Lex Prime Barrel
    Orthos Prime FULL SET
    Paris Prime Blueprint,Lower Limb
    Reaper Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Handle)
    Scindo Prime Blueprint,Handle
    Sicarus Prime Blueprint,Barrel

    ~~*~ MODS! ~*~~

    Transient Fortitude(+55%powerstrength)
    Blind Rage(+99%powerstrength)
    Natural Talent(+50%powercastspeed)
    Quick Thinking(drains energy to stop lethal damage with 240% efficiency)
    Vigor(+120%shield & +120%health)
    Reflex Guard(55% chane autoparry any attack)
    Continuity (+30%powersduration)
    Enemy Sense(+30 Enemy Radar)
    Equilibrium(+27.5energy from healthdrops,+27.5health from energydrops)
    Streamline(powers use 30% less power)
    Fortitude(+80%shieldrecharge,+20%chance to resist knockdown)
    Shock Absorbers+(20% damageresistance when knocked down)

     ~*~~AURAS ~*~~
    Steel Charge(+60%meleedamage for whole team)
    Sniper Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Rifle Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Pistol Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Energy Siphon(constant power recharge, +0.6 power recovery)
    Rejuvenation(+3 heal rate)
    Enemy Radar
    Rifle Amp(+27%primaryweapondamage)

     ~*~~SENTINEL ~*~~
    Guardian(automatically instantly recharges player shield by 100% when it runs out, usable every 30seconds, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Fired Up(+60%sentineldamage, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Coolant Leak(freeze aura on sentinel, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Sanctuary(shield around you when reviving an ally, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Maul(+330% kubrow melee damage)
    Loyal Companion(kubrow takes double as long to bleed out)
    Scavenge(***90%*** chance for kubrow to oepn a locked locker)
    Pack Leader(heal kubrow for 36% of your melee attacks damage on enemies)

     ~*~~MAIN WEAPON ~*~~
    Sinister Reach(+12range on any, examples Amprex,FluxRifle,Glaxion,Ignis,Phage,Quanta,Synapse etc)
    Malignant Force(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Toxic Barrage (shotgun+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Split Chamber(+90%riflemultishots)
    Charged Chamber(sniper+40%damage on first shot in clip)
    Hell's Chamber(shotgun+120%multishots)
    Metal Auger(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Seeking Force(shotgun+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Accelerated Blast(shotgun+60%firerate,+60%puncturedmg)
    Seeking Force(shotgun punch through multiples)
    Tainted Shell(-77% spread(focused cone on heavies etc) -66% firerate)
    Contagious Spread(shotgun+90%toxindamage)
    Charged Shell(shotgun+90%elecdamage)
    Chilling Grasp(shotgun+90%colddamage)
    Incendiary Coat(shotgun+90%firedamage-Maxed)
    Shotgun Spazz(shotgun+90%firerate)
    Vital Sense(+120%riflecritdam)
    Thunderbolt(arrows explode)
    Firestorm(+24% blast radius on AOE weapons, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Tainted Mag(+66%magazinecapacity)
    Rifle Ammo Mutation(extra rifle ammo from any other other ammo drops)
    Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    Arrow Mutation
    Sniper Ammo Mutation
    Bane of Grineer(rifle+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)
    Cleanse Corpus(shotgun+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~SECONDARY WEAPON ~*~~
    Pistol Pestilence(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Barrel Diffusion(+120%multishots)
    Lethal Torrent(+60%multishots,+60%firerate)
    Magnum Force(+66%damage -33%accuracy good for spray type guns or angstrum for bigger area of damage)
    Pathogen Rounds(+90%toxindamage)
    Seeker(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Target Cracker(+60%critdamage)
    Hollow Point(+60%critdamage)
    Steady Hands(-60%recoil)
    Ice Storm(+40%icedamage,+40%magazine)
    Burdened Magazine(+60%magazinecapacity)
    Stunning Speed(+40%reloadspeed,+10%statuschance)
    Expel Grineer(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)

     ~*~~MELEE ~*~~
    Virulent Scourge(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Blind Justice(very rare nikana stance, reverse grip style fast slashing and impaling strikes)
    Homing Fang(very rare dagger stance, fast strikes, many hits, no more doges)
    Bleeding Willow(very rare polarm stance, strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos)
    Spoiled Strike(+100%damage)
    Corrupt Charge(+100%meleechannellingdamage)
    Whirlwhind(+180%flightspeed for thrown melee, super rare mod)
    Berserker(+30%attackspeed for 24secs every critical hit)
    Energy Channel(convert 200% energy used to bonus damage on next melee attack)
    Power Throw(punch through multiples with thrown melee weapons)
    Rending Strike(+60%meleepuncturedamage & +60%chargedamage)
    Sundering Strike(90%puncturedamage)
    Heavy Trauma(+90%impactdamage)
    Molten Impact(90%firedamage)
    Smite Corpus(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~ARCHWING ~*~~
    Energy Inversion(+80%shieldcapacity)
    Argon Plating(+72%armour)
    Cutting Edge(+60%meleedamage)
    Bleeding Edge(+110%critdamage)
    Venomous Clip(+120%toxindamage, surprisingly good in archwing because most of them have 'health' underneath armour or shields like with normal enemies)
    Magazine Extension(+60%magazine)

  9. Selling:





    ~~*~ PRIMES ~*~~
    Wyrm Prime Blueprint

    Nyx Prime Blueprint,Helmet,Systems
    Rhino Prime Chassis
    Ember Prime Chassis,Systems,Helmet
    Frost Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Systems,Helmet)
    Mag Prime Blueprint,Chassis,Systems

    Bronco Prime FULL SET (also selling Blueprint, Receiver)
    Akbronco Prime Blueprint
    Akbronco Prime Link
    Bo Prime Blueprint,Ornament
    Boar Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    BOLTOR PRIME FULL SET (alos selling separate Blueprint,Stock,Barrel)
    Braton Prime FULL SET(also selling separate Blueprint,Receiver,Barrel)
    BurstonPrime Receiver,Stock
    Dakra Prime Blueprint,Blade
    Fang Prime FULL SET(also selling Blade,Handle)
    Glaive Prime Blueprint,Disc
    Latron Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    Lex Prime Barrel
    Orthos Prime FULL SET
    Paris Prime Blueprint,Lower Limb
    Reaper Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Handle)
    Scindo Prime Blueprint,Handle
    Sicarus Prime Blueprint,Barrel

    ~~*~ MODS! ~*~~

    Transient Fortitude(+55%powerstrength)
    Blind Rage(+99%powerstrength)
    Natural Talent(+50%powercastspeed)
    Quick Thinking(drains energy to stop lethal damage with 240% efficiency)
    Vigor(+120%shield & +120%health)
    Reflex Guard(55% chane autoparry any attack)
    Continuity (+30%powersduration)
    Enemy Sense(+30 Enemy Radar)
    Equilibrium(+27.5energy from healthdrops,+27.5health from energydrops)
    Streamline(powers use 30% less power)
    Fortitude(+80%shieldrecharge,+20%chance to resist knockdown)
    Shock Absorbers+(20% damageresistance when knocked down)

     ~*~~AURAS ~*~~
    Steel Charge(+60%meleedamage for whole team)
    Sniper Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Rifle Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Pistol Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Energy Siphon(constant power recharge, +0.6 power recovery)
    Rejuvenation(+3 heal rate)
    Enemy Radar
    Rifle Amp(+27%primaryweapondamage)

     ~*~~SENTINEL ~*~~
    Guardian(automatically instantly recharges player shield by 100% when it runs out, usable every 30seconds, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Fired Up(+60%sentineldamage, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Coolant Leak(freeze aura on sentinel, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Sanctuary(shield around you when reviving an ally, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Maul(+330% kubrow melee damage)
    Loyal Companion(kubrow takes double as long to bleed out)
    Scavenge(***90%*** chance for kubrow to oepn a locked locker)
    Pack Leader(heal kubrow for 36% of your melee attacks damage on enemies)

     ~*~~MAIN WEAPON ~*~~
    Sinister Reach(+12range on any, examples Amprex,FluxRifle,Glaxion,Ignis,Phage,Quanta,Synapse etc)
    Malignant Force(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Toxic Barrage (shotgun+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Split Chamber(+90%riflemultishots)
    Charged Chamber(sniper+40%damage on first shot in clip)
    Hell's Chamber(shotgun+120%multishots)
    Metal Auger(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Seeking Force(shotgun+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Accelerated Blast(shotgun+60%firerate,+60%puncturedmg)
    Seeking Force(shotgun punch through multiples)
    Tainted Shell(-77% spread(focused cone on heavies etc) -66% firerate)
    Contagious Spread(shotgun+90%toxindamage)
    Charged Shell(shotgun+90%elecdamage)
    Chilling Grasp(shotgun+90%colddamage)
    Incendiary Coat(shotgun+90%firedamage-Maxed)
    Shotgun Spazz(shotgun+90%firerate)
    Vital Sense(+120%riflecritdam)
    Thunderbolt(arrows explode)
    Firestorm(+24% blast radius on AOE weapons, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Tainted Mag(+66%magazinecapacity)
    Rifle Ammo Mutation(extra rifle ammo from any other other ammo drops)
    Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    Arrow Mutation
    Sniper Ammo Mutation
    Bane of Grineer(rifle+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)
    Cleanse Corpus(shotgun+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~SECONDARY WEAPON ~*~~
    Pistol Pestilence(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Barrel Diffusion(+120%multishots)
    Lethal Torrent(+60%multishots,+60%firerate)
    Magnum Force(+66%damage -33%accuracy good for spray type guns or angstrum for bigger area of damage)
    Pathogen Rounds(+90%toxindamage)
    Seeker(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Target Cracker(+60%critdamage)
    Hollow Point(+60%critdamage)
    Steady Hands(-60%recoil)
    Ice Storm(+40%icedamage,+40%magazine)
    Burdened Magazine(+60%magazinecapacity)
    Stunning Speed(+40%reloadspeed,+10%statuschance)
    Expel Grineer(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)

     ~*~~MELEE ~*~~
    Virulent Scourge(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Blind Justice(very rare nikana stance, reverse grip style fast slashing and impaling strikes)
    Homing Fang(very rare dagger stance, fast strikes, many hits, no more doges)
    Bleeding Willow(very rare polarm stance, strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos)
    Spoiled Strike(+100%damage)
    Corrupt Charge(+100%meleechannellingdamage)
    Whirlwhind(+180%flightspeed for thrown melee, super rare mod)
    Berserker(+30%attackspeed for 24secs every critical hit)
    Energy Channel(convert 200% energy used to bonus damage on next melee attack)
    Power Throw(punch through multiples with thrown melee weapons)
    Rending Strike(+60%meleepuncturedamage & +60%chargedamage)
    Sundering Strike(90%puncturedamage)
    Heavy Trauma(+90%impactdamage)
    Molten Impact(90%firedamage)
    Smite Corpus(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~ARCHWING ~*~~
    Energy Inversion(+80%shieldcapacity)
    Argon Plating(+72%armour)
    Cutting Edge(+60%meleedamage)
    Bleeding Edge(+110%critdamage)
    Venomous Clip(+120%toxindamage, surprisingly good in archwing because most of them have 'health' underneath armour or shields like with normal enemies)
    Magazine Extension(+60%magazine)

  10. Selling:





    ~~*~ PRIMES ~*~~
    Wyrm Prime Blueprint

    Nyx Prime Blueprint,Helmet,Systems
    Rhino Prime Chassis
    Ember Prime Chassis,Systems,Helmet
    Frost Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Systems,Helmet)
    Mag Prime Blueprint,Chassis,Systems

    Bronco Prime FULL SET (also selling Blueprint, Receiver)
    Akbronco Prime Blueprint
    Akbronco Prime Link
    Bo Prime Blueprint,Ornament
    Boar Prime FULL SET (also selling separate Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    BOLTOR PRIME FULL SET (alos selling separate Blueprint,Stock,Barrel)
    Braton Prime FULL SET(also selling separate Blueprint,Receiver,Barrel)
    BurstonPrime Receiver,Stock
    Dakra Prime Blueprint,Blade
    Fang Prime FULL SET(also selling Blade,Handle)
    Glaive Prime Blueprint,Disc
    Latron Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Barrel,Receiver)
    Lex Prime Barrel
    Orthos Prime FULL SET
    Paris Prime Blueprint,Lower Limb
    Reaper Prime FULL SET(also selling Blueprint,Handle)
    Scindo Prime Blueprint,Handle
    Sicarus Prime Blueprint,Barrel

    ~~*~ MODS! ~*~~

    Transient Fortitude(+55%powerstrength)
    Blind Rage(+99%powerstrength)
    Natural Talent(+50%powercastspeed)
    Quick Thinking(drains energy to stop lethal damage with 240% efficiency)
    Vigor(+120%shield & +120%health)
    Reflex Guard(55% chane autoparry any attack)
    Continuity (+30%powersduration)
    Enemy Sense(+30 Enemy Radar)
    Equilibrium(+27.5energy from healthdrops,+27.5health from energydrops)
    Streamline(powers use 30% less power)
    Fortitude(+80%shieldrecharge,+20%chance to resist knockdown)
    Shock Absorbers+(20% damageresistance when knocked down)

     ~*~~AURAS ~*~~
    Steel Charge(+60%meleedamage for whole team)
    Sniper Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Rifle Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Pistol Scavenger(+150% extra ammo from pickups)
    Energy Siphon(constant power recharge, +0.6 power recovery)
    Rejuvenation(+3 heal rate)
    Enemy Radar
    Rifle Amp(+27%primaryweapondamage)

     ~*~~SENTINEL ~*~~
    Guardian(automatically instantly recharges player shield by 100% when it runs out, usable every 30seconds, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Fired Up(+60%sentineldamage, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Coolant Leak(freeze aura on sentinel, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Sanctuary(shield around you when reviving an ally, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Maul(+330% kubrow melee damage)
    Loyal Companion(kubrow takes double as long to bleed out)
    Scavenge(***90%*** chance for kubrow to oepn a locked locker)
    Pack Leader(heal kubrow for 36% of your melee attacks damage on enemies)

     ~*~~MAIN WEAPON ~*~~
    Sinister Reach(+12range on any, examples Amprex,FluxRifle,Glaxion,Ignis,Phage,Quanta,Synapse etc)
    Malignant Force(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Toxic Barrage (shotgun+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Split Chamber(+90%riflemultishots)
    Charged Chamber(sniper+40%damage on first shot in clip)
    Hell's Chamber(shotgun+120%multishots)
    Metal Auger(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Seeking Force(shotgun+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Accelerated Blast(shotgun+60%firerate,+60%puncturedmg)
    Seeking Force(shotgun punch through multiples)
    Tainted Shell(-77% spread(focused cone on heavies etc) -66% firerate)
    Contagious Spread(shotgun+90%toxindamage)
    Charged Shell(shotgun+90%elecdamage)
    Chilling Grasp(shotgun+90%colddamage)
    Incendiary Coat(shotgun+90%firedamage-Maxed)
    Shotgun Spazz(shotgun+90%firerate)
    Vital Sense(+120%riflecritdam)
    Thunderbolt(arrows explode)
    Firestorm(+24% blast radius on AOE weapons, SUPER INSANELY RARE MOD)
    Tainted Mag(+66%magazinecapacity)
    Rifle Ammo Mutation(extra rifle ammo from any other other ammo drops)
    Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    Arrow Mutation
    Sniper Ammo Mutation
    Bane of Grineer(rifle+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)
    Cleanse Corpus(shotgun+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~SECONDARY WEAPON ~*~~
    Pistol Pestilence(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Barrel Diffusion(+120%multishots)
    Lethal Torrent(+60%multishots,+60%firerate)
    Magnum Force(+66%damage -33%accuracy good for spray type guns or angstrum for bigger area of damage)
    Pathogen Rounds(+90%toxindamage)
    Seeker(+2.1punchthrough to hit multiple enemies)
    Target Cracker(+60%critdamage)
    Hollow Point(+60%critdamage)
    Steady Hands(-60%recoil)
    Ice Storm(+40%icedamage,+40%magazine)
    Burdened Magazine(+60%magazinecapacity)
    Stunning Speed(+40%reloadspeed,+10%statuschance)
    Expel Grineer(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-toGrineer)

     ~*~~MELEE ~*~~
    Virulent Scourge(+60%toxindamage,+60%statuschance)
    Blind Justice(very rare nikana stance, reverse grip style fast slashing and impaling strikes)
    Homing Fang(very rare dagger stance, fast strikes, many hits, no more doges)
    Bleeding Willow(very rare polarm stance, strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos)
    Spoiled Strike(+100%damage)
    Corrupt Charge(+100%meleechannellingdamage)
    Whirlwhind(+180%flightspeed for thrown melee, super rare mod)
    Berserker(+30%attackspeed for 24secs every critical hit)
    Energy Channel(convert 200% energy used to bonus damage on next melee attack)
    Power Throw(punch through multiples with thrown melee weapons)
    Rending Strike(+60%meleepuncturedamage & +60%chargedamage)
    Sundering Strike(90%puncturedamage)
    Heavy Trauma(+90%impactdamage)
    Molten Impact(90%firedamage)
    Smite Corpus(+30%ALLdamage-includingelementalmods-tocorpus)

     ~*~~ARCHWING ~*~~
    Energy Inversion(+80%shieldcapacity)
    Argon Plating(+72%armour)
    Cutting Edge(+60%meleedamage)
    Bleeding Edge(+110%critdamage)
    Venomous Clip(+120%toxindamage, surprisingly good in archwing because most of them have 'health' underneath armour or shields like with normal enemies)
    Magazine Extension(+60%magazine)

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