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Posts posted by Erick0515

  1. Hotfix 12.6.1


    Fixed missing head on Excalibur when swapping out Proto Armor skin.

    Fixed issue where 1 Oxium was being sold for 10 Platinum, correct Market Price is 30 Platinum for 300 Oxium.

    I was wondering if boar prime got nerfed after this maybe by accedent? because the damage of boar prime got extremely low.?

  2. I've seen this touched on in other threads, and even suggested it myself as part of another idea, but I figured I'd make this thread just for this discussion.

    I suggest adding Toxic, Electric, Fire, and Cold damage Mods as Warframe mods. These would combine with any inherent elemental damage that Warframe already uses, in the same way weapons do currently.

    For example: Adding an Electric damage mod to a Frost would cause all his damage abilities to inflict Magnetic, rather than Cold damage. Adding a Toxic damage mod to an Ember would cause all her attacks to cause Gas damage instead of Fire. And adding the same Toxic damage mod to a Volt would cause all his abilities to inflict Corrosive damage. Or, just adding Fire damage to an Ash would allow his damage-causing abilities to also inflict Fire damage.

    So - four new mods that any Warframe can equip that would add a percentage of damage for a specific element, similar to those already available for weapons. With the implementation (and fine-tuning) of Damage 2.0, adding these mods would not only greatly expand Warframe builds, but also expand each elemental-based Warframe with the addition of Elemental combinations.

    What do you think?

    So what I was thinking is that perhaps instead of adding the elemental damage, the mod would only work on a warframe that already has that element because what you are saying sounds like you want to make every warframe have elements (that would completely ruin Elemental warframes). For Example: Ember would only be able to use Fire Element mod just to add fire damage to the damage she already does.

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