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Posts posted by GenericOverusedName

  1. Had a bit of a debate with a few friends - what IS saryn? You know, like, Valkyr is the cat, Zephyr is the birb, Oberon is the goat...

    Spores make me think mushrooms, but my friend said she had to be reptile because she molts. So, I thought, well, what else molts that has spores?

    A mantis with cordyceps. So, I went and drew it 🙂


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  2. I've been having so much fun with Wisp ever since I got her, and I wanted to draw mine 🙂


    Lot of colors from the Lotus palette for... reasons. I have the Udyat syndana and the Hulta shoulders on her because I feel like they match her well. The Zaw is a custom one I made just for her - Balla / Korb / Vargeet II Ruhang, lots of crit and Exodia Contagion. I've called it Prominence, and I like to think that the projectiles it throws are little these solar flares that she summons.

    I hope you like it; this is the first time I've actually finished a work in a long while...

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  3. I had an idea in my head that there should be an infested Kavat, similar to the charger. I know they're immune in the lore, but doesn't mean I can't try drawing it at least. And then my friends nagged at me to post it here so, hello! Have a freaky cat.


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