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Posts posted by DekaCube

  1. It is happening way to much for RNG to not be broken, i got 8 sicarus prime barrels in a row also from t3ext. This was before rhino prime. So Each run gave me a 20% chance of getting a sicarus prime barrel. I was after forma. If drop rates were equal like was stated, my chances at getting that many sicarus prime barrels was 0.000256% and my chance to not get any forma was 16.77%. RNG is not behaving as stated it should be, everyone knows it, there are enough people hitting astronomical odds on everything for me to belive not that RNG is broken(this might be intended) but not working as it was stated that it should. More people should keep submitting their astronomical luck to those who believe rng is working as it was stated, more data, higher confidence intervals.


    That being said, I'm beggining to keep data of everything i get from void missions. WE WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.

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