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Posts posted by Elliott500

  1. I've got the snipetron up to 15 myself, and I have to say I've found it really usefull. It's cumbersome as hell and the limited fov/reload time is annoying, but to be expected. But yeah, for me at least it one shots most enemys if I aim for the head and is overall very usefull. Especially with a penetration mod.

    I agree with the latron though, it feels very weak.

  2. Agree an all points.

    Besides the first. Numbers > any kind of expanding crap. I wan't precise information on my shield/health. Not some crap Bar shrinking with zero information.

    I was meaning more as an added feature then a replacement, so for a rough idea it's easy to see and you can have the accurate information in the UI still.

  3. I have to say, I'm really enjoying the game so far. It's taken me by surprise - for a free to play game it has extroidinarily good design and polish. It's a brilliant experiance. Heres my feedback so far on what could possibly be done to improve the game.

    1) Improved Health/Shield UI. It's too out of the way at the moment. Perhaps a Crosshair UI like in the latest half life games could help, where it shrinks/expands dependant on sheilds/health or sheilds/ammo?

    2) More maps. I know it's underway but a little diversity would be key here.

    3) Stealth. Has the potential to be really good if made a viable option.

    4) Energy system could do with rethinking. It's nice but sometimes frustrating when other teamates grab it all. Perhaps a shared resource?

    5) More ways to preview stuff before you spend all your hard earned credits on it. Perhaps for 1000 credits you get to use any gun for one map, locked at level 1, just to get a feel for it first. Also for warframes, perhaps a solo only preview with all powers so you can try before you buy. Would lead to a lot less frustration.

    6) Please fix clipping into enemys, makes swordplay get quite annoying.

    7) Customisable guns? The garish green of the machinegun is really off putting for me.

    8) Put down the requirements of blueprints in the shop so we know what we need before we buy it.

    Balance problems

    1) Playing with ember, fireball/world on fire are quite underpowered and don't really do much. Increase the radius of fireball and add splash damage.

    2) Volts sheild abilty costs too much to ever be viable.

    3) Lokis switch teleport is pretty much useless for almost every situation, it's not robust enough to be a power in my opinion. Especially with the huge cost.

    4) Latron is really underpowered in my opinion, considering the cost it really doesn't seem to be an effective weapon.

    Thank you for reading =)

  4. It's an effective weapon. Does good damage, but it's weakness is the bolts have travel time and bullet drop. Even so, it's awesome fun to impale everything, it sends them flying across the maps.

    The Bronco/Lex might be more effective but this is fun as hell.

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