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Posts posted by invisible131

  1. I think this is my best looking cool bro so far - male (nothing against females, it's just their fluff makes them a bit too cute with this build, but it suits them I guess), max height, red and black fur AND blue eyes. His mommy would be proud if she could see him now.




    He's also very protective and provides cover when I'm shooting.


    his mummy just saw him and likes him, he is better then the original :D

  2. Hi guys, Here is my entry for the Zoren (and hopefully Scindo, my both favourite melee)


    Not sure if I have enough time for the guns :( still have one exam in 22.Sept. C/c are always welcome :D

    I was doing something just like this, but u got it before,well, I guess I'll stick to my vectis since akmagnus is unbeatable, maybe lett's see if I get new ideas for my zoren..

  3. The only way to be faster is to use a DMR. i.e. Latron Wraith or Prime. Vectis can still handle exterminates very easily, it's not like you encounter a horde. Inbetween the time you aim, you can reload lol.

    well I tryed my old vectis before the buff on a long t3 survival and when there are a lot of enemies u really need to aim only at the priority targets while the rets of teh squad kills teh rest, but if u are alone and don't have a secondary like brakk...

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