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Posts posted by licrone

  1. In the Elite Sanctuaire Onslaught, (I was runing in solo) wave 2 the sound become the music of the login until the end of the mission. In the same mission my energy was replenish by my Energizing Dash but when the timer got around 15 I lost energy at the same rate I was gaining the second earlier (it wasn't because of some eximus sangsue, as soon as I refresh my energizing dash I regain energy even if I was in the same spot and haven't killed anyone. I was using Saryn and zenurik as focus school.


    In the mission of today (the 3rd, mobil def, in coop) with my Gara when I first cast her 2 the damage was negative. I made a glass wall and break it (power 4+1) with my 2 still active and the damage stay negative ( the enemie where hurt by the explosion of the 4 but the 2 was doing 0 damage). Then I think the timer goes out, I recast her 2 and everything work again. None of my team and myself where using power donation.

    In the plaine one of the grineer ship got stuck in a sniper tower and just turn around if (none of the grineer try to go down while it happend).

    In the hall between cetus and the plain, beside the door who go to Cetus there is a point where you can see through the map. (I try to join pics of it but it's the first time I'm posting here and I get a little confused, pics may follow in my next post)

  2. J'ai perdu l'adresse mail sur laquel était lié mon compte donc je veux changer ça. Sauf que si je passe par le forum (My settings, Email&Password) il semblerait que mon mot de passe soit incorrecte (ce qui n'est visiblement pas le cas vu que je peux poster ici). Donc si quelqu'un sait comment faire autrement je voudrais bien savoir. (et ça viens pas du pc, un pote a testé sur le sien et même probleme, mdp valide pour se connecter mais pas pour valider le changement)

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