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Posts posted by (PSN)Astaidi

  1. 9 minutes ago, Myscho said:

    Because DE dont bother to write story background for it 

    You're not wrong. I might have forgotten bits and pieces of the story but it feels like we've skipped from New War, to what is basically just a new Derelict tileset in the Zariman with vague ideas of how and what happened and any more information on the Void Angels, to R18+ Inside Out simulator.

    I like Duviri, but not even getting any further information on WHO Dominus Thrax is. Like I mentioned, I've got more from threads on Reddit than I have DE.

    I was mentioning to my friend how the concept of it being Rell makes the most sense and how they could've leaned into that with more than just Dominus having a tantrum over the doll. Like... The mask splitting and unveiling the face of a Void Child, that being Rell. And then learning that this dimension is his creation after the events of Chains of Harrow, came from that feeling of being an outcast and hating seeing the faces of people who looked down on him because he was different and considerably more excessive with each emotion he may express. So, he created a dimension that is dictated by his emotions, and no one can look at him in a certain way because all of them have masks to cover up the sadness, jealousy or joy... It's all "the same". But no, it was a tedious Quest of doing old mission nodes in a new tile set with a horrible ending, which we waited an extra 4.5 months to be given; let alone the fact that half of that was to "iron out bugs" and yet it was still loaded with plenty of bugs on release. Not everything needs to be perfect, but whoever is writing these stories needs to get their sh*t together.

  2. Hearing that it's another Nora's Mix is incredibly disappointing. The story progression lately has been lacklustre, and in all honesty, rubbish. New "missions" where it's the same as old, with one extra step. The Mirror Defence is just Uranus Defences with a need to pick up 50 crystals to earn something useful. I was discussing with my friend last night about how they could potentially dig deeper into the Duviri quest-line with a chapter. Why are there no Wolf of Saturn Six or Glassmaker chapters? Why are we getting recycled content? I understand some people want items they didn't manage to get in previous chapters, but it just seems incredibly lazy.

    I have had more "story progression" out of conspiracies, ideas and threads on Reddit, than I have from DE in the last 2 years. It's insane. Hell, give us more assassination targets, introduce new planets/moons that are apart of the system. I am still waiting to see a Titan, Callisto, Triton. Give us more Tenet Weapons; more Kuva melee would be nice considering how many of you have to pick from. I enjoy the game, but seriously, every time a new 'update' comes out, after reading on speculation and potential upcoming events, there's been nothing but disappointment. Where are those more frequent in-game events that were being spoken of... Oh, I don't know... Over a year ago? We still are stuck with Thermal Fractures and the Cetus Event. I swear, I've only seen Plague Star ONCE since then, and other than that, no other events, not even new or rotating rewards in the constant events... 

    I'll continue to play the game, but all of what the game could be seems to be met with an 'endless hope' and that hope being crushed by a weight of disappointment.

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