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Posts posted by (PSN)DertyJoe

  1. Just to save everyone the stress of waiting for U14, (seems we have nothing better 2 do) I used my magic 8 ball and gazed into the future. I seen U14 release date of 9.9.14

    Take that destiny! Tenno rule!

    Thanks DE 4 all that u have given us. So pumped at the future of WF. And yes cross platform will be epic

  2. I think we should implement a rule of atleast M. Rank 4 before we will recruit. Then you know they are going to possibly be helpful to the clan. And that shows they are atleast progressing some on their own. Just my opinion...

  3. dertyjoe is a clan mate just to put it in context he also knows I am a medical practioner. Joe painful urination (dysuria) is usually felt in the tube that carries urine out of the bladder (urethra) or the area surrounding your genitals (perineum). Anyone may experience bouts of painful urination. This is a common symptom of a urinary tract infection (uti), especially in women. In men however uti are less common so usually painful urination is most commonly caused by urethritis and certain prostate conditions. I would urge you to seek advice and examination from a qualified professional at your earliest convince. Hope that helps Joe lol

    Boom! I'm cured

  4. if there are any burning questions or anything people want answered please feel free to post and hopefully I can answer to your satisfaction lol

    Since u brought it up, I'm curious if burning sensations while urinating is something u may be familiar with? Any suggestions.....

  5. I paid for helmets with stats and i grinded a few alerts for helmets with stats. That was my choice. Please let me keep what I purchased. Don't sell me something then come and change it after I already own it. Just not fair. People talk about acquisition of stat helmets for players in future being shorted, but as previously stated by others. I can't get excal prime, or many other things. But DE is not punishing those players who started before me. People want purely cosmetic helms, give it to them. Just let stuff stay the way you sold it to us. And btw Thanks 4 a great game!

  6. Just saying thanks for the update details. Great game and for me I have only experienced lag issues in void but either way great game. For those with huge complaints, buy some plat so the game you love can afford to upgrade/update or hell even buy themselves a beer. Maybe during the enjoyment of that frosty mug they have a great insight and boom! Now the void is perfect for all. Just my 2 cents.

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