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Posts posted by schubalts

  1. Please show us how to dodge his near perfect accuracy arrows/knives that can instantly kill frikking RHINOS with Iron Skin active, his ability to completely cancel out or be immune to most of our Warframes' powers, and his ability to literally teleport right up your butt and shank you, while also somehow hitting him often enough to actually take his shields down and deal health damage to him.


    And then there are the times where he bugs out and will murder the entire team instead of one person.

  2. -Titan extractor does not appear in inventory after crafting from blueprint.


    It will still let you deploy the extractor normally, however.  And the blueprint also stayed in my Foundry after crafting the extractor.

  3. Well you really shouldn't have because "Hysteria" died soon after "Female Hysteria"...


    ...at least it should have from any serious medical vocabulary. Mass Hysteria lives on though.


    Hysteria/mass hysteria, hysterical.  I've heard them said on TV over the years.  Not often, though.

  4. Not if you see her as Batman... I mean Batwoman! Then just rock the hell out! Play some Batman the animated series music/cover/remix and just be awesome using shurikens, hand to hand weapons/staff and whatever primary, and pretend to be batma- I mean Batwoman saving the day!



    Wouldn't she be closer to the Phantasm, since we're killing our enemies and she can have claws?

  5. I'll never understand why people don't want a challenge.


    There is literally nothing challenging about having to wait 12/24/72 HOURS on top of the time it takes to grind materials, blueprints, and credits.  Having to wait up to three days, on top of all of that time, is just needless tedium.  Getting the materials needed to craft an item can be challenging, but being forced to twiddle your thumbs is not challenging and never will be.


    Personally I love WF crafting system. It makes you really *earn* what you want, and when you manage to finally build it, it's a great feeling of satisfaction. 


    You earned that item by grinding the materials, blueprints, and credits needed to make it.   Insanely long crafting times are just a slap in the face on top of all of that.

  6. I would just like to say that I find it hilarious that some people have said that the people who want to buy Glaive blueprints for credits want instant gratification.  Let's take  a look at the actual game-time investments required to get the item to the same capabilities (item + Reactor/Catalyst) with both methods (Platinum and credits).



    Buy item with Platinum:  Item instantly shows up in your inventory, ready to use, with a Reactor/Catalyst already installed.


    Buy blueprint with credits:  Open Foundry to see if you even have the materials needed to craft it.  Grind for materials if you don't already have them.  Pay the cost of the blueprint again in order to start crafting the item.  Wait 12 to 24 hours for the item to be crafted.  Claim the item and put item in your inventory.  Buy/craft Reactor/Catalyst to put in item if you like the item enough.


    One of these things actually involves getting an item right now (instant gratification), and the other involves waiting at least 12 hours to get the item.

  7. Losing everything you picked up because you died is not a challenge.  It is frustrating tedium, because you just wasted however many minutes you managed to survive, which can be pretty damn long if you're getting to high waves on defense missions.


    Challenge is the thing that tries to make you die, so you don't get the completion rewards.

  8. How are the Ether Daggers stupidly slow?  You're still able to become the Incarnation of Knives when you spam the attack button.


    They're not a raging buzzsaw like the Fangs (and NOTHING is), but you still hit 3 times per 'attack' for twice the damage of the Fangs per hit, to multiple enemies, while staggering them.  Add in that Ether Daggers don't have a 50% penalty against all Infested (double damage against light Infested, at that!), and you have a damn good set of knives.

  9. This should be obvious, but freeloaders aren't going to keep this game alive, paying customers is.

    Do I have any problem with freeloaders? No I don't, I do however have a problem with freeloaders expecting the same from the game, as paying customers.

    If every free player quits, the playerbase will drop dramatically. This will mean less people for paying players to play with, which will start making them quit. This will continue in an endless cycle until the playerbase is too low to warrant keeping the game running.

    It's not that hard to understand.

    And nobody is saying that free players should get everything for free. They are saying that straightup buying power (the Pro system) is a terrible idea, and should be removed (making the full skill tree/levels not require any purchase) or that there should be an in-game money payment option to unlock it as well. People are completely fine with paying players having unique things, like skins, colors, early access to weapons and warframes, EXP and Credit boosters.

    Just look at Blacklight: Retribution for more examples of well-recieved paying player incentives: Early access to weapons, permanent weapons/armor (also available for in-game money), unique player skins.

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