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Posts posted by paradr0id

  1. So i wanted a pre-assembled Kit Gun ASAP and bought the Daily Special for 189 Plat.

    Screen popped up with select polarity, done, bought, 189 plat poorer and no Kit Gun to be found as secondary. It's not there.

    Thought that Ruuke Zuud did look a tad bit shady but that's a blatant rip-off. Now, where's my gun ? Or at least give me back my plat =P

  2. Link the honor armistice time directly to the tax rates-

    Put up a timer on each succesfully conquered rail with a certain upkeep cost.

    High Resource + Credits tribute makes the timer tick down faster,

    lower taxes makes the timer tick down slower, let the owner of the rail decide if he wants to have his

    rail constantly challenged (=high taxes) or if he's more into a constant, longer rail possession but with lower income (=lower taxes).


    Problem solved.


    High risks should always wield high rewards, there's no other way for MMO exonomics to work but being greedy and wanting a

    high reward immediately should wield a much higher risk which isn't the case right now.


    The "Don't play dark sectors if you are unhappy with the taxing policy of the owner" argument is simply stupid as the dark sectors

    are technically an expansion for the game and i want to be able to play the expansion freely without penalties.


    This is my game. You all just happen to play in it. ;)

  3. I hope DE is working on it. I love this game i can't wait to play!


    Besides us poor Tenno not beeing able to play you of course DO know that DE is losing real hard cash every minute people can't log in and play, right ?

    People can't play so people won't trade, won't farm to trade and won't spend $$$ plat to buy stuff, this equals -$$$ for DE which is bad, mkay ?

    It is in DE's best interest to resolve this situation and resolve it ASAP and best would be to think about implementing a first-level protection of their nodes and network infrastructure to avoid such things happening in the future, if they haven't managed it by now they should manage it in the very near future else no one will keep investing a penny into this game anymore.

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