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Posts posted by Walvens

  1. While doing a run of Mot for Argon with my recently forma'd Yareli (was rank nine at the start of the mission), equipped with a rank 0 copy of the new Arcane Blessing, I noticed about halfway through (10 of a planned 20 minutes) that my maximum health was far higher than it should be (the Arcane is my only source of bonus health)


    (Extra bug that I have no clue on: Blast procs!)


    My current theory is that somehow leveling the Warframe is resetting the stack counter without resetting the actual stacks, but that's just a hunch rather than something based on observations beyond "At rank 30 this didn't happen, after Forma it did".


    Some extra images (one from slightly later in the mission, where blast procs decided to keep being strange, one from right before we left)



    (Image of build taken after the mission)


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