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Posts posted by (PSN)Devilsmirk

  1. My issue is that I've been waiting over 2 weeks for them to fix the broken update. I can't rank up, I lose mission rewards, foundry and arsenal won't load sometimes, and of course the periodical failed to communicate to server/log me out issue. I really love this game. I want to support DE, I want to support the game. But if the game is mostly unplayable, how can I? I almost feel like I wasted my money supporting it to begin with...A whole event was ruined for me because the update pretty much bricked the game for me. And I haven't heard a damn thing from them acknowledging that many of us are experiencing issues and they are working to solve it. In my ticket I get the link to the update section. And there hasn't been a single update from them regarding a fix. My patience is wearing thin. If DE wants more of my money, I want a game that works. The least they could do is send out an email or something. Automated emails are not hard to do. At least it would show that they haven't forgotten about the players who are having these issues. And on a more personal note, I'm embarrassed I introduced this game to several friends, friends who like me came to love it and supported it, and now have a broken game to show for their support.  

  2. I think them attaching "beta" to it, just gives them an excuse when an update goes wrong, like this last one. It's a catch all that they can use. The reality is it's F2P, which means they have tight budgets, their game is great and their F2P model is to be commended. Just don't insult me and tell me it's beta.

  3. Just a heads up. I still get booted back to start screen and more than half the time I do play a game the account info doesn't save. My ps4 is on current update and war frame update installed correctly. Took out a ticket with DE and they responded today by telling me they are aware of problem and submitted a hotfix to Sony. So hopefully it will be corrected this week.

    Been waiting on this fix for almost 2 weeks. (Tomorrow will be 2) Some of my clan mates have told me there's an update today, I'm hoping it fixes the issue. If I hit 3 weeks I'm deleting the game. Lost mission rewards, stuck at my rank test, constant server drops...it's wildly disappointing.

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