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Posts posted by (PSN)bigbulgin

  1. VOLT REWORK ideas

    1st ability: Shock - Same attack, same effects, longer range, base energy cost 5. Improved by range and strength mods. (This way, as advertised in his day 1 description, he can truly use his ability as an alternative to guns)

    2nd ability: "Speed" renamed to "ENERGIZE" - This ability can be toggled ON or OFF. When energized, Volt will still move just as quickly as if he had the old "Speed" ability, but the properties of his other 3 abilities will change:

    ability 1:  ENERGIZED Shock - Shock can now do two things; "THUNDER STRIKE" if targeted towards an enemy, Volt will shoot a Thunderbolt at the enemy (larger in comparison to the thin lightning bolts that he uses in standard shock) Each hit will electrocute the primary target and send surrounding enemies within a certain radius flying. Base energy cost of 10-15. Improved with range and strength mods ./ "WARP" If the targeting circle is aimed away from enemies, Volt will instead just change into a ball of electric energy and warp to wherever the targeting circle is pointed. Can be used repeatedly. Base energy cost of 10. Improved with Range mods.

    ability 3: ENERGIZED Shield - Volt will deploy an energy shield, but the energized version will slowly move forward in the direction that its cast for a limited amount of time. These moving shields will have the same effects as the regular energy shield, but will also damage and electrocute enemies that touch them. base energy cost of 50-70. Improved with range, strength and duration mods.

    ability 4: ENERGIZED Overload - When activated, Volt will assume a firm stance with both feet planted, shoulder width apart, grabbing his gut with both arms as if something large is building up inside of him, then suddenly he'll throw his arms up as dozens of lighting bolts escape his body. Every bolt can chain at least 3-5 enemies, will electrocute, and will put VOLT back into his default un-ENERGIZED mode. Base energy cost 100. Improved with range and strength mods.

    When ENERGIZE is toggled on, it will drain 2-3 energy per second. Efficiency mods can help.

    3rd ability: Energy Shield - Same old energy shield, but make it so no enemies can walk through the front of them.

    4th ability: Overload - same old overload, but scale more into late-game, maybe?

    Passive ability: Starts each mission with full energy (since he was always supposed to be a squishy caster, right?)

    PS. I'm untalented, so I don't have super cool drawing board pictures to show you what I'm thinking, but hopefully your programmers have tons of imagination if you guys were to read this lol.

  2. Will you guys ever do stuff to make the frames more unique besides their moveset?


    y'know like give each warframe passive abilities based on their form and different movement options such as...



    - the claws she already has on her hands and feet could help her cling to walls, ceilings and enemies

    - her running animation could be more frantic than the rest, then during hysteria she could sometimes run on all fours



    - her jump could be higher, has a double jump, glides when jump button is held (mag could have that too)


    I can think of more, but I think it would be pretty cool if each of the frames had a little more going for them than just different stats and 4 special moves to use.

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