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Posts posted by Luminna

  1. Two full Prime Access sales starting from Nyx Prime because Targas Prime looks beautiful, and Nova Prime Access stopped me from having to put faith in that terrible RNG to get new prime weapon parts, that sigil also looks nice, plus it's extra platinum to boot for conveniently getting things I want.


    On top of that... Some high priced platinum packages when they were on 50-75% off coupon.

  2. I think what they should do is make prime weapons / warframes all require mr 5 at the very least.

    However still allow players under the required mr to use them but when doing so the weapon / warframe performs at half its potential. 


    So if a mr 0 players get a weapon that is mr 5 then he will only be able to do 50% damage with it. (so while its stats normally are 300 damage the mr 0 player will only be able to do 150)


    It would at least give players incentive to rank up instead of just buying end game gear at the start of the game and then being left with nothing to work towards


    Soma prime still isn't overly impressive until user supports it with the staple mods, and in order to max it out he/she needs forma as well as max level mods. And how will he/she be able to insert the mods without ranking up the weapon (if forma also, maxing its level several times) at least? That's right, they will have to play a lot. And lastly... Soma prime doesn't do 300 damage, what were you hallucinating about?


    Face it, everyone who supports the 'stop newbies from accessing top tier weapons' just wants to satisfy their selfish ego and using 'punishing newbies gives them more incentive to work harder' as a pretext to defend their views.


    From a business point of view, denying low ranks from accessing Prime Access purchase will cut down sales, I highly doubt DE would cut their profits just to satisfy a few disgruntled players about other people having things they 'worked hard' for when they didn't even pay DE a dime.

  3. Did the two points yesterday for the tactical alert sigil and only realised there's a third one available for this after reading about people's horror stories trying to complete it, so I did this not long ago with a friend and two pub teammates.


    We had two Loki (prime), one Nyx (also prime), but... I took Vauban instead of the usual staples like Trinity and Nova. We also had two CPs and two ESes as well as Nyx dropping energy restore from time to time. Aside from being shot down a few times each, we actually beat them up so badly that my friend's Loki had 250+ kills with 35% damage while I had 19% and 150+, most of the time we held all the towers as well, aside from a few mistakes here and there. Wouldn't call it easy but it wasn't as horrifying as I thought it would be.


    Killing them is entirely possible, get Loki(s) to disarm them, Nyx chaos, and you can chop them down safely.

  4. Leave the current weapons/frames untouched, but apply mastery rank locks behind the newest weapons/frames depending on how effective they are in practice.




    1. The fraction of users that uses the forum are actually a minority compared to how many people play Warframe right now that don't use the forum and just want to have a good time. Implementing drastic changes like bringing MR of Boltor Prime and the likes of other "Oh so overpowered" weapons to much higher levels (2 to 8?) will only make you lose players and more importantly, potentially paying customers because they find that one day their weapons were no longer usable until they grind more? Look at Runescape for example, raising requirement of Rune equipment from the classic 40 to a new high of 50 undoubtedly drove away a lot of players/potential customers.


    2. Again from a business perspective (since nearly all video games are made for profiting), if you can't satisfy everyone, who would you rather keep? New players who buys platinum right away, either get hooked on (continually paying) or quit after already spending on 'ultimate newb set', both already made DE money, or the people who supposedly 'drive the economy of Warframe, but never actually contributed to DE's pockets because all they do is grind and trade for their own platinum use' (supposedly also argues for being able to get Prime Access cosmetics for platinum)? The choice is so obvious you don't even need to think about it.


    3. Some common arguments for raising MR to popular weapons/frames (correct me if I missed a few)


    a. Unfair to veterans who had to play so much hours and they get to have Boltor Prime for 50 plat at low mastery


    I dare say some of you who supports this argument were also those who were strongly against bringing back event dual-stat mods and retired weapons like ether daggers (which made its return) because you wanted to remain 'superior' having things newer players don't? Instead of wanting DE to force the change onto new players for your benefit, you could take actions by refusing to sell primes to low-MR players to get your points across, or are you just hypocrites being anti-newb and still want to profit off them at the same time? And again, which customer is more beneficial for DE: Those who buy platinum and trade for things they need, or those who refuse to spend a dime ever and instead makes all their platinums by selling prime parts?



    b. They get bored quick after having the best gear already, it's in their interest to keep them from having access until they play more


    As many have already mentioned, if they get bored of Warframe that quickly, then it most likely means they weren't that interested in the game in the first place, it's wishful thinking that you think it's better for them to play it the way you want them to play (by grinding more), who are you to tell them that?



    c. Boltor Prime/Rhino Prime is cheaper than standard equipment in the shop and new players shouldn't be allowed to bypass that

    And whose fault is it to have the market flooded with over-abundance of prime parts that sets of Boltor Prime and Rhino Prime are both obtainable for a maximum of 50 platinum (which is even less than the cheapest plat package) each? That's right, everyone who are selling parts on trade channels across various servers. Also, you still need to wait 12 hours (excluding time taken to farm cells which may vary due to RNG) for Boltor Prime and three and a half days (minimum) for Rhino Prime, they don't get pre-made robots and weapons "ready to use" on their purchase. Having friends will make it a lot easier, not having them still means a tough time since most nodes don't have pub sessions.



    d. I see too many many Boltor Primes/Rhino Primes in pub games


    There's a few solutions for that

    - Don't play pubs, only with friends/clan members/alliance members/premade groups

    - Quit the games whenever you see them, just because you hate those loadouts and the thought of seeing new players having them


  5. You can choose to ignore those who ask supposedly trivial questions like "Where do I go get neurodes?", which is not by the way, not everyone knows by instinct that looking at a planet tells you which resource you can get.


    Keeping new players away from regional chat just because you want peace and quiet is just stupid.

  6. Use latron prime, when modded decently it will crit for 7-9k headshots which should take out lower level G3 teams without worries.


    Also, kite them as much as you can, melee guy can't hit someone running, rockets can't hit you as long as you are running and shotgun pellets have travel time. You should also expand the minimap to show up in the center, each of them will show as a yellow blip on the map which lets you avoid them easier.


    Also... At one point of time I was hunting them with a friend, three encounters (two back to back and then one more encounter right after I got death mark again) in a short period, lower conclave may affect their chances after all.

  7. Decided to help a friend get Brakk one day from nothing, first encounter G3 sigil + blueprint, second encounter two games later, double receivers.

    two days later, back to back G3 then one more encounter two games later right after I got death mark again, another sigil but no parts.

    A day later... Barrel also dropped. Always have one person use nekros to make life easier, just play carefree and not worry about not getting the drops you wanted, eventually you will.

  8. Yesterday... Having made brakk months ago, I was using Nekros and helping my close friend get his since the brakk receiver never dropped for him, despite the fact that we were hunting for it at the same time, only differing by one pub game where I got mine. Three encounters, mostly neurodes and rare mods, three brakk blueprints and oh... A second brakk barrel dropped.


    Anyway, yesterday we decided to do it more efficiently by getting death mark then doing Earth exterminates which would allow us to farm kubrow eggs as well as other nice things at the same time, we got a few neurodes, a bite mod, and THREE kubrow eggs (unfortunately I couldn't carry the third one since I used one for incubation and the second one was taking up the reserve slot). When we found the second kubrow egg, I decided to make a joke on Steam chat with him how G3 might be thinking "Nice kubrow egg, it'd be a shame if we broke it..."...


    Then as soon as I pressed enter... That familiar screen flickering took place, and there they were... Good news and bad news, good news is I had Nekros, he had Valkyr and we managed to shred those three in less than one hysteria duration. Bad news is... Even with Orthos Prime shredding Leekter into several pieces, all we could find from him was two neurodes and a rare mod...

  9. Like some of you guys, I've already been through hundreds of various missions and managed to collect all the weapons and archwings, I understand DE making it a necessity to increase grinds by not making drops equal chance so some may end up purchasing with platinum instead, so I'm not here to suggest that drop rates be more balanced so a majority of people can complete each weapon in less than 10 runs or so. I'm making this suggestion because... Archwing missions are way too linear IMO.


    To me, the most enjoyable mission is actually Caelus, just because you have your hands full trying to ward off the seemingly endless mix of space segways, big mining robots and whatnot and still managing to keep the towers under your control. Erpo? Far less mobs especially at earlier waves so you're mostly asleep waiting for more to come. The exterminate and sabotage missions however... Are literally the same thing going through the same tile over and over again, racing to the end and killing things in your way.


    Looking at how land-based missions have chance of death mark assassins (and now syndicate kill squads too), why not apply them to archwing missions also? To me random events could alleviate the boredom of grinding (even a little) if you're trying to get particular weapons and then all of a sudden, your screen flashes.


    How will this work? Well... Corpus issues jetpack to their crewman, so if the Corpus could do it, so could the Grineer, right? For example, have Vay Hek sending G3 out wearing jetpacks and maybe equipped with even more powerful weapons, and maybe upgrade them to archwing when Grineer finally manage to come up with their own versions?


    It would not just be funny watching them trying to hunt you down with relatively inferior equipments, but also make it so that you are never safe as long as you have the corresponding death marks (except during assassination missions, unless it's actually possible for them to show up there too...). More importantly, their chance of showing up is slim to none anyway, gives players slightly more incentive to do archwing knowing they also have a chance to hunt for brakk/detron parts and stalker weapons even in space...



  10. For Akbronco Prime why do we need a Akbornco Prime Link since it's basically a Akbonco in each hand? Because  i see many people use them and they don't seem to be attached together. 


    It's probably how the ammo are shared instead of having you to reload each weapon individually.

  11. Each Formorian battle was 36 hours long (correct me if I'm wrong), you had such a long time to log on Warframe for just five minutes (assuming you had spare cryotic from previous events as well as quest for Odonata) crafting the disruptor and getting on for just one simple battle and then take a long break...


    So, 36 hours for one alert-sized mission was not enough for you? It's understandable if you travelled overseas in places without computer and/or internet access, but I'm sure most people don't have 36-hour social gatherings.


    Honestly, this one spanned way longer than previous events which last just a week, something like this should never happen again.

  12. Hi everyone, today I had a discussion with clan friends about Alad V, I really, really don't understand how he is killed on Jupiter over and over and then laughs at you hysterically every time you enter Thermisto.


    I mean, all those cell farming killing Sargas Ruk and have him respawn kind of makes sense, Grineers do clone in masses so it's perfectly reasonable that they'd just have another one in place after one is killed, just like how people encounter Grustrag Three over and over again (while praying for the right Brakk parts). But Corpus? Sure they can just recruit more and more workers to fight for their cause but, I doubt they can find an exact identical replica of a mad scientist and designate him as the next Alad V, not to mention he's already kind of a rogue member in Corpus anyway...


    I read through all the lores and it kind of implies Alad V may return for even more nasty surprises in the future, but for now what I want to know is... How does he cheat death so many times just to come back and haunt you with his accent (as well as more Zanuka pets)? Is it like someone said, the technocytes somewhat regenerates him after you left him for dead?

  13. Completed brakk in nine encounters:


    1. Using Valkyr, did not know what the flash meant, tried to shoot them with aklato that I was leveling, got bolted quickly.

    2. Using Rhino prime, unlocking nodes with friend's Mag, they came again and quickly shot down friend's warframe, I went to help and got killed instantly, bolted the second time.

    3. Using Nyx, was leveling with friend who was also using Nyx, they came again, this time they were in a very small room and fully charged absorb killed all three at the same time, some neurodes and a natural talent dropped, no brakk parts.

    4. Using Frost, ran through invasion missions in pub, G3 showed up near the end, had 2 minute worth of tough fight but won in the end, split chamber and hell's chamber dropped, still no brakk.

    5. Helping friend get through Earth nodes, G3 showed up at level 42 each, had no more energy to use iron skin, left the game.

    6. Random Grineer survival, G3 popped up within 5 minutes, went down a few times but eventually killed all three, two rare mods and brakk blueprint dropped.

    7. Solo pub invasion, a vauban came, then G3 came, brakk receiver and blueprint #2.

    8. Joined another player's pub invasion, level 50 G3 trio came, stood no chance at all, Loki got bolted.

    9. Running invasion with two friends and a pub player that decided to stick, eventually G3 came near extraction, brakk barrel + third blueprint dropped (pub guy was at extraction and never came back to pick up despite marking it).


    Afterwards... Nekros got bolted with another set of level 50 trio, then a game of three neurode loot while using Loki Prime, sigh...

  14. Mods:

    - Serration maxed

    - Heavy Calibur maxed

    - Magnum Force maxed

    - Bite maxed


    Prime Items:

    - Wyrm prime set

    - 2x Bronco prime sets


    I prefer you to tell me the price in advance, thanks~

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