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Posts posted by (PSN)VIKINGSLUE

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Dublincore said:

    Thanks i'll try it out. A riven it definitely the way to go, you're right, gotta grab one sooner or later. I guess i still have my curiosity about lowering status chance for barrage mode. If i understand correctly the shotgun multishot system, status chance will be split among those 7 pellets (or more if multishot procs), but maybe not so much people use this weapon in shotgun mode.

    Anyway i like how Point Strike/Vital-sense add to the versatility of the weapon, thank you.

    The shotgun status chance only works if it is over 100% meaning that every pellet will proc a status. But the barrage mode on Zarr is not very good or worth modding for compared to other shotguns but you could still mod for it if you wanted to. Most people usually use the cannon as it is the strongest part of the weapon but it is up to you which to mod for. But the weapon destroys endgame enemies easy in cannon mode. 

  2. I think that instead of hammer shot and rime rounds you should go Point Strike and Vital Sense for critical chance and damage. This should allow you to deal with level 80-100 no problem. If you could also get a riven for it then it would be even better but a critical and status zarr is probably the best build fr it and is what I use with a riven.

  3. Prism and Radial Disarm are 4s. Radial Blind is a 2.

    What does that mean? Plenty of other 2s are overpowered not just radial blind.Plus that doesn't mean you nerf one not the other. 

  4. Why nerf Excalibur but not loki?Also you nerf Excalibur but not Mirage's prism.Loki was probably the second most overpowered frame after Excalibur.Also prism has the same range as radial blind AND GOES THROUGH WALLS.I feel like that is pretty unfair.If you feel this is fair PLEASE explain why. THANK YOU

  5. For a general approach, I typically go first for survivability. Redirection, Vitality, Vigor, Rapid resilience(amazing when maxed, and can replace vigor. bleed procs only last for 2 seconds when max), and steel fiber(if applicable/viable to frame being used). I don't use all of those mods just different combinations of them.


    Then I look at the specific frame's powers and build around that.


    For example, Frost or Hydroid.


    Hydroid has two abilities that benefit well from duration, Tempest Barrage and Tentacle swarm, so I try and build him for as much duration as possible.

    Frost has his snow globe that is a great extra set of shields, especially when you're in a pinch so I'd try and balance between power strength and duration to get the most out of the globe, and power strength will also help with ice wave and avalanche as well.


    After I build around that I try, if I can, to fit in any power efficiency I can, that way if energy gets sparse, I might not need to use as many restores, or any at all.


    That would be my advice for a general approach to building for solo. If you want something more specific, I can give you my builds for Hydroid, Frost, Oberon, and Excalibur that I run. And I don't seem to ever have issues with the builds while playing solo, I can easily manage level 30-35 mobs.

    I would appreciate the Excalibur and Frost builds.

  6. Could you give us a general guideline as to where you are in progression? Do you have most core mods? Most frames? A variety of weapons? 


    Duration Loki is amazing for solo missions that don't involve protecting an objective. For protection missions, Nyx is pretty great if you spam chaos as well as a max slow, max duration Nova. But when properly modded, most frames can solo fairly well. Unless you're talking about T4 Survival. Then I'd recommend Nyx or Loki.

    I am MR 14 almost 15. I have most weapons.Most R10 mods maxed and all frames.

    Limbo is almost a literal God in solo if you build him max duration.

    How exactly would you build him though?

  7. This is the build I generally use:




    It's honestly somewhat of a basic build (once Nightmare/Corrupted mods are acquired, at least), and it works for any mission type. With max efficiency, you can use all his abilities as much as you want. Since power strength and range aren't really needed for his abilities (for the most part), you don't have to worry about that. Plus, this build gives you some decent survivability since it leaves room for a maxed Redirection and a maxed Vitality.


    If you want more specialized builds (like for one ability or something), mess around with the different mods in the builder. Be sure to click the "Details" button at the top-right of the modding area to view the full....well, details, about the build and abilities.

    Ok. Thanks.

  8. Bladestorm spam Ash works pretty well. 

    Nova with MPrime build works to about 40, but not great after that.


    Anything tanky or invisible with a good weapon (Ash/Loki, Zephyr, Valkyr, Trinity, even Rhino and Frost).


    Anything CC based with a good weapon (Xcal, Vauban, Nyx to some extent although Chaos kills wont drop LS).


    'Good weapons' include Amprex, Boltor Prime, Latron Prime/Wraith, Soma, Akboltos, Stug, Tysis, Brakk, Despair/Hikou Prime etc, or Dread/PPrime, Vectis, Marelok, Lex Prime for taking out individuals. There are more, 'good weapon' depends on playstyle preference.



    Bladestorm Ash is probably the easiest as its not dependent upon having a powerful weapon. Next would be the invisible and then tanky frames.

    What mods would you use on bladestorm Ash?

  9. so this is my build currently:



    and i was wondering what should i put next, i don't need an ammo mutation mod, what i want is either 60%+status and toxin or 60%+ magnetic, or 40%+ magnetic and some clip size? what do you guys think?

    I would say either scorch or pistol pestilence so you have a high status chance or ice storm for a higher mag capacity.

  10. Duration and range(just stretch is enough for range) turbulence build Zephyr, you will be pretty much invincible in the void, the fusion moas won't even be able to touch you, the only enemy that will are ancients.  And the mobility helps a lot.  There are lots of weapons that will work, just use what you liked best.  Tornado is useful if you get overwhelmed or to hit life support, but usually just having turbulence up is enough to hit life support, dive bomb is useless though.  Bring medium energy/ammo/health restores just in case, though depending on what primary weapon you choose the ammo restores will be needed(I never run mutations on my weapons, its a waste of a mod slot). 

    Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't turbulence sort of glitchy or it doesn't work right?

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