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Posts posted by (PSN)charliebidd

  1. So just survive until extraction is ready? Or you just kill things and have the choice to leave whenever? Could work for sure, but it sounds like an easy version of survival, so the loot shouldn't be as good


    Some cool things to add to that would be giving you less ammo than normal maybe, possibly even reduced health from the crash, just to make it more immersive

  2. I miss the mechanic where charging was different across the board rather than a 50% increase. I like channeling because it adds utility but they should reinstate that system where damage varies with channeling- for example Galatine would have a massive multiplier vs the hate or dakra. Channeling would still be useful on all these weapons, unlike charging, but it would be better for some weapons than others.

    Good idea on the Galatine there. Just give it a huge channeling bonus but a even slower attack speed than it has now. That's IF DE don't want to include charge damage anymore, since the galatine is now a wooden stick in comparison to other swords because of it

  3. You clearly haven't been on the Battlelog (Battlefield 4) forums ever.


    It's basically the DICE hate club, these forums seem so calm to me coming from over there.

  4. As the veteran, I should be able to get through any obstacles I will confront, thank you for taking care of me.

    I don't know bro, level 20+ enemies can be pretty hard when you have the DPS of a tin foil potato launcher 

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